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Constitution Is A Holiday Which Is Always With Us

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  • Constitution Is A Holiday Which Is Always With Us

    Hakob Badalyan
    05 July 06

    Since 1995 July 5 has been celebrated as the Constitution Day. And
    though on November 27 nothing remained of the Constitution adopted
    on June 5, July 5 of 2006 was not an exception, and the society is
    celebrating the Day of Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. The
    word "celebrate" is exaggerated, however, and is closer to the vision
    rather than the reality. The word "not to work" is closer to the
    reality. The Constitution Day is a day off. Usually, holidays are
    days off for the pubic to enjoy them at full. However, with regard
    to the Constitution Day, besides a simple explanation, a day off is
    also symbolic because this document, supposed to regulate state and
    public relations, continues not to work. And apparently by not going
    to work on July 5 the citizens get tuned to the Constitution a day
    in the year, although the contrary would be desirable.

    Perhaps, the Constitution is devised to bring the vision closer
    to the reality for the state to live in accordance with the wish
    or wishes established by an agreement of the society rather than
    separate people. It is known to everyone that the Constitution of
    Armenia adopted in 1995 and changed in 2005 does not reflect the
    wish and approach of the society. In both cases the main law of the
    country was used as a political tool, and in this case it is not
    important whom it served and what prospects it guaranteed for the
    state. Consequently, with regard to the Constitution of Armenia,
    11 years after its adoption the establishment of a tie between
    the constitution and the public remains urgent. The content of the
    Constitution is not a problem. Perhaps, it is not bad, and maybe it
    was not bad before the reform either. We may even assert that the
    Constitution is good, which is affirmed by the leadership of country
    on this holiday, who are to guarantee the work of the Constitution.

    And the work of the Constitution is important, which can fill in for
    content, and the absence of which cannot be filled in by the content,
    because a good Constitution is a Constitution, which is never violated.