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Clerics Concerned About World Deviation From Religious Values

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  • Clerics Concerned About World Deviation From Religious Values

    Yelena Dorofeyeva, Olga Kostromina

    ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia
    July 4, 2006 Tuesday

    Delegates to the World Religious Summit are concerned about the modern
    world's deviation from religious values. They think this may lead to
    degradation of mankind.

    Ethnic and cultural tensions and conflicts threaten mankind, said
    Cardinal Walter Kasper. Secularism, especially that in the Western
    world, is the main reason for weaker morals, he added. At the same
    time, the cardinal stressed the danger of attempts to misuse religion
    as a pretext for hatred and murder.

    U.S. rabbi Arthur Schneier called for promoting public cooperation
    through inter-religious dialog. He thinks that Judaists, Christians,
    Muslims and Buddhists must help world leaders to fight intolerance.

    Politicians should not treat with contempt the role of religions in
    their country, the rabbi said. In his opinion, religion can make a
    weighty contribution to the public development.

    Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Iliya II said that politicians
    "should more actively use the religious factor in the globalization
    epoch." "Church and religious leaders may play a serious role in the
    solution of such problems as terrorism, national conflicts, refugees,
    drug addition and poverty," he said. In some countries clerics have
    such powers, he said.

    Catholicos of all Armenians Garegin II spoke of the dangerous public
    alienation from religious values. He thinks that this alienation is
    a cause of cloning and euthanasia.

    A Hindu cleric, Sri S.T. Swamiji, said they must recognize the
    diversity of the world bestowed by Lord, and help other people accept
    this world as it is.

    Syrian Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassun reminded delegates of the
    high mission of human beings. He said that religions are bound to
    care for natural resources and people created after the image and
    likeness of God.