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Perhaps We Will Cheat Again

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  • Perhaps We Will Cheat Again

    06 July 06

    The government of Armenia made a decision June 16 on a merger between
    Armenergo, the Thermal Power Plant of Hrazdan and Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade
    and Armgasard and work out a privatization package until 2007. It
    became clear from the facts published by the State Tax Agency of
    Armenia that at least three of these companies suffered losses in 2005.

    In 2005 the losses of Armgasard totaled 954.525 million drams,
    Hrazdan TPP 670.250 million drams, Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade 5.621 million
    drams. Armenergo is not on the list. It is not found on the list of
    1000 big taxpayers either, where the 100th taxpayer paid 6.795 million
    drams. So, Armenergo paid less tax and if it does not have losses,
    it does not have income either.

    What is the point of joining three or four weak companies in one and
    can such a company attract investors? In answer to these questions
    Member of Parliament Tatul Manaseryan said normally weak companies
    are taken over by stronger companies, but he said, "I very much doubt
    that these losses are real." In a larger context, Tatul Manaseryan
    says, if the privatization of this merger "makes our energy system
    more vulnerable, I am against it from the aspect of national security
    and economic security." At the same time, Tatul Manaseryan notices,
    "our strategic partner is eager to take over greater assets, therefore
    I cannot understand why it is done and who could have prompted."

    What if this new company is not sold to the Russians? Tatul Manaseryan
    said, "I do not believe in such economic miracles."

    It is pertinent to recall the sale of the fifth generating unit to the
    Russians. At that time Serge Sargsyan interfered and announced that we
    were selling a concrete building rather than a generating unit, which
    is not worth 250 million dollars, in fact. It appeared that we cheated
    the Russians. In fact, if the status of Serge Sargsyan remains the
    same, we will again have to cheat all kinds of our strategic partners.