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G8 Foreign Ministers' Meeting In Moscow - Chairman's Statement

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  • G8 Foreign Ministers' Meeting In Moscow - Chairman's Statement


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, Moscow
    30 Jun 06

    Chairman's statement

    G8 foreign ministers met in Moscow on 29 June 2006 to discuss a
    range of global and regional issues of primary importance to the
    international community.

    The meeting focussed on Iran's nuclear programme and on the Middle
    East peace process. We exchanged views on issues of post-conflict
    stabilization and reconstruction, strengthening peacekeeping capacity
    in Africa, G8 partnership with the BMENA [Broader Middle East and North
    Africa] region, as well as discussed recent developments in Iraq,
    Afghanistan, Western Balkans/Kosovo, Sudan/Darfur, Northern Uganda,
    East Timor, Haiti.


    We reiterate our commitment to a diplomatic solution to the Iranian
    nuclear issue, which remains a source of international concern,
    as highlighted by the resolutions of the IAEA [International Atomic
    Energy Agency] Board of Governors and the presidential statement of
    the UN Security Council.

    We endorse the Vienna Declaration as delivered by [British] Foreign
    Secretary Margaret Beckett on 1 June. The Vienna meeting of the
    "six" resulted in far reaching proposals agreed by the foreign
    ministers of China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom,
    the United States and High Representative of the European Union for
    a long-term comprehensive agreement with Iran based on mutual respect
    and the establishment of international confidence in the exclusively
    peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme. An agreement of this sort
    would allow the Iranian people to enjoy the benefits of modern civil
    nuclear power and would bring Iran many other long-term political
    and economic advantages.

    We are disappointed in the absence of an official Iranian response
    to this positive proposal. We expect to hear a clear and substantive
    Iranian response to these proposals at the planned meeting of Javier
    Solana, the high representative of the European Union, and Dr Ali
    Larijani, the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council,
    on 5 July and to bring these discussions to a rapid conclusion.

    We understand that foreign ministers of China, France, Germany, Russia,
    the United Kingdom, the United States and the high representative of
    the European Union will assess the situation before mid-July.

    Counterterrorism and narcotics

    We considered the draft G8 Declaration on Counterterrorism with
    the annexed G8 Statement on Strengthening the UN's Counterterrorism
    Programme and endorsed its submission for consideration by the G8
    leaders at the St Petersburg summit. We welcomed the results of the
    International Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking Routes from
    Afghanistan that took place on 26-28 June 2006 in Moscow.

    Middle East

    We reiterated our commitment to a negotiated, comprehensive, just and
    lasting settlement in the Middle East. The G8 common goal remains the
    creation of a viable, democratic and sovereign Israel and Palestine
    living in peace and security side-by-side within internationally
    recognized borders.

    The foreign ministers acknowledge the democratic, fair and free
    parliamentary elections in the Palestinian territories in January
    2006. We call on the government of the Palestinian [National]
    Authority to commit itself to the principles of nonviolence,
    recognition of the right of Israel to exist, and acceptance of the
    previous Israeli/Palestinian agreements consistent with the Quartet
    statements as of 30 January, 9 May, and 17 June 2006.

    We welcomed Prime Minister [Ehud] Olmert's and President [Mahmud]
    Abbas' pledge to negotiations and urge both parties to avoid
    unilateral measures which prejudice the final status of the Palestinian

    We call on the Palestinian government to bring terrorist violence to
    an end and to take immediate measures to liberate the abducted Israeli
    soldier. We condemn the extremist groups responsible for these acts
    and all those who jeopardize the prospects for peace.

    We call on Israel to exercise utmost restraint in the current
    crisis. The detention of elected members of the Palestinian government
    and legislature raises particular concerns.

    We call upon all parties to protect all civilians and not to add to
    their suffering. We urge them to assume their full responsibility to
    restore security, allowing for the resumption of the peace process
    and for returning to the road map.

    Concerns were expressed over the severe humanitarian situation in the
    Palestinian territories. We reiterated firm commitment to continue
    providing assistance to the Palestinian people. The foreign ministers
    expressed support for the temporary international mechanism and in
    this regard noted the Quartet statement of 17 June, which endorsed
    this mechanism, and encourage other donors, including other countries,
    to consider early and substantial contributions.

    We agreed that movement and access are key, and in this regard we call
    on both parties to fully implement the Movement and Access Agreement
    of 15 November 2005.

    Foreign Ministers reaffirmed their support for the restoration of the
    Israeli/Palestinian political dialogue in the spirit of the road map
    and based on the UNSC Resolutions 242, 338, 1397 and 1515.

    Western Balkans

    We reaffirmed that the Contact Group remains actively involved in the
    Kosovo future status process with UNSC Resolution 1244, the guiding
    principles and the 31 January London ministerial statement being the
    basis of its activities. We expressed our support for the efforts of
    the special envoy of the UN secretary-general, Mr.Martti Ahtisaari,
    which are within the scope of the abovementioned documents.

    We welcomed the launch of direct BelgradePristina talks and in this
    regard we urge the parties, including the Kosovo Serbs, to negotiate in
    good faith and make every effort to reach a negotiated agreement. We
    underlined that Kosovo must remain multiethnic. The Kosovo leadership
    should pay particular attention to implementing the standards for
    national minorities defined by the international community.

    We note that the UN Security Council remains actively engaged in
    the matter.

    We also agreed on the necessity for Bosnia and Hercegovina to continue
    constitutional reforms.

    Korean Peninsula

    Foreign Ministers reiterated the G8 commitment to the denuclearisation
    of the Korean peninsula, and expressed full support for the six party
    talks. We urge North Korea to promptly return to the talks without
    preconditions and to cooperate in implementing the joint statement of
    19 September 2005 in good faith. We also discussed other security and
    humanitarian issues, including abductions, in North Korea, and urge
    the DPRK to address these concerns of the international community,
    and to respect existing security commitments.

    African peacekeeping capacity building

    The foreign ministers noted the report on strengthening Africa
    peacekeeping capacity, agreed upon at the meeting of the G8 officials
    and those from other key donor partners held in Moscow on 8 June 2006,
    and reaffirmed previous G8 commitments in support of the efforts of the
    African states to build a peaceful and stable Africa. We acknowledged
    progressive implementation of decisions taken at the Sea-Island
    and Gleneagles summits. The G8 has been consistently increasing
    its contribution to the African peacekeeping capacity building,
    including through provision of coordinated technical assistance to
    the creation of African Stand-by Force as well as through setting
    up and making functional national peacekeeping training capacities
    regional training centres for African peacekeepers both in Africa
    and in other parts of the world (including the Centre of Excellence
    for Stability Police Units) in Vicenza, Italy.

    We noted the steps taken so far bring us closer to the implementation
    of the Sea-Island commitments to train and equip about 75,000
    peacekeepers mainly from Africa. We acknowledged the need to enhance
    African logistics capacity, including through provision of equipment,
    equipment depots and support for a transport and logistics arrangement.

    Cooperation and future action in stabilization and reconstruction

    The foreign ministers discussed the draft G8 declaration of Cooperation
    and Future Action in Stabilization and Reconstruction, proposed by
    the United States. We agreed that the rapidly changing international
    environment and evolution of new threats and challenges demands more
    agile, adaptable responses from the international community. We
    underlined that the UN and its Security Council as well as the
    newly established peacebuilding commission are primary players in
    international peacekeeping and S&R operations. We welcomed the US
    Initiative and will remain involved in the matter.


    The foreign ministers reiterated the G8 adherence to the comprehensive
    partnership with BMENA with a view to promoting peace, stability,
    freedom and democracy for all the peoples and nations in the region
    in accordance with the commitments made at the Sea-Island and in

    We agreed that the basis of our cooperation with the BMENA countries
    peer-to-peer dialogue in the spirit of mutual respect for the cultural
    and religious peculiarities, social patterns and traditions.

    The foreign ministers welcomed the commitments on modernization
    and reform made at the Arab League summits in Tunisia, Algeria and
    Khartoum, as well as recognized the role of the "Forum for the Future"
    as the central mechanism for sustaining the dialogue between the G8
    and the BMENA region.


    The foreign ministers reiterated the G8 commitment to Iraq's
    independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. We expressed
    the G8 support for the permanent Iraqi government, commend its
    reconciliation initiative and urge it to continue active efforts
    towards achieving national accord, which is critical for improvement
    of domestic political situation, strengthening the public order and
    security, as well as for Iraq's sustained socio-economic development.

    We call on the international community, in particular the UN,
    international financial institutions, Iraq's neighbours and regional
    governments to respond to this new era in Iraq's development by
    offering broad support for Iraq's new government and its people
    including in responding to the Iraqi government's proposal for an
    International Compact.

    The foreign ministers strongly condemned the barbarian killing of the
    five members of the Russian embassy to Iraq and demanded capture and
    fair punishment for the culprits of this villainy. This tragic event
    underlines the importance of improving security for all in Iraq.


    The foreign ministers welcomed the successful holding of National
    Assembly and Provincial Council elections and formation of a new
    government, and underlined the G8 support for effective implementation
    of the commitments made by the international community and the
    Afghan government within the framework of the London Conference
    on Afghanistan, including the Afghanistan Compact, and taking into
    account that more responsibility for providing security, political and
    socio-economic recovery falls on the Afghan government. Afghanistan
    can be fully confident that the G8 will continue providing all-round
    support and assistance to its formation of peaceful, independent and
    prosperous state, without Taleban heritage, terrorism and narcotics.

    We welcomed ISAF's [International Security Assistance Force] expansion
    southward, to deal with ongoing security challenges, and call on
    regional states to contribute constructively. We also expressed support
    for the UN's continued role, including more robust monitoring and
    coordination. We condemn attacks by Taleban and al-Qa'idah terrorists
    on innocent civilians, Afghan forces and officials and international
    military and civilian personnel. The foreign ministers reiterated the
    G8 commitment to helping Afghanistan with governance, human rights
    and the rule of law.


    The foreign ministers expressed support for the peacebuilding process
    in Sudan on the basis of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, political
    settlement of the conflict in Darfur and negotiated solution to other
    problems in Sudan.

    We stressed the need to provide assistance to Sudan in order to
    ensure its post-conflict recovery and improvement of the humanitarian
    situation in the country, and in this regard we call on donors to
    fully implement their commitments made at the conferences in Oslo
    (April 2005) and in Paris (March 2006).

    We welcomed the Abuja Agreement of 5 May 2006 as the basis for
    political settlement in Darfur. We also stressed the importance to
    ensure a sustainable peace in the region, and to this end we call
    on all parties to implement this agreement, including ending all
    atrocities, and urge all forces and groups operating in Darfur to
    join fully in its implementation. The foreign ministers underlined
    the need for the international community to provide additional support
    to the AU to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under Abuja. In
    view of the last decision adopted by the AU Peace and Security Council
    and the recent UNSC Resolution 1679, we committed to do our utmost to
    implement these steps aimed at transforming the mandate of the AMIS
    [African Union Mission in Sudan] to the UN-led peace-keeping operation
    in Darfur. We welcomed the joint AU/UN Technical Assessment Mission
    in Darfur. We call upon the Sudanese government to cooperate. We also
    call on the governments in Chad and Sudan to prevent clashes in the
    border districts, provide for the protection of the refugee camps in
    Chad, maintain good neighbourly relations and resolve emerging issues
    through dialogue and cooperation.

    The foreign ministers expressed support for the negotiation process
    between the Sudanese government and "Eastern Front" aimed at a
    comprehensive political settlement in Eastern Sudan.

    Nagornyy Karabakh settlement

    The foreign ministers affirmed the support of the G8 for the mediation
    efforts of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group (Russia, United
    States, France).

    We emphasized the need for the soonest agreement on basic principles of
    a peaceful settlement of the conflict to be reached still in 2006. We
    call on Azerbaijan and Armenia to show political will with the aim
    to reach an agreement this year and prepare their peoples for peace
    and not for war.

    Northern Uganda

    Concerns were expressed over the current situation in Northern Uganda,
    its serious humanitarian consequences. The foreign ministers welcomed
    the steps taken by the government of Uganda to improve the situation,
    including the recent creation of the Joint Monitoring Committee and
    cooperation with the governments of the neighbouring DRC [Democratic
    Republic of Congo] and Sudan in tackling the criminal acts of the
    Lord's Resistance Army, and put an end to the humanitarian crisis in
    Northern Uganda. We call on the international community, including
    the UN, to intensify efforts in providing support to overcome
    humanitarian problems, including assistance to the implementation
    of the government's programme of resettlement of IDPs [internally
    displaced persons] and to DDR (disarmament, demobilisation and


    The foreign ministers discussed the situation in Haiti, noted certain
    improvements after presidential elections, as well as expressed concern
    about the persisting difficult humanitarian situation and security
    environment. We reiterated the G8 support for the UN Stabilization
    Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) including its renewed and strengthened
    mandate and reaffirmed that long-term international commitment is
    required. We urge the international community to support the pledging
    conference on 25 July in Haiti.

    East Timor

    The foreign ministers discussed the situation in East Timor, expressed
    their concerns and emphasized the need to help the government of East
    Timor to restore stability, law and order in the country. In this
    regard we note the significant contribution and the quick response
    by Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Portugal. The International
    community should expeditiously respond to the flash appeal of OCHA
    [Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs] issued on 12
    June 2006. We emphasized a major constructive role of the United
    Nations Office in Timor Leste (UNOTIL).

    Other issues

    There was a discussion on the issues related to Abkhazia, South
    Ossetia, the Dniester region and Belarus, raised by some of the

    We also discussed UN embargoes violations through illicit air transport
    of SALW [Small Arms and Light Weapons].