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BAKU: Regulation Of NK Conflict To Be Raised At Moscow Meeting Of Pr

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  • BAKU: Regulation Of NK Conflict To Be Raised At Moscow Meeting Of Pr

    Author: R.Agayev

    TREND Information, Azerbaijan
    July 5 2006

    Heads of the Procurator's Offices of the Council of Europe (CE)
    member-countries will be presented extensive information about the
    important reforms held in Azerbaijan, as well as Armenian-Azerbaijan
    conflict. Such statement was made on July 5 in Moscow by the
    procurator-general of Azerbaijan Zakir Garalov who participates at
    the meeting of the procurators-general of CE member-countries.

    According Garalov, the activity of Armenian armed forces in Karabakh
    and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan is assessed as crime
    against humanity, genocide and ethical cleansing. "We have collected
    enough materials about these facts and will continue to deliver this
    information to European and world public. All these facts, as well
    as photo materials have already been presented to the attention of
    European colleagues and this action will be continued, " told Garalov.

    The key topic of the present 7th conference of procurators-general
    of CE member-countries is dedicated to the interaction of
    procurators-general of CE member-countries in fight with crimes, and
    realization of the role and activity of newly created Consultative
    Council of procurators-general of CE member-countries, Garayev
    stressed. According to Garayev,

    the legislation of Azerbaijan, as well as criminal and
    criminal-procedural codes have been brought into conformity with the
    CE standards and this allow us to cooperate with European colleagues.

    Garalov pointed out that within this forum it is planned to hold
    meetings with the procurators-general of Russia, Hungary, Austria
    and other countries.

    Answering the question about the level of the relations with the
    Russian procurator-general of CE member-countries, Garalov mentioned
    that "Azerbaijan procurators-general's office expands its relations
    with not only Russian colleague, but also procurators-general's
    office of the countries around the world. The relations between
    procurators-general's offices of Azerbaijan and Russia are successfully
    developing and there is not any unsettled problem. We assist each
    other in revealing crimes and delivering offenders," Garalov added.

    The Moscow meeting brought together the representatives of 44 European
    countries, and the common number of the participants, including the
    representatives of international organizations, exceeds 150. Russia
    chair the CE Committee of Foreign Ministers from May to April of
    this year, and one of its first tasks is to conduct the constituent
    conference of the new Consultative Council of CE.