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Geopolitical Reality Is Changing

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  • Geopolitical Reality Is Changing

    07 July 06

    Mathew Bryza's statements show that the geopolitical situation is
    changing in the region, stated Ruben Safrastyan, expert of Turkish
    Studies, who commented Mathew Bryza with Hrant Khachatryan on July
    7 at the Hayeli Club.

    Ruben Safrastyan believes that the geopolitical status quo established
    10-12 years ago is changing, the evidence to this is the pullout of the
    Russian force from Georgia, the operation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil pipeline. Ruben Safrastyan thinks that another display of changes
    underway will be the alleged membership of Georgia to NATO, which
    will happen in the nearest future, says the expert of Turkish studies.

    Ruben Safrastyan says Bryza's statement implies that the United States
    is likely to have political processes in the region, including Armenia,
    adjusted to the new geopolitical state of things. Ruben Safrastyan,
    expert of Turkish studies, thinks that connecting Turkish-Armenian
    relations and the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, which Bryza did,
    is in this context.

    Ruben Safrastyan stresses that this approach is not new and,
    unfortunately, expresses the approach of the United States to
    this issue. He says Armenia should do its best to divide the
    Turkish-Armenian relations and the resolution of the conflict over
    Karabakh by changing the approach of the United States.

    The leader of the Constitutional Right Union Hrant Khachatryan
    agrees with Ruben Safrastyan. According to him, the geopolitical
    frontier has moved towards the East since 1985. In his opinion,
    Armenia should be more alert and attentive in such a situation, get
    rid of historical complexes and make realistic decisions. Therefore,
    according to Hrant Khachatryan, there are quite favorable international
    components, and we only have to find a correct and effective solution
    of national problems.