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Baku Does Not Say A Decisive "No" To The Mediators

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  • Baku Does Not Say A Decisive "No" To The Mediators

    Tatul Hakobyan

    07.07.2006 15:22

    On June 22 the mediators actually disclosed the details of settlement
    of the Karabakh conflict - the principles presented at the OSCE
    Permanent Council, which the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan
    discussed in Bucharest. If the revelation of the document was meant
    to provide a topic of dispute and discussion, then the anticipations
    of the mediators did not come true, since the societies in Armenia
    and Karabakh, and particularly in Azerbaijan the societies responded
    without spirit. This was, surely, a surprise if we consider the
    importance the resolution of the Karabakh issue has in the three

    Two weeks have passed after the disclosure of the last suggestions
    or, let's say so, the basic principles. However, it's not clear up
    to now whether Baku accepts these as a basis for negotiations. As
    far as the parties involved in the conflict have not said a firm
    "yes," it is hard to anticipate that a healthy discussion, dialogue
    or criticism will start among the society.

    Official Yerevan has confirmed at least thrice that the latest
    suggestions of the mediators are acceptable for the Armenian side
    with some reservations.

    Still on June 21, i.e. before revelation of the principles, President
    Kocharyan clearly stated in Minsk that Yerevan accepts the mediators'

    A few days ago RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan stated,
    "The suggestions put on the negotiations table today are generally
    acceptable for Armenia, and we are ready to continue the talks based on
    these principles, which, I think are all-embracing and rather balanced
    and it seems that a correct choice has been made in regard to mutual
    concessions." Nagorno-Karabakh authorities declared yesterday that
    the latest suggestions could serve as a basis for talks, of course
    with some reservations.

    On the other hand, NKR Parliament Speaker Ashot Gulyan underlined
    yesterday that not all of the suggestions are acceptable for Armenia
    and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Nevertheless, it's not clear whether Baku is admitting the Co-Chair's
    suggestions or not. From RA Foreign Minister's words one can infer
    that for the recurrent time Azerbaijan is denying these.

    "We hope that Azerbaijan will reassess the situation, will create an
    opportunity to continue the talks and achieve results," Oskanyan said.

    Probably, Azerbaijan has no distinct position on the latest
    suggestions. One thing is clear: Baku does not accept these, but does
    not want to say that it is denying the mediator's suggestions as a
    basis of negotiations. Perhaps that's why Aliev is saying one thing,
    the Foreign Ministry is stating another thing, and the Ministry of
    Defense is making quite a different point.

    Studying the Azeri media reports, we can say that the point on
    referendum is particularly unacceptable for Baku. It deserves attention
    that in the course of the recent months have been consistently refuting
    that the version of referendum cannot be discussed during the talks. It
    comes out, however, that compared with all other previous suggestions
    of the mediators, the only novelty in the last package is just the
    idea of referendum.

    Thus, political scientist, ex-Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Russia
    Hickmet Hajizade expressed the opinion that inclusion of the
    referendum in he framework agreement is a serious defeat for
    Azerbaijani diplomacy.

    "Even if the leadership of Azerbaijan manages to refuse from concluding
    a peace treaty, the referendum issue will be included in all other
    peace agreements on settlement," Hajizade said.

    A few days ago another famous political scientist Zardust Alizade
    also said in his interview with "Radiolur" that what is unacceptable
    for Azerbaijan is the issue of referendum, the rest is the repetition
    of the old.

    "Nothing new has been said. Actually, everything was known to the
    Azeri society, first of all from Armenian media. The statement
    of the Co-Chairs brought about discontent and another wave of
    comments. Azerbaijan cannot agree with the idea of the referendum, if
    it is to be held only in Nagorno-Karabakh or among Karabakh Armenians,
    since this contradicts the Constitution of the country. Therefore, to
    make the Azeri society go to a referendum, it is first of all necessary
    to hold another nationwide referendum to amend the Constitution in
    force. Today it seems unbelievable that the Azeri society will agree
    to that," Alizade noted.