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RFE/RL Iran Report - 07/07/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 07/07/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 24, 7 July 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    creation in Iran this week of a foreign policy council connected with
    the Supreme Leader's Office may reflect a desire to balance the
    brash and inexperienced foreign affairs apparatus of President Mahmud
    Ahmadinejad with the more measured input of elder statesmen. It also
    could be a sign of the Iranian leadership's outright
    dissatisfaction with the Ahmadinejad team. A third possibility is
    that the new council will serve as a back-channel foreign policy
    instrument. Coming on the heels of Washington's willingness to
    take part in multilateral talks with Tehran on the nuclear issue, the
    creation of this council could have profound implications on
    Iran-U.S. relations.
    The new Strategic Council for Foreign Relations (Shora-yi
    Rahbordi-yi Ravabet-i Khareji) was created by a June 25 decree from
    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The council is supposed to
    facilitate the country's decision-making process, find new
    foreign policy approaches, and make use of foreign policy experts,
    according to the decree.

    Vast Experience On Council

    The council's membership reflects a search for practical
    expertise. Kamal Kharrazi, who served as foreign minister from
    1997-2005, will head the council. Other members are Ali Akbar
    Velayati, who preceded Kharrazi as foreign minister and who currently
    serves as Khamenei's foreign affairs adviser, and former Islamic
    Revolution Guards Corp admiral Ali Shamkhani, who served as defense
    minister from 1997-2005. These three officials have experience in the
    highest levels of foreign policy.
    Two other council members -- Mohammad Shariatmadari and
    Mohammad-Hussein Taremi-Rad -- are not as well known.
    Shariatmadari's whole career, it seems, has been spent in the
    Commerce Ministry, and he served as minister from 1997-2005.
    Taremi-Rad is the only cleric on the council. An alumni of the
    hard-line Haqqani Seminary, he has headed the Iranian Center for
    Historical Studies since May 1997 but, more significantly, has served
    as ambassador to China and Saudi Arabia.
    The cumulative experience of this council surpasses that of
    the youthful and inexperienced foreign policy team under President
    Ahmadinejad. Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki is a relatively young
    53 years old, although he has served as a foreign envoy (ambassador
    to Turkey from 1985-1989 and ambassador to Japan from 1994-1999) and
    also as a legislator. Individuals named to ambassadorial postings
    have been criticized for their relative inexperience, furthermore,
    and the replacement by Ahmadinejad of some 60 envoys in important
    posts such as Berlin, Brussels, London, and Paris, is viewed as

    Unhappy With The President...

    The creation of the new foreign relations council is the most
    recent indication that Supreme Leader Khamenei is concerned about
    Ahmadinejad's confrontational approach as well as his management
    style. Shortly after the president's August 2005 inauguration,
    Khamenei tasked the Expediency Council with overseeing the
    system's policies by supervising the executive, legislative, and
    judicial branches of government and reporting on their performance to
    This development was followed by the addition of old foreign
    affairs hands -- former Supreme National Security Council Secretary
    Hojatoleslam Hassan Rohani and former President Hojatoleslam Mohammad
    Khatami -- to the Expediency Council's Strategic Research Center.
    The Expediency Council must consider any issue submitted to it by the
    supreme leader, according to the Iranian Constitution (Article 112),
    so it appeared that he was turning to it for foreign policy advice.
    This coincided with speculation that responsibility for the
    nuclear account no longer rested with the Supreme National Security
    Council, which is chaired by the president. Expediency Council chief
    Ayatollah Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, however, rejected such claims
    and observed that decisions on this subject are reached collectively.
    Collective decision-making almost certainly continues to be
    the case. Last autumn, however, there were calls for the creation of
    a foreign-policy guidance team. The new Strategic Council for Foreign
    Relations appears to fulfill that role. The leadership is keen to
    preserve the illusion of unity within the governing system, so it
    will not publicly chastise or shunt aside the executive branch of
    government. Behind the scenes -- where real power is wielded -- it
    could be that this is what has happened.

    ...Or A Means To Talk To The U.S.?

    The third possible explanation for the creation of this
    foreign relations council rests in Supreme Leader Khamenei's
    repeated disavowals of any interest in holding talks with the U.S.
    Most recently, during a June 27 meeting in Tehran, he said, "Talking
    with America does not have any benefits for us; and we do not need
    such talks," state television reported. Nevertheless, it was Khamenei
    who in March defended Tehran's willingness to discuss Iraqi
    affairs with Washington bilaterally. He may not favor talks with
    Washington, but he or his advisers recognize that they are necessary
    if the nuclear impasse is to be resolved.
    The Strategic Council for Foreign Relations could conduct
    such talks away from the limelight that an official diplomatic
    delegation would attract. Indeed, one of the council members,
    Velayati, has been used for such communications in the past. He
    established an office in Dubai to facilitate clandestine contacts
    with U.S. officials in the run-up to Operation Iraqi Freedom,
    "Al-Sharq al-Awsat" reported in August 2002. More recently, he was in
    Riyadh to relay a direct message from Khamenei to the Saudi monarch.
    Some observers hope the new foreign relations council will
    supplant the executive branch in foreign affairs. An enthusiastic
    "Sharq" on June 27 described this as the return of the "moderates" to
    foreign relations. The pro-reform daily noted that the council has
    the makings of a presidential cabinet -- a military person
    (Shamkhani), a commerce person (Shariatmadari), and a political and
    cultural person (Velayati), working along with the head of the
    council (Kharrazi).
    At this early stage it is difficult to determine if this will
    be the precise role of the new council. Executive branch spokesman
    Gholam-Hussein Elham put on a brave face, saying on June 26 that the
    council will add new views on foreign policy, but it is not empowered
    to interfere with the Foreign Ministry or Supreme National Security
    Council, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported. Kharrazi,
    the head of the council, was more blunt, suggesting that the
    executive branch has failed to implement national strategies. He said
    on June 27 that Supreme Leader Khamenei "sensed a deficiency" in
    which there was no strategy for the implementation of his policies,
    IRNA reported. He said the council will devise appropriate strategies
    and present them to Khamenei. If he approves the strategies, Kharrazi
    continued, the relevant foreign policy bodies will act accordingly.
    (Bill Samii)

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said during a June 27 meeting with
    Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade that talks with the United
    States would be of no benefit to Iran, state television reported.
    However, Khamenei did not appear to rule out the suspension of some
    aspects of Iran's controversial nuclear program. "We shall not
    negotiate with anyone over our absolute right to acquire nuclear
    technology and to benefit from this technology," Khamenei was quoted
    as saying. "However, if they were to recognize this right of ours, we
    are ready to talk about controls, supervision, and international
    guarantees. And grounds have been paved for such talks, too."
    Khamenei ascribed Iran's technical and scientific
    accomplishments to necessity that resulted from "resistance in the
    face of the arrogant powers' conspiracies and excessive demands."
    Khamenei added that President Mahmud Ahmadinejad will
    participate in the upcoming Organization of African Unity (OAU)
    meeting as an observer. The OAU should meet in Banjul, Gambia, in
    early July, according to the organization's website. Khamenei
    discussed Islamic unity and claimed that the United States and the
    "Zionist regime" oppose the emergence of a powerful global Muslim
    Khamenei told Justice Ministry and judiciary officials on
    June 28 that national officials are expected to strengthen the
    country against "hegemonic powers" by promoting "responsibility and
    national solidarity," IRNA reported. Khamenei said popular support
    serves as security for the government. (Bill Samii)

    spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi said on June 27 that the United States
    cannot credibly criticize any other country's human rights
    record, Fars News Agency reported. Assefi was reacting to
    Washington's critical comments about the Iranian delegation at
    the previous week's United Nations Human Rights Council meeting.
    State Department spokesman Tom Casey said on June 23, "We join the
    government of Canada in deploring the presence of Tehran general
    prosecutor Said Mortazavi at the inaugural meeting of the Human
    Rights Council in Geneva," AFP reported the next day. Assefi referred
    to the military prison for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay,
    Cuba, and added, "America is the main culprit for violating human
    rights in the world." U.S. support for Israel is another example of
    the lack of U.S. respect for human rights, Assefi claimed.
    The Iranian Foreign Ministry protested on June 26 against
    human rights violations in the United Kingdom, IRNA reported. In a
    note to the Foreign Office, Tehran referred to alleged "systematic"
    violations of human rights in the guise of counterterrorism, and it
    noted the early-June raid on the London home of a Muslim family, as
    well as last year's killing of a Brazilian who appeared to flee
    from police.
    Also on June 26, Mahmud Ahmadinejad accepted the credentials
    of the British ambassador to Iran, Geoffrey Adams, Mehr news agency
    reported. Adams arrived in Tehran on April 1. Ahmadinejad told Adams
    that the United Kingdom must take practical steps to compensate for
    its past policies toward Iran. Ahmadinejad also called for calm
    regarding the nuclear issue. According to state television, Adams
    responded, "Britain intends to improve its relations with Tehran on
    the basis of mutual respect and the principles of international
    relations; and is prepared to learn a lesson from history and lay the
    foundations of new ties." (Bill Samii)

    AHMADINEJAD HEADS FOR GAMBIA. President Mahmud Ahmadinejad left
    Tehran on June 29 to attend the Organization for African Unity
    conference in Banjul, Gambia, Iranian news agencies reported.
    Ahmadinejad met with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei before his
    departure, IRNA reported, and the cleric prayed for the
    president's success. Iran has observer status at the conference,
    and Ahmadinejad is scheduled to give a speech at the event -- Iran is
    making strenuous efforts to enlist the backing of developing
    countries in the controversy over its nuclear program. Ahmadinejad
    said before his departure that he will spend 36 hours in Gambia,
    state television reported, and most of his time will be committed to
    discussing bilateral relations. (Bill Samii)

    repeatedly denied seeking nuclear weapons. Iran could, however, build
    an atomic bomb by 2009 if it prepares for the production of highly
    enriched uranium this year, American physicist David Albright writes
    in the July-August edition of the "Bulletin of the Atomic
    Scientists," Reuters reported on June 29.
    The international community, meanwhile, is encouraging Iran
    to respond a proposal it received in early June that calls for the
    implementation of certain measures -- such as the suspension of
    uranium enrichment and greater cooperation with nuclear inspectors --
    while the peaceful nature of its nuclear program is ascertained.
    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in Moscow on June
    29 that G8 foreign ministers expect Iran to reply "soon," RIA-Novosti
    reported. France's Philippe Douste-Blazy said in Moscow on June
    29 that Tehran must respond to the proposal "by 15 July," AFP
    reported. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in Kabul on
    June 28 that the world awaits an authoritative response from Tehran,
    the State Department reported ( She added,
    "We've made very clear that we need an answer soon," and referred
    to "weeks, not months."
    Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani said
    on June 29 that Iran will not submit to pressure on the nuclear
    issue, state television reported. "As we have said, a harsh approach
    to Iran's nuclear case would not yield any results. Iranian
    people would not forfeit their irrefutable rights," Larijani said.
    The international community's proposal, which Larijani received
    from visiting EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana on June 6, "was a
    positive step forward." Larijani spoke optimistically about his talks
    with Solana in the coming week. Larijani denied that Iran is facing a
    deadline, IRNA reported. (Bill Samii)

    TEHRAN DENIES INTERFERING IN IRAQ. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid
    Reza Assefi denied on June 24 that Iran is interfering in Iraqi
    affairs, IRNA reported. The previous week, Ambassador David
    Satterfield, currently the senior adviser for Iraq to U.S. Secretary
    of State Condoleezza Rice, and General George Casey, the top
    commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, ascribing to Iran support for
    insurgent activities. Assefi said such accusations are meant to hide
    alleged U.S. failings in Iraq, and he added that Washington wants a
    weak Iraqi state in order to justify its occupation. (Bill Samii)

    SUFFERING. As the United Nations marks its International Day against
    Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking today, there is some good news:
    according to the UN's latest World Drug Report, global opium
    production fell last year. Though it is a welcome development, the
    head of the UN's counternarcotics office says Afghan opium
    production could increase this year. That will have a strong impact
    on Iran, which has the world's highest drug-seizure rate but also
    suffers from drug crime and abuse problems. While the UN believes a
    reduction in demand for drugs is the most important aspect of
    counternarcotics, the Iranian government continues to emphasize
    supply interdiction.
    Global opium production is estimated to have reached 4,620
    tons in 2005 -- 5 percent less than the previous year, according to
    the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's (UNODC) World Drug
    Report 2006, which was released on June 26.
    UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa gave an overview
    of which countries are growing the opium.
    "By and large, 90 percent is from Afghanistan," he said.
    "There is still a certain amount of cultivation -- I think over
    30,000 hectares but going down rapidly -- in Myanmar (eds: Burma). On
    the 14th of February this year we certified Laos as opium free; there
    is practically nothing from... Thailand; about 5,000-6,000 hectares
    were detected over time in Colombia -- to some extent eradicated but
    some is still there -- and the Colombia crop goes to the United
    States while the Afghanistan crop goes basically to Europe, China,
    and Russia."
    Overall cultivation figures from Afghanistan have fallen, but
    cultivation in some areas of the country has increased. There are
    indications, furthermore, that opium poppy planting increased this
    year, particularly in the south.
    Some 24 percent of all the opiates produced annually are
    eventually seized by security forces. Afghanistan produced some 4,100
    tons of opium in 2005, so it is natural that its neighbors -- Iran,
    Pakistan, and China -- accounted for the highest seizure rates.
    But Costa says it is not enough to interdict drugs or even to
    eliminate opium crops. Costa recommended aggressive measures be made
    to reduce demand for narcotics.
    "We can consider drugs as an addiction problem and therefore
    a behavioral problem," he said. "We can consider drugs as a
    cultivation [and] an economic problem; but by and large it's a
    market, with a demand and a supply. An illicit market -- an
    'evil' market, if you wish -- but still it has a demand and a
    supply. Like for any other product, if you cut the supply the demand
    persists. Something is going to happen. First of all the price will
    Costa added that more people will enter the drug business as
    it becomes more lucrative, and therefore more land will be devoted to
    drug production. It is also possible that heroin addicts will turn to
    other drugs that could be more dangerous.
    "Therefore, my plea is indeed to forcefully act on curbing
    the cultivation, and also, and perhaps even more forcefully, acting
    on reducing demand, namely abuse, namely consumption."
    According to the UN report, narcotics trafficking to Central
    Asia and Pakistan has decreased, whereas trafficking towards Iran has
    increased. Almost 60 percent of Afghan opiates go to or through Iran
    and, according to the UNODC, this figure will rise. But UNODC chief
    Costa also pointed out that Africa is playing an increasingly
    important role in drug trafficking as interdiction efforts make it
    more difficult for traffickers to use traditional routes.
    "Africa is under threat. Nobody suspects transhipment of
    narcotics from Africa into Europe," Costa said. "Therefore,
    traffickers are using Africa to transship cocaine coming from
    Colombia and the [Andes mountain region] and heroin coming from South
    Asia and Afghanistan, in particular."
    The amount of narcotics entering Iran is having a profound
    impact on public health. Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Gooya, the chief of the
    Iranian Health Ministry's disease-management center, said in
    April that approximately 3.7 million Iranians abuse drugs, "Mardom
    Salari" reported on April 18. He said there are 2.5 million addicts,
    and that some 137,000 inject drugs occasionally.
    Gooya said that research conducted five years earlier in six
    cities in Tehran Province found that many addicts are female sex
    He added that, "Some 94.8 percent of AIDS patients are men,
    and 64.3 percent of them caught the disease through the use of
    infected and shared syringes, while only 7.3 percent caught AIDS
    through sexual intercourse."
    The impact of narcotics on the Iranian penal system is
    noticeable as well. More than 60 percent of the country's
    convicts, Iranian officials say, have been imprisoned for
    drug-related crimes. And more than 10,000 narcotics traffickers and
    drug users have been executed over the past few decades, while
    hundreds more face the death penalty.
    Ali Akbar Yesaqi, the head of Iran's Prisons, Security,
    and Corrections Organization, said some 50,000 people go to prison
    every month, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on June 14. Yesaqi said that the
    prison population increased by 1.7 percent in the last year. He added
    that some 70 percent of the prisoners seek drugs, and he admitted
    that it is difficult to prevent drugs from getting into prisons.
    Another prison organization official, Mohammad Ali Zanjirei,
    said drug-related crimes are the most common in 19 of Iran's 30
    provinces, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on June 20.
    The narcotics trade is not just having an impact on the
    public-health sector and the penal system. The Iranian government
    says more than 3,000 security officers have lost their lives fighting
    drug trafficking, and Tehran asserts that it has spent billions of
    dollars creating static defenses along its 1,800 kilometer border
    with Afghanistan and Pakistan. As most of the drugs smuggled into
    Iran are destined for Europe, Iranian officials say Western states
    should be greater financial support to their efforts.
    Fada Hussein Maleki, the secretary-general of Iran's Drug
    Control Headquarters, addressed these issues in a speech before the
    June 23 Friday Prayers sermon at Tehran University. He criticized
    American and British efforts in Afghanistan because of the failure to
    stop drug trafficking, and he accused them of wanting to legalize
    opium cultivation, IRNA reported. Maleki added that the prevalence of
    crystal methamphetamine, Ecstasy, and other synthetic drugs is
    complicating the situation in Iran.
    Expediency Council Chairman Ayatollah Ali-Akbar
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani dedicated a great deal of his June 23 sermon in
    Tehran to counternarcotics as well. In countries like Iran, he said,
    synthetic drugs are more dangerous than opium, state television
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani failed to discuss Iranians' demand for
    drugs, and he focused instead on the supply side, for which he blamed
    other countries. He referred to "traces of colonialism" and added:
    "We realize that the leaders of all these major trafficking bands
    that we arrest are supported by colonial countries." The West could
    wipe out opium in Afghanistan by using chemical sprays,
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani continued, and if it can track down terrorists
    hiding in caves, why can't it deal with narcotics dealers in the
    streets and heroin-manufacturers?
    Iran's Expediency Council is revising current laws,
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani told the congregation, but the police, Ministry of
    Intelligence and Security, and legislature must work together as well
    to help combat drug use and trafficking. Public awareness is
    important, too, he said. "After all, if we can change the destiny of
    a young addict, be it a boy or a girl, and give proper guidance to a
    household where an addicted person was brought up, we can help
    prevent others from falling into this dangerous trap."
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani called on all citizens to work against drugs: "We
    should all join hands and act together to tackle the problem."
    It is notable that for UNODC chief Costa reducing the demand
    for drugs is the most important issue, whereas Iran's leaders
    seem to continue to focus on reducing the supplies of drugs. More
    than a year ago the Iranian government said that greater attention
    needs to be given to reducing demand, but with the election of
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad the old yet unsuccessful prioritization
    of law and order and interdiction have been reinstated. (Bill Samii)

    Seyyed Muayyed Alavian said on June 27 that the number of HIV/AIDS
    cases in Iran exceeds earlier estimates and ascribed the trend to
    intravenous drug use, AFP reported. "About 40,000 of the total number
    of intravenous drug addicts are infected with HIV," Alavian said. He
    warned that the number could rise to 100,000 by March 2008. Alavian
    said the rate of drug addiction is rising by 8 percent annually.
    (Bill Samii)

    of Iran's Drug Control Headquarters, Fada-Hussein Maleki,
    provided details on drug-seizure rates on June 25, one day before the
    UN-sponsored International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
    Trafficking, Mehr News Agency reported. Maleki said Iran confiscated
    360 tons of illegal drugs in the year from March 2005-March 2006.
    Some 955 gangs of smugglers were broken up during this time frame, he
    added. Maleki complained that the international community is not
    supporting the Iranian counternarcotics effort. The United States
    provided the UN with $700 million to spend on counternarcotics in
    Latin America in 2002, Maleki noted, while in the same year the UN
    provided Iran with $10 million. Maleki said Iran has asked the UN for
    $500 million in counternarcotics assistance.
    Provincial officials, meanwhile, described some of their
    efforts. Ahmad Kavandi, an adviser to the governor-general of western
    Iran's Hamedan Province, said on June 25 that demand for
    narcotics is plaguing 90 percent of Iranian society in different
    ways, Fars News Agency reported. Kavandi said the trade in illegal
    drugs is demand driven, and this is why there is a supply. Demand
    reduction is necessary, he said.
    In Urumiyeh on June 25, a police official said 439 kilograms
    of drugs were seized in the first three months of the Iranian year
    (which began on March 21), Fars News Agency reported. Qasem
    Rashidnejad, the deputy-chief for counternarcotics in West Azerbaijan
    Province, said 2,945 people were arrested in the same period for
    smuggling, dealing, or being addicted to drugs.
    Other security efforts are under way, as well. Interior
    Minister Mustafa Pur-Mohammadi said in Tehran on June 27 that
    authorities so far have identified 10 gangs responsible for
    kidnappings, smuggling, terrorism, and vandalism in the eastern part
    of the country, IRNA reported. Not all of the gangs have links to
    foreigners, he added.
    General Ismail Ahmadi-Moghaddam, chief of the national police
    force, said the previous week that domestic security issues are a
    priority this year, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on June 22. Seven of
    those responsible for May killings along the Kerman-Bam highway have
    been arrested and six others were killed, he said. Pur-Mohammadi said
    that security in the eastern part of Iran, as well as southwestern
    Khuzestan Province, has increased due to a strengthening of military
    bases in those regions, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported. Pur-Mohammadi said
    violent crime has decreased by 30 percent, although he did not say
    over what period. (Bill Samii)

    Ebrahim Nikunam, director of the justice administration in the
    southeastern Sistan va Baluchistan Province, has said six people have
    been executed locally for violating religious laws, "Mardom Salari"
    reported on June 22. He did not say when the executions took place,
    nor did he identify the alleged violations of religious law. Nikunam
    noted local problems and said there are efforts under way to overcome
    them: "The administration and judicial system of the province are
    inefficient. There are many system blockages. But despite all these
    problems, we will use all our power in order to solve them. There is
    no doubt that, with the attention of the [head] of the Judiciary
    [Ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi] and the eminent leader [Ayatollah
    Ali Khamenei] to this province, the religious orders will be executed
    as fast as possible." (Bill Samii)

    TURKISH FOREIGN MINISTER VISITS TEHRAN... On June 25, the second day
    of his visit to Iran, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul met with
    his counterpart, Manuchehr Mottaki, Expediency Council Chairman
    Ayatollah Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Supreme National Security
    Council Secretary Ali Larijani, and parliament speaker Gholamali
    Haddad-Adel, IRNA reported. At a joint press conference with Mottaki,
    Gul said Ankara wants to see the Iranian nuclear crisis resolved
    peacefully and through diplomacy, as this would help the region and
    the world. (Bill Samii)

    Kurdish Pejak group were killed and two others were wounded and
    arrested in a clash with Iranian police in Salmas, West Azerbaijan
    Province, Fars News Agency reported on June 25. Pejak is affiliated
    with the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party). Four soldiers were killed and
    three others were wounded during Turkish and Iranian military
    operations against PKK-affiliated People's Defense Forces (HPG)
    guerrillas on June 23, the Kurdish Roj television reported on June
    24. The clash, in which one guerrilla was killed, took place in the
    Ozalp District of Van (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 1 December 2004.) (Bill

    Asu Saleh, Asad Baqeri, and Shuresh Moradi -- were summoned by the
    Kurdistan University disciplinary committee on June 17, the Iranian
    Labor News Agency (ILNA) reported. The summonses followed a protest
    against the "cultural situation" on campus and against the closure of
    the Islamic Students Association, ILNA reported. One day after that
    demonstration, some 18 of the participants were not allowed on
    campus, prompting 1,200 students to sign a petition. (Bill Samii)

    prosecutor-general in Ahvaz, said on June 25 that the "charge sheet"
    for people accused of having a role in bombings in Ahvaz was issued
    the same day, the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported.
    Twenty-two people are accused of crimes, he said, 19 of whom are
    still in prison. Amirkhani did not say when the bombings took place
    -- such incidents have occurred in June 2005, October 2005, and
    January 2005.
    Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on June 23 that the judiciary
    should overturn the death sentences against at least 10 Iranian-Arabs
    who were convicted of plotting against the state. HRW reported that a
    lawyer who represents the accused said the trials were held in camera
    and that defense lawyers had no chance to discuss the case with their
    clients beforehand. The defense lawyers said that on June 7 the
    Revolutionary Court sentenced Zamel Bawi, Jafar Sawari, Raisan
    Sawari, and Abdolreza Navaseri to death. (Bill Samii)

    in chief of "Yashmaq" magazine, said on June 20 that three of his
    staff members arrested in connection with protests in May remain in
    jail, APA news agency reported. The three men -- Sirus Husseininejad,
    Yunes Fakhtari, and Ali Reza Qulunju -- were arrested over their
    roles in protests in Tehran over the publication of a cartoon that
    offended many ethnic Azeris. Muganli said Azeri-language media face a
    hostile atmosphere, and he said his magazine might be suspended.
    Meanwhile, APA news agency reported on June 19 that Saleh
    Kamrani, the attorney representing several imprisoned Iranian-Azeris,
    has been arrested. Said Naimi, who chairs a committee for the
    protection of Azeri political prisoners, told APA that Gholamreza
    Amani, Abbas Lisani, Ayat Mehralibayli, and many others were jailed
    in connection with a march to the Babak Castle near the East
    Azerbaijan Province town of Kelidar. The Iranian central government
    normally responds to this annual commemoration of Babak Khorramdin,
    one of the first popular Persian leaders to oppose the imposition of
    Islam and Arab rule, with repressive measures (see "RFE/RL Iran
    Report," July 12, 2004).
    Agri Qaradagli, public relations chief for the National
    Revival Movement of Southern Azerbaijan, said on June 29 that the
    annual march to the Babak Castle has commenced, APA news agency
    reported. According to Qaradagli, Iranian security forces detained 20
    of the march's organizers and their whereabouts are unknown. He
    added that on the morning of June 29 seven other participants were
    detained after a clash with police. (Bill Samii)

    RELUCTANCE TO USE OIL AS WEAPON. Iranian Petroleum Minister Seyyed
    Kazem-Vaziri-Hamaneh said on June 25 that Iran will use oil as a
    weapon -- presumably restricting oil exports -- only "if the
    country's interests are jeopardized," Fars News Agency reported.
    Vaziri-Hamaneh said that under normal conditions this is not an
    issue, and, furthermore, Iran would like to enjoy normal relations
    with other countries. The imposition of sanctions, he said, would
    lead to oil price hikes, with the price for a barrel of oil reaching
    $100. (Bill Samii)

    IRAN REFUTES FOOD-IMPORT CLAIMS. Iranian Commerce Ministry official
    Mohammad Sadeq Mofatteh said on June 26 that Iran does not need to
    import 800,000 tons of Thai rice, Mehr News Agency reported. Mofatteh
    added that Iranian rice imports amount to only 650,000 tons annually,
    and 350,000 tons have been imported since March 21. Mofatteh was
    reacting to a report earlier in the "Bangkok Post" which cited the
    head of the Thai Foreign Trade's Grain and Conformity Bureau,
    Pranee Siripan, who was quoted as saying the Iranians are driving a
    hard bargain, and added that Iran has imported roughly 60 percent of
    the total rice it agreed to buy from Thailand.
    In May there were reports from Thailand that Iran is
    importing a surplus of rice as it prepares for the possibility of
    economic sanctions (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," May 12, 2006).
    Regardless of the amount of rice being imported, domestic
    production is having difficulties. In the Iranian legislature on June
    11, Lahijan parliamentary representative Iraj Nadimi posed questions
    about the country's failure to achieve self-sufficiency in rice
    production and about wastage of the rice harvest, "Kayhan" reported
    on June 12. Agricultural Jihad Minister Mohammad Reza Eskandari
    responded by saying he hopes rice imports will be unnecessary in
    three years. The Friday Prayer leader in the northern city of Rasht,
    Ayatollah Zeynolabedin Qorbani, complained that Gilan Province rice
    paddies are not getting enough water, the city's "Moin" daily
    reported on June 11. (Bill Samii)

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    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

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