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Press Release: Senior Karabakh Officials Highlight NKR Progress Duri

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  • Press Release: Senior Karabakh Officials Highlight NKR Progress Duri

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    July 6, 2006

    SENIOR KARABAKH OFFICIALS highlight nkr progress during u.S. visit

    Washington, DC - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) Parliament Speaker
    Ashot Ghulian and Foreign Minister Georgi Petrosian have successfully
    concluded a series of meetings and public engagements during their
    June 23-30, 2006 visit to the United States. The visit aimed to rally
    stronger U.S. support for NKR's democratic and economic development,
    and to help end Azerbaijan's aggressive policies toward Nagorno

    While in Washington, Ghulian and Petrosian met with the newly-appointed
    United States envoy for the Karabakh peace process, Deputy Assistant
    Secretary of State Matthew Bryza, key senate and congressional
    leaders, policy experts, media representatives and senior staff of
    Armenian-American advocacy organizations.

    In their June 26 meeting with Bryza, Karabakh officials provided an
    assessment of the most recent developments in the peace process,
    while highlighting the lawful nature of the establishment of NKR
    and its government's strong adherence to peace and security in the
    region. Bryza is expected to tour the region later this month.

    NKR officials held separate meetings with Senators Lincoln Chafee
    (R-RI) and Jack Reed (D-RI), House foreign assistance appropriators
    Chairman Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) and Ranking Member Nita Lowey (D-NY),
    and Co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues
    U.S. Representatives Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone,
    Jr. (D-NJ). In those meetings, Ghulian and Petrosian highlighted
    the democratic and economic gains made by NKR during 15 years of
    independence, and called for increased U.S. assistance to help make
    further progress. They also discussed Azerbaijan's military build-up
    and called for the U.S. to undertake the necessary steps to preserve
    regional stability. Members of the U.S. Congress have pledged their
    continued attention and support for Nagorno Karabakh.

    On June 28, Speaker Ghulian and Foreign Minister Petrosian also spoke
    at a U.S. Capitol reception organized in their honor. In addition
    to the Armenian Caucus Co-chairs, Representatives Carolyn Maloney
    (D-NY), Edward Royce (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), Brad Sherman (D-CA)
    and George Radanovich (R-CA), as well as Armenian Ambassador to the
    United States Dr. Tatoul Markarian and Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, also spoke
    at the reception attended by congressional staff, journalists and
    Armenian community members.

    Ghulian and Petrosian also addressed a capacity audience at a June
    28 public event jointly organized by the U.S. Institute of Peace and
    Washington-based German Marshall Fund and attended by government
    officials, policy experts and media. NKR officials discussed
    Azerbaijan's continued effort to exclude Nagorno Karabakh from the
    peace process and misrepresent the nature of the Karabakh conflict.

    Parliament Speaker Ashot Ghulian stressed that "Nagorno-Karabakh's
    legal existence is completely in conformance with international
    law." Foreign Minister Petrosian noted that "the Karabakh conflict is
    fundamentally an issue of the right of our people to live free. But
    Azerbaijan seeks to paint it as an inter-state, ethnic or even a
    religious conflict. This only helps postpone the conflict's peaceful
    resolution... Our main goal is to be able to conduct normal relations
    and live normal lives and we will defend that right with all possible

    The NKR officials' visit to Washington concluded with a reception at
    the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia hosted by Ambassador Markarian
    and attended by U.S. and foreign diplomats, members of the Armenian
    community and others.

    Speaking at the reception, NKR Parliament Speaker Ghulian stressed that
    "Nagorno Karabakh's determination to remain free and independent is as
    strong as ever. This visit is just another step towards international
    recognition of this fact."

    As part of their U.S. trip, NKR officials also visited New York
    and Boston, where they met with state officials, media and Armenian
    community representatives.

    At the conclusion of the visit, NKR Representative in the United
    States Vardan Barseghian remarked: "It's time for the U.S. and the
    international community to recognize Karabakh's progress in building
    a free, democratic and economically viable society in the strategic
    South Caucasus. Karabakh is a serious and reliable partner when it
    comes to bringing about greater stability, long-term peace, democracy
    and prosperity to the region."

    Barseghian also express his appreciation to Karabakh's supporters in
    the United States and those who helped to make this visit a success,
    in particular Mrs. Rita Balian, Mr. Hirair Hovnanian, Mr. Hratch
    Kaprielian, Mr. Raffi Megerian, Ms. Carolyn Mugar, Mrs. Annie Totah,
    as well as the Armenian Embassy, the Armenian Assembly of America,
    and the Armenian National Committee of America.

    The Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the United States is
    based in Washington, DC and works with the U.S. government, academia
    and the public representing the official policies and interests of
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    * * *

    This material is distributed by the Office of the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic in the USA on behalf of the Government of the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic. The NKR Office is registered with the U.S. Government under
    the Foreign Agent Registration Act. Additional information is available
    at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

    * * *

    To request photos for publishing with the press release, send an
    email to [email protected]