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Nairobi: State House official named in Arturs' fake press conference

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  • Nairobi: State House official named in Arturs' fake press conference

    State House official named in Arturs' fake press conference
    By Biketi Kikechi and Patrick Mathangani

    The Standard, Kenya
    July 7 2006

    The alleged Government link in the Arturs saga emerged on Thursday
    after an inquiry heard that on the day the two held a press conference
    at the Kenyatta International Airport VIP lounge, a companion
    identified himself to airport officers as a State House official.

    In yet another day of astonishing disclosures, a security official at
    the airport gave a step-by-step account of the stage-managed press
    conference and how it was made to appear like Artur Sargasyan had
    just jetted into the country.

    Security officers organised for the gold-bedecked brothers to swagger
    through Gate Six and use the VIP lounge to dupe journalists that they
    were high flying investors.

    The story, which unfolded like a chapter from a Western thriller,
    was the highlight of Thursday's proceedings at the Kiruki Commission
    of Inquiry into the activities of the two alleged brothers who have
    since been deported for causing a security breach at the airport.

    Press conference

    A security officer, Mr David Bosire Michiemo, owned up by telling
    the commission that he helped open the Gate Six air bridge for the
    guests, who had been sitting at a lounge waiting for the KQ flight
    from Dubai to touch down even as journalists waited for the plane
    carrying the newsmaker.

    The two, whose identity remains shadowy, claimed to be fabulously
    rich brothers based in Dubai and that the President of Armenia was
    their uncle. They used the press conference to rebut earlier claims
    by Lang'ata MP Raila Odinga that they were Russian mercenaries who
    took part in the commando-style raid on the Standard Group premises
    on March 2.

    The bogus brothers claimed that Raila and MP Kalonzo Musyoka requested
    them to play a role in the no- confidence vote against the proposed
    new constitution last year.

    The local media gave the press conference big treatment but raised
    pertinent issues concerning the event, its planning and information
    that Sargasyan's name was not on the manifest of the flight he
    purported to have arrived on.

    During Thursday's proceedings, the commission wanted to know the
    identity of Messrs Julius Mwangi Maina and Alphonce Omita.

    Passes for journalists

    Assisting Counsel Ms Dorcas Oduor asked Bosire if he knew Maina and
    Omita because they cannot be traced although they were allegedly
    associates of the Artur brothers.

    "We cannot find him (Maina). How do we find him?" asked Oduor,
    but Bosire said he does not know him because they only met once at
    the airport.

    The commission was told that Maina went to the security office at
    5.20am on March 13, and introduced himself to duty officer Mr Moses
    Wanyonyi and Bosire as Mr Julius Maina from State House.

    Wanyonyi who also appeared at the commission on Thursday, said he
    received a call from his boss, Mr Stanley Mutungi, who instructed
    him to have 10 passes ready for journalists the following day.

    "He further told me that the instructions were from the Deputy Managing
    Director Ms Naomi Cidi," said Wanyonyi.

    Wanyonyi, 51, who has since voluntarily retired from Kenya Airports
    Authority, said he handed over the passes to Maina and asked Bosire
    to guide him.

    Kenya Airways flight delayed

    Bosire accompanied Maina to a Mercedes Benz car at the Airport
    manager's car park. Maina asked Bosire to escort one of the occupants
    in the car, whom he later got to learn was Artur Margaryan, and a
    woman to the first class lounge.

    Maina asked Bosire to give the woman a pass as they went through
    Unit Two while Margaryan and Maina used their own all-areas-permanent
    airport passes. They went to the Duty Free Shops lounge, where they
    were later joined by lawyer Fred Ngatia and Omita.

    Ngatia and Omita had been waiting at the NAS cafeteria, from where
    Maina and Bosire led them to join Margaryan and the woman. Bosire said
    the Kenya Airways flight KQ311 that they were waiting for delayed
    and Maina left after introducing him to Omita, who then took charge
    and asked Bosire to accompany him to meet the waiting journalists.

    Bosire said Ngatia briefly talked to the journalists before guiding
    them to a different lounge for tea. Omita then frantically started
    seeking for a place where he could type a document but none was open
    at the time.

    Stage-managed arrival

    He then went to Cidi's office in the company of Bosire, where he
    printed a document from a diskette.

    Cidi's Secretary Judith Chepkor confirmed that Omita, whom she had met
    earlier at the office, consulted Cidi and later printed the document
    for him. "Omita told Wanyonyi to stage-manage the 'arrival' so that
    reporters could cover the event," said Bosire.

    Wanyonyi allegedly told Bosire to look for the security officer to
    open Air Bridge Gate Number 06 so that the 'guests' could walk in to
    be covered as they arrived.

    The TV cameras zoomed in as the brothers swaggered through the gate
    and to the VIP lounge that had since been made available for their use.

    On Thursday, Cidi's secretary corroborated the allegation that
    Margaryan and Sargaryan went to Cidi's office, from where they were
    escorted to the passes office.

    Officers in the passes office have said Cidi instructed them to issue
    the passes on February 10 and June 8.