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Suren Zolyan: Armenian society is ready to discuss process of NK set

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  • Suren Zolyan: Armenian society is ready to discuss process of NK set

    Suren Zolyan: Armenian society is ready to discuss process of Karabakh settlement

    Regnum, Russia
    July 7 2006

    "There are principles, unacceptable for Armenia, in the framework
    agreement, presented by OSCE MG co-chairs to the parties of Karabakh
    conflict. But if we categorically reject it, it will give Baku a new
    ground to accuse Yerevan that it is not ready for talks," such opinion
    was expressed by Yerevan Valery Bryusov Linguistic University Rector
    Suren Zolyan during a press conference in Yerevan.

    According to him, the most positive outcome of declassification of
    document (made by Matthew Bryza), which lies on negotiating table,
    is fact that society is finally fully involved into Nagorno Karabakh
    negotiating process and, as events have shown, it is ready to discuss
    the problem. "Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement is the problem
    of the whole our nation; the more we will be consistent the more
    positive will be changes in the question. Statement, which is not
    quite acceptable for us in such raw state, showed that our society is
    ready to discuss the problem, as well as authorities, which represent
    people," the university rector resumed.

    New US Co-Chair of OSCE Minsk group on Nagorno Karabakh settlement
    Matthew Bryza declassified content of the document, presented by
    mediators to two presidents. The agreement envisages normalization of
    Armenian-Azerbaijan economic and diplomatic relations. The framework
    agreement appeals to withdraw Armenian troops from Azerbaijani
    territories, where they are deployed now. Other theses include in
    particular deployment of peacekeepers, international economic support
    of Nagorno Karabakh, economic development, and finally at some stage,
    voting on Nagorno Karabakh future status is envisaged.
    From: Baghdasarian