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Property Has to be Alienated According to the Law When For State Nee

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  • Property Has to be Alienated According to the Law When For State Nee

    Property Has to be Alienated According to the Law When For State Needs

    National Assembly of RA, Armenia
    July 7 2006

    According to the suggestion of the Government, on June 6 the NA
    President convened an extraordinary session with ten agenda questions
    and three international treaties.

    David Harutyunyan, Minister of Justice presented to the deputies a
    suggestion to make amendments to seven laws of the judicial-legal
    system and to completely adopt one draft law in the second reading.

    He mentioned that the suggested amendments form an important ring in
    the chain of the judicial-legal reforms. Except for the draft law
    On Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law On the Status of Judge
    the deputies who had speeches evaluated the presented documents
    as perfecting the system and harmonizing the Armenian legislation
    with the European one. Both the Chair and the Deputy Chair of the NA
    Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs think that the suggested
    amendments to the law On the Status of Judge risk the independence
    of the judge.

    Hovhannes Margaryan noticed that this approach violates the principle
    of separation of powers and the independence of the judicial system.

    But the Minister of Justice does not agree with these evaluations
    and clarifies that there are two different competencies. David
    Harutyunyan informed that this model is employed in several European
    countries. According to his evaluation, it would be dangerous if those
    two competencies were executed by the same entity. The government
    suggests making an amendment to the law On Insurance eliminating
    the limitation for foreign investors to an insurance business. The
    President of the Central Bank Tigran Sargsyan considers necessary to
    apply the national regime for the foreign investors too and create
    an equal field. It comes also from the international obligations our
    country has assumed.

    The executive power plans henceforth to alienate the property, which
    is for the needs of the state and society in conformity with the law.

    David Harutyunyan, Minister of Justice suggested adopting the
    legislative package On Alienation of Property for the Needs of
    the State and Society and On Making Amendments to the Land and
    Civil codes. The recent resolution made by the Constitutional
    Court to admit certain articles of the Land and Civil codes as
    anti-constitutional also testifies about the necessity of regulating
    the issue legislatively. The government envisages paying the owner for
    the property being alienated an equivalent indemnity: an amount, which
    exceeds the market value of the property by 5%. There is a provision
    in the draft law that the constitutional base of the alienation of
    property for the needs of the society and state is the exclusive,
    dominant public interest. The principles and aims of determining the
    dominant public interest are given in the draft. And the competency
    of determining the dominant public interests is reserved for the
    Government. One of the articles of the draft law says that the
    beneficiaries of the alienation of the property for the mentioned
    needs may be the state, the community or other organization. The
    last two principles enjoyed the criticism of the MPs of opposition
    factions Ardarutyun/Justice and OEK/Country of Law.

    They suggest taking back the draft laws and organize supplementary
    debates. They think that the competency of determining the dominant
    public interest must be reserved for the representative body. The
    MP Hmayak Hovhannisyan also shares this point of view saying that a
    decision on public interest can be made only by a body endowed with
    a primary mandate. Tatul Manaseryan considers the haste of adopting
    the draft law unacceptable and suggests discussing it first in the
    head committee and then within the format of parliamentary hearings.

    He finds that it is time to adopt a law on nationalization and the
    deputy has already prepared its draft law. According to the MP, it
    will include the process of property alienation. Mher Shahgeldyan
    noticed that in order to eliminate the society's dissatisfaction
    within this question it is necessary to adopt a law, which will be
    directed to the defense of public interest and individual property.

    While the imperfect law will cause new problems, predicts the MP.

    Grigor Ghonjeyan suggests giving the beneficiary status of the
    property disposal for public needs only to the state. Presenting the
    point of view of United Labor Party/ULP faction Gurgen Arsenyan noted
    that today it is necessary to adopt the law, but they have certain
    objections. Particularly the ULP faction finds that the beneficiary
    of property alienation has to be exclusively the state.

    Independent from the involvement of another company the owner has
    to settle the alienation and indemnity relations with the state. The
    representative of the Government agreed to touch upon the issue after
    adopting it with the first reading. And the Justice faction on behalf
    of Viktor Dallakyan suggests taking back the draft law from circulation
    and discussing it first in the parliamentary hearings.

    The deputy thinks that for each alienation case the Parliament has
    to give its agreement.

    Tigran Torosyan, NA President highlighted that it is the absence
    of law that has brought to unwanted consequences in the alienation
    process. He considers the adoption of a law regulating this field
    urgent, highlighting also the necessity and usefulness of debates
    on the topic. The NA President does not agree with the point of view
    that the law adopted in haste will not be a quality one. He reminded
    that in case of adopting the draft law in this session there will be
    around two months till the autumn session for perfecting the document
    and organizing parliamentary hearings. And today's concerns will be
    useful if they get a form of concrete suggestions, believed the NA
    President. The head of NA noticed also in the extraordinary speech
    that if the interest is a public one, then the beneficiary is the
    public that is the state. Tigran Torosyan considered more important
    to implement balancing mechanisms in determining the dominant public
    interest. Both in legislative and executive bodies the political
    majority which will make the decision are the same powers, so it is
    not important which body will the competency be reserved for. The
    issues of creating possibilities for revising the wrong decisions
    and preventing from illegalities with a judicial order are more of
    principle. The NA President said that it is necessary to maintain
    in the draft law not the logic of a minimal indemnity to the owner,
    but that of a full one. Tigran Torosyan suggested removing from the
    draft law the 17th provision on property alienation in martial or
    emergency conditions. The Minister of Justice suggested putting the
    draft law to the vote without that article.

    In the open session the parliament also debated the NA draft resolution
    On Declaring Amnesty. The Republic President proposes the parliament
    to declare amnesty on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of RA
    independence declaration. The Minister of Justice noted all the groups
    upon which the amnesty can be spread. The decision can be applied
    towards the persons, who committed crime till on June 1, 2006. The
    decision is subjected to be carried out till September 30 of this year.

    During the session Rafik Petrosyan proposed to adopt his submitted
    draft On Making Addenda and Amendments in RA Civil Proceedings Code
    in the second reading.

    The NA extraordinary session will be resumed on July 7 from 10a.m.

    The debated issues, as well as the three international agreements
    will be put for debate.