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AUB Alumni Profile: Nina Jidejian - Writing History's Story

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  • AUB Alumni Profile: Nina Jidejian - Writing History's Story

    Main Gate Magazine
    American University of Beirut, Lebanon
    Spring 2006 Vol. IV, No. 3

    Alumni Profile

    Writing History's Story

    Archaeology may be the study of ancient civilizations, but one would
    never think to describe this type of history as "dead and buried"
    after meeting with renowned archaeologist and historian Nina Jidejian
    (BA '61, MA '65). For anyone who cracks open one of her fifteen
    books, Jidejian's animated and accessible writing style and obvious
    passion for her material make these journeys into the past come to
    life in the present. It is because of her scholarly reputation as
    well as her knack for storytelling that MainGate sought out
    Jidejian's own life story.

    Born in Boston and growing up primarily in Tehran, Jidejian's story
    begins with a fateful visit to see her sister in Beirut in 1947. At
    the end of her vacation, her sister had a minor accident, obliging
    the young Nina Nazaretian to spend some time at the AUB Hospital.
    Here she happened to meet the esteemed surgeon Yervant Jidejian. The
    following year, they were married and Nina Jidejian moved to Beirut.
    In 1949 the Jidejians celebrated the birth of their only child,

    As wife to the doctor serving as governor to the Lebanese chapter of
    the American College of Surgeons, Jidejian was often called upon to
    entertain visitors traveling to Lebanon to attend medical
    conferences. Along with organizing barbeques and swimming parties,
    she gave visiting doctors her own tours of Lebanon's many ancient
    wonders, based on what she could learn from the available guidebooks.
    After years of obliging her guests with tours, she decided it was
    time that she learned more about the ancient history of her adopted
    home. Jidejian started auditing classes at AUB, despite being both a
    mother and a decade older than most university students.

    Jidejian was no stranger to the University when she started attending
    classes and, indeed, her contributions are still very evident. She
    was one of the founding members and presidents of the Women's
    Auxiliary, which raises funds for AUBMC patients and medical
    students; she helped start the still active Bargain Box, a small
    store run by volunteers which supports the hospital through the sale
    of used clothing, books, and other gifts items; and she established
    the coffee shop in the old surgical wing of the hospital in 1953. She
    describes these activities with warmth, remembering the close network
    of wonderful colleagues who shared her energy and vision.

    As an auditor, Jidejian recalls, "Because I wasn't always worrying
    about who I was going out with that night, I was getting much more
    from the courses than my younger colleagues." Given that this is a
    woman who could not be satisfied giving tours based solely on
    superficial guidebooks, it is not surprising that she soon sought to
    dedicate herself fully to being a student. Having already completed
    two years of university at the Sage Junior College in Tehran,
    Jidejian was given standing as a "junior" when she enrolled as a
    full-time student at AUB in 1961.

    Jidejian recalls her days at AUB fondly. Though an older student and
    the wife of a respected AUB doctor, she had to follow all the
    administrative protocols required of all students. "I asked for no
    favors and none were given to me," she says. Jidejian flourished in
    this challenging environment. She remembers AUB for its superb
    professors and gives specific credit to William A. Ward as a
    particularly supportive teacher. She was especially inspired in her
    study of the ancient world by her advisor and professor John Pairman
    Brown, from whom she learned the axiom of academic integrity she
    still lives by today: "Never go out on a limb; always site your

    With these principles to guide her, Jidejian worked hard and fast.
    Despite her other responsibilities, she earned her BA in archaeology
    and history in 1963 and graduated with her MA in 1965. She produced a
    groundbreaking dissertation on Byblos that so impressed the faculty
    that her professors encouraged her to pursue publication.

    At this juncture, Jidejian insists, luck played a large role in her
    life, as she believes it does in all lives. Standing timidly inside
    the Jesuit Brothers Publishing House with her revised thesis under
    her arm, she learned that the publishers were currently working on a
    series of English language books on Lebanon's archaeological sites.
    Whether it was due to luck or the quality of her research and
    writing, her thesis was immediately accepted as part of this project
    and, once published in 1966, received international acclaim.

    Jidejian has since written books on all of Lebanon's famous
    archaeological sites, as well as a book on the Michel Edde coin
    collection and a companion to Liban l'autre rive, an exposition in
    Paris. These works have earned praise from noted academics worldwide,
    as well as from the presidents of Greece and Lebanon.

    One might ask, after thirty years and fifteen books, what more is
    there to write about? This question would never occur to Jidejian.
    When asked how she came to write her most recent book, Animals of
    Lebanon in Antiquity, from A to Z, she answered with two very simple
    statements. "First of all, I love animals. And, it's never been done
    before." These two principles, a love of her material and a desire to
    investigate new topics, keep both her interest and her writing fresh
    and alive. Jidejian varies her audience as well, reaching beyond
    academic circles. Animals of Lebanon in Antiquity is more of a
    picture book than anything else and is intended to "be something
    interesting for all ages."

    "What is very rewarding is that I learn as I write," explains
    Jidejian. While researching depictions of ancient animals in museum
    objects and mosaics, she discovered the importance of specific
    animals to various cultures. With obvious delight, she explained in
    detail her findings on the symbolic meaning of the vulture to ancient
    Egyptian civilization. "Every day I realize I know nothing," she says
    in complete solemnity. "You always have more to learn."

    This is clearly a heartfelt sentiment. Having already learned enough
    to fill-and write-a book on Sidon, Jidejian is returning to this
    ancient site for a fresh analysis. She is currently working on a
    revised, enlarged edition of her Sidon work, incorporating new
    research and recent findings. She describes these new developments
    the way a mystery writer might explain the exciting plot twistings of
    their upcoming whodunit and, indeed, Jidejian really does bring out
    the 'story' in history.

    Having remained in Lebanon throughout the war years, Jidejian has
    lived through some very traumatic experiences. The beautiful home in
    Yarze that she shared with her husband until his death in 1989 sits
    in what was called the Triangle of Death, where bombing from the sea
    and the mountains converged for fifteen years. Throughout this long
    and violent period, Jidejian continued to research and publish,
    though her access to AUB was completely cut off during that time. She
    used the resources at the Bibliothèque Oriental to continue her work,
    but risked her life every time she made a visit to her publisher, the
    Jesuit Brothers.

    Speaking with obvious respect and affection, she describes her late
    husband's philosophy that kept them in Lebanon throughout the war. "I
    have seen the good days of Lebanon and Lebanon has made me," Dr.
    Jidejian used to say. He would not abandon his home. Thankfully, Nina
    Jidejian has not abandoned her home either, and she continues to
    provide the world with new perspectives of Lebanon, based on sound
    research and presented with the fresh eye of a lifelong student. e.htm
