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Expulsion of Turkish electricity company promises geopolitical losse

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  • Expulsion of Turkish electricity company promises geopolitical losse

    By Fariz Ismailzade

    Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
    July 7 2006

    Friday, July 7, 2006

    After months of mutual accusations, arrests, investigations,
    and political statements, the Turkish electricity company Barmek
    has broken its contract with the Azerbaijani government to manage
    electricity supplies for Baku, the capital, and the northern regions
    of the country. "I did not want to do it," said Barmek president Huseyn
    Arabul at a press conference on July 3, "but the other side has forced
    me to with their constant pressures and monitoring" (, July 4).

    The contract between Barmek and the Azerbaijani government was signed
    in 2002 for a period of 25 years. It was widely reported at the time
    that former Turkish President Suleiman Demirel has personally lobbied
    on behalf of Barmek, which defeated its German competitor Siemens in
    the bidding process. Barmek's arrival in Azerbaijan was portrayed as
    another important step for Turkish-Azerbaijani economic partnership
    and integration.

    Since then, Barmek's relations with its Azerbaijani counterpart,
    Azerenergy, has passed through many ups-and-downs until finally in
    2006 Azerenergy concretely accused Barmek of mismanagement and asked
    the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, to break the contract.

    This was followed by the arrest of several high-ranking Barmek
    officials, and the launch of an investigation by the Ministry of Taxes
    and the prosecutor general's office. Last month Barmek's bank assets
    in Azerbaijan were frozen.

    "It is impossible to work under these conditions. I broke the contract
    unilaterally. And now I will demand compensation for all the investment
    [$67.45 million] I have made in Azerbaijan," Arabul told journalists
    at the press conference (Sharg, July 4). The Azerbaijani government,
    on the other hand, accuses Barmek of evading taxes, violating the
    terms of the contract regarding investment volumes, and falsifying
    invoices. "We have studied the lawsuit that Barmek has filed in the
    International Court on the Protection of Investments. He demands $300
    million from us. It is nothing more than blackmail. The Court will
    decide," said Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev after
    freezing Barmek's assets and bank accounts.

    In May ministry officials had stated that Barmek has invested only
    $3 million toward improving Azerbaijan's electricity-distribution
    network, which constitutes only 10% of the investment required by the
    contract ($27.8 million). Furthermore, Barmek took out loans from
    the International Bank of Azerbaijan to purchase transformers and
    allegedly misappropriated those funds. Finally, the ministry argued
    that invoices for work subcontracted to outside companies have been
    inflated and falsified. These serious accusations have been backed by
    evidence discovered as a result of the investigation by the prosecutor
    general's office.

    Yet despite these problems, Barmek's departure will still hurt
    Azerbaijan in the long run. Foremost, Barmek brought Western-style
    practices and consumer relations to Azerbaijan's electricity system,
    which was notorious for its mismanagement during Soviet times. Income
    from electricity payments has been always low in the former Soviet
    republic, as many citizens and businesses either secretly steal
    electric power or refuse to pay, citing poverty. Barmek has fought this
    "free-lunch" mentality through a series of public-service announcements
    and has markedly improved the rate of payment for electricity among
    ordinary citizens. People have finally begun to understand their
    responsibilities related to electricity usage, and Barmek made it easy
    for them to pay the bills at banks and many customer service centers.

    However, Barmek's expulsion brings opportunities for regional
    utilities to compete for the right to manage Azerbaijan's
    electricity-distribution network. Russia's electricity monopoly Unified
    Energy Systems (UES) appears to be the front-runner, as its officials
    have frequently visited Azerbaijan in the past and cooperation between
    the two sides has increased over the past few years. Having already
    taken control over Armenia and Georgia's electricity assets, UES is
    eager to complete the deal with Azerbaijan for total control over
    the South Caucasus. This, in turn, could have very negative political
    and security implications for the Azerbaijani people and government.

    Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev has denied that any
    company has yet made any offers. Local experts, however, have no
    doubt that some Russian company will soon be knocking on their door.

    Some even believe that opening the market to Russia is Aliyev's way
    of repaying Russian President Vladimir Putin for the political support
    Moscow provided during last year's disputed parliamentary elections.

    It is also possible that Azerbaijan will manage the distribution
    network itself, as occurred when another private company, Bayva,
    had its contract to manage the electricity-distribution network in
    western regions cancelled last year. Rising oil revenues now allow
    the Azerbaijani government to invest in infrastructure and thus reduce
    the dependence on a foreign company. In any case, the end of Barmek's
    era in Azerbaijan promises uncertainties for the country.