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AUA Press Release, 7 July

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  • AUA Press Release, 7 July

    American University of Armenia
    300 Lakeside Drive, 5th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Contact: Maggie Mead
    Tel: 510-987-9125
    Fax: 510-208-3576
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Constitution Day Panel Discussion at AUA: The Legacy of Mkhitar Gosh and the
    Rule of Law

    Yerevan- 7 July. The AUA Department of Law, on the occasion of
    Constitution Day of Armenia, hosted a panel discussion celebrating
    Mkhitar Gosh and his Legacy of Law in Armenia, entitled "Lessons from
    Mkhitar Gosh: 800 Years of Legal Tradition."

    Panel participants included Tom Samuelian (Dean, AUA Law Department),
    who presented Mkhitar Gosh as a legal pragmatist, and Fr. Sasoon
    Zumrookhdian of the Armenian Apostolic Church and Vicar for Tavush
    Marz, who spoke on the topic of "Mkhitar Gosh: A New Tradition." Also
    present were Prof. Garnik Safaryan from the Institute of Law and
    Politics of the National Academy of Sciences, who described Mkhitar
    Gosh's legacy, and Gagik Ghazinyan, Dean of the YSU Law Department,
    who presented Mkhitar Gosh's "Datastanagirk".

    "800 years ago, Mkhitar Gosh studied international best practice
    and compiled an exemplary law code based on the real needs and
    Christian values of Armenia. It was such a good compilation that
    it was translated into other languages and used by Armenian and
    non-Armenian communities in Europe and elsewhere for nearly 500 years.
    While times have changed, the value of Mkhitar Gosh's insights into
    the methods of creating good laws has not. Today's Seminar at AUA
    is being held in conjunction with two important national holidays:
    RA Constitution Day (July 5) and Sts. Trdat and Ashkhen Day (July 8),
    whom we honor this week as the founders of Armenia's Christian state
    along with St. Gregory the Illuminator in 301. The festivities
    will culminate in the blessing of civil servants and jurists during
    a pilgrimage to Goshavank on Saturday, July 8, under the auspices of
    the Gugark Diocese of the Armenian Church"- stated Tom Samuelian.

    The event was free and open to the public. Approximately 50 people
    attended the panel discussion, included students, members of the
    press, judges, and advocates, as well as representatives from bar
    associations and the National Assembly.

    --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

    The American University of Armenia Corporation (AUAC) is registered
    as a non-profit organization in the United States and as the Armenian
    University of Armenia Fund (AUAF) in Armenia. The American University
    of Armenia (AUA) is affiliated through AUAC with the Regents of the
    University of California.

    Receiving major support from the AGBU, AUA offers instruction leading
    to the Masters Degree in eight graduate programs. For more information
    about AUA, visit