15:20 07/07/06
The ministry of education has initiated a discussion at AUA Business
Center on shifting to a common examination system for secondary
school graduates.
Next year graduates will take one final and common examination from
the Armenian language. This means, that the examination results may
be transferred to higher education establishments for some. This
will be done upon the wish of the examinee. If the graduate does not
want the result of the exam to be transferred to a higher educational
establishment as acceptance examination, then he/she must write only
point A.
Otherwise, he/she must take both A and B points.
However, tests unveil that this innovation leaves many questions
open. Therefore, extraordinary examinations for 10 years schoolchildren
will be held next year from the Armenian language and Chemistry. It
may be said that the mentioned system may shift corruption risks to
school. However, some proposals say grading will be done by computer
system eliminating subjectivism. /
15:20 07/07/06
The ministry of education has initiated a discussion at AUA Business
Center on shifting to a common examination system for secondary
school graduates.
Next year graduates will take one final and common examination from
the Armenian language. This means, that the examination results may
be transferred to higher education establishments for some. This
will be done upon the wish of the examinee. If the graduate does not
want the result of the exam to be transferred to a higher educational
establishment as acceptance examination, then he/she must write only
point A.
Otherwise, he/she must take both A and B points.
However, tests unveil that this innovation leaves many questions
open. Therefore, extraordinary examinations for 10 years schoolchildren
will be held next year from the Armenian language and Chemistry. It
may be said that the mentioned system may shift corruption risks to
school. However, some proposals say grading will be done by computer
system eliminating subjectivism. /