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Sydney: Bomber lives among us now

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  • Sydney: Bomber lives among us now

    Herald Sun (Australia)
    July 6, 2006 Thursday
    SECOND Edition

    Bomber lives among us now
    by Mark Buttler and Anthony Dowsley

    A MAN convicted of a terrorist bombing in Melbourne 20 years ago can
    never be deported for his crime.

    Levon Demirian was a key figure in the 1986 bombing of the Turkish
    consulate in South Yarra, in which his accomplice died.

    Demirian's Australian citizenship allowed him to avoid banishment to
    his native Lebanon when his prison sentence ended. He is living in

    Leaders of Australia's Turkish community have voiced disgust that
    Demirian, who was jailed in 1986, was not sent home.

    His accomplice, Hapog Levonian, died when 6kg of explosives detonated
    in a car park beneath the consulate building in Toorak Rd, South

    Police believe many more would have died if the bomb, detonated at
    night, had gone off during the day, as intended.

    The consulate bombing was not the first time Demirian had come to the
    attention of investigators.

    In 1980 he was questioned over the assassination of Turkish
    consul-general Sarik Artyak and his bodyguard in Sydney. They died in
    a hail of machinegun bullets fired by the pillion passenger of a

    Demirian, 54, was originally sentenced to a minimum of 25 years' jail
    for Levonian's murder, but that was later quashed.

    The appeal court found a conspiracy charge proved and reduced his
    sentence to 10 years after pointing out that Demirian, who migrated
    to Australia in the 1970s, could be deported upon release.

    The appeal judges said the crime's seriousness was compounded by
    Demirian's abuse of the sanctuary offered him by Australia.

    At one time, Demirian was rated the highest security risk in the
    prison system.

    Levonian and Demirian were allegedly motivated by the genocide of
    Armenians in 1915.

    Interviewed in Sydney, Demirian said the bombing was a long time ago
    and he wanted it left in the past.

    Denouncing terrorism, he said: "Something happened that I was
    convicted of and I'm forgetting about it. I don't want to bring that
    up again."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress