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BAKU: Armenian efforts to hinder regional railway project failed, Az

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  • BAKU: Armenian efforts to hinder regional railway project failed, Az

    Armenian efforts to hinder regional railway project failed, Azeri leader says

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Posted July 11 2006

    Baku, July 10, AssA-Irada -- Some forces are trying to hinder the
    project on building the major Gars-Tbilisi-Baku railway to link
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, President Ilham Aliyev has said.

    "Armenia and the Armenian lobby are particularly hostile to Azerbaijan
    and Turkey and doing everything in their power to deal a blow upon
    both countries," Aliyev told Turkey's Jumhuriyyet (Republic) newspaper.

    The president said Armenians' efforts to impede the railway project
    will fail. "I am confident that we will implement this project,"
    he said.

    President Aliyev added that the fact Azerbaijan and Turkey are in
    no need for various international organizations' support shattered
    Armenians' attempts.

    The president said Armenians' hostility against Turks makes it pivotal
    for the two countries to pursue a firm political course.

    The head of state said the Armenian lobby was also against the
    realization of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) main export pipeline
    project. Armenians even sent out letters, trying to put pressure on
    the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international
    financial institutions funding the project.

    "But they achieved nothing, as the will of Azerbaijan and Turkey and
    the active participation of Georgia prevented them from disrupting
    the activities," Aliyev said.*