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Independent South Kurdistan after 15 years of Self-Rule

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  • Independent South Kurdistan after 15 years of Self-Rule

    Kurdish Aspect, CO
    July 11 2006

    Independent South Kurdistan after 15 years of Self-Rule

    Book Review - "Independent South Kurdistan" by Steve Tataii

    Kurd Net

    THE WAR OF LIBERATION AFTER 85 YEARS Unfair treatment of the Kurds
    by Turkey shows it is still the true terrorist military regime in
    the region without improvement since 1915 Kamal Ataturk's Tyrannical
    Rule with his forceful Westernization. [This is the Modified version
    of my article first posted by Kurdistan Observer on April 10, 2003]
    This war and all other wars in Southern and Northern Kurdistan have
    been caused by Turkey's barbaric and senseless prevention of forming
    an Independent Kurdistan in 1920, keeping the 5-7 million Kurds in
    Southern Kurdistan and more tan 25 million Kurds in North Kurdistan (a
    figure Turkey has tried to conceal), [as well as over 2.5 million Kurds
    in West Kurdistan Syria Cannot deny], in constant bloody clashes and
    wars for freedom in the past 85 years. If the League of Nations had
    implemented an independent Kurdistan in 1920s; there would have been
    no wars, and no Tyrant regimes in Iraq would have dared to emerge. What
    Turkey did against Kurds in 1920 has had a similar domino effect in the
    other 3 Kurdish parts. As I have stated before, and I say it again: in
    simple terms, Turkey, which has the gall to accuse the Kurdish freedom
    fighters as terrorists and render this malicious verbal assault on
    Kurds and endanger our U.S. troops while in action to liberate Iraq,
    is the most dangerous terrorist regime itself; hence Turkey has been
    the only major threat to peace, security, and stability in the region,
    and in essence must be disarmed immediately.

    American and Kurdish Peshmarga must always keep this crucial fact in
    mind and deal with it accordingly as a move to disarm Turkish terrorist
    military establishment as quickly as possible if they refuse to have
    a positive change in their military-Ruled regime. Here is a quick
    and comprehensive look at Turkey's major international crimes since
    1920: The origin of the whole dilemma causing a war for liberation by
    Kurds in their own ancient homeland encompassing an area as large as
    California began around 85 years ago. By 1920 the vast Ottoman Empire
    fell apart after the WWI, and its nations were left with no central
    power to answer to Sultans in the fallen Capitol City of the Ottoman
    Empire in Constantinople, today known as Istanbul.

    Kurdistan was scheduled to be an Independent country of its own
    together with a few other nations on the listed nations of the
    drafted treaty of Sevres being implemented by the League of Nations
    to bring peace, security, and stability in the post ottoman empire
    era. All those nations living peacefully side by side within the
    Ottoman Empire including those located in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria,
    Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the reduced portion of the Empire itself,
    Turkey, did achieve their independence through that treaty, but the
    nations of Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia did not because of the
    left over and reduced portion of the Empire, namely "Turkey." With
    its expansionist greedy nature, a hegemony of its predecessor bigger
    Ottoman, it was still trying to act with ambition for land snatching,
    even if it would trample upon Kurdistan's sovereignty.

    Kurdistan, today home to over 45 million Kurds, is the largest
    nation without a country, no thanks to Turkey with the help of its
    supporters Great Britain and France, which continued its tyrannical
    and dictatorial stranglehold on its own nearly 25 million Kurds, and
    forcing their war of Liberation to continue in the past 85 years. The
    other two major portions of Kurdistan are in Iraq with 5-7 million
    Kurds, and Iran with over 15 million Kurds, and Syria with 2.5 million
    Kurds, each causing the Kurds wars, genocides, executions, ethnic
    cleansings, torture, imprisonments, and oppression. In short, this
    war is mainly due to what Turkey initiated, and other parts followed
    in a domino effect since around 1920. When Turkey, under the brutal
    regime of Kemal Ataturk, who continued its campaigns of genocide
    against Kurds and Armenians, killing over a million Kurds along with
    their political leaders, as well as over 2 million Armenians.

    This was the beginning of a prolonged war for liberation by Kurds,
    Armenians, and Azeris. Armenia and Azerbaijan luckily obtained their
    independence after the fall of another Empire, the USSR, after the
    end of the Cold War in 1989, but Kurds remained captive. Therefore,
    this war has many untold stories, but there is no question about
    Turkey's initial foul play when it interfered with the implementation
    of the treaty of Serves by the League of Nations Independence treaty,
    when the League did not safeguard the plan for Kurds, Armenians,
    and Azeri nations within the fallen Empire due to Ataturk's iron fist
    colonialist military attacks, when the League abandoned its obligation
    to the most ancient nation of Kurds with 12,000 years of civilization.

    Although Armenia and Azerbaijan got their Independence in 1989 after
    the fall of U.S.S.R., but Kurdistan, mainly outside of U.S.S.R.,
    continues to remain without an officially recognized state to this
    day. Particularly, the Independent South Kurdistan is yet to be
    officially recognized as a UN member state even while we have Liberated
    the Iraqi region after invasion, but it is totally unrealistic and
    ludicrous to even think that the two nations of Kurds and Arabs in
    Iraq since 1920s wrongfully drawn up map aimed to exploit Kurdish
    natural resources in Kirkuk Kurdistan, and Basra oilfields in the
    South, after 85 years of wars; suddenly restart another chapter of
    wars to be left alone, and live in their own independent states
    in peace and security. This intended piracy of the colonial past
    has become the most vicious and malicious plot against the entire
    nation of Kurds, which has so far left around 3.5 million innocent
    Kurdish civilians killed in series of wars, and bombings, but most of
    all Ethnic cleansing in the large provinces of Kirkuk Kurdistan and
    Mosul against the Kurds in the artificial Iraq, and North Kurdistan
    usurped by Turkey, as well as West Kurdistan usurped by Syria. Our
    attempt at unification of the two totally diverse ethnic groups of
    Ancient Kurds and the desert Arabs of South is utterly irresponsible
    and insensitive. Some of our administration's spokespersons immature
    and nave statements of the Kurds themselves told me they don't want
    to be independent is unbelievably stupid and internationally criminal.

    The Kurds have held half a dozen of Referendums and elections since
    our invasion in 2003, and have signed declarations at the rate of 98%
    of their entire Kurdish population, declaring that they want to live
    in an Independent South Kurdistan as you'll read in my book series
    printed published articles. What we must focus on now; is to declare
    and recognize an Independent South Kurdistan as quickly as possible
    before it is later than the three years gone by, and before we cause
    further tensions, and possible clashes between Kurds and Arabs in
    Kirkuk, the inseparable part of Kurdistan. The unstable part of the
    defunct Iraq in South is not and should not be imposed on the Kurds.

    To establish security in the South should not be prerequisite to
    Kurdish Independence in South Kurdistan, ready to be officially
    recognized as a nation state in the past 15 years. All those wise
    guy journalists trumpeting their statements about Kirkuk having other
    minorities other than Kurds should really shut the hell up, because
    it is obvious that they their own paid agendas to do their dirty work
    for their masters, and the pushing of this anti-Kurd agenda has gone
    on far enough. Our U.S. Administration should wake up and smell the
    coffee, because they're forcing the Kurds to fight for what belongs
    to them and has been their homeland and their territory from time
    immemorial. Finally, the Kurds have gone far beyond their line of
    duties to help our Iraq Liberation.

    They understand; that it would have taken longer to Liberate Kirkuk
    and Mosul if it wasn't for our invasion to remove the pathetic Saddam,
    but there should not be any negotiations over the fact that Kurds want
    their Independence, and there should not be any doubts about Kirkuk
    Kurdistan's inclusion within the Independent South Kurdistan. The
    more we prolong this matter; the closer it may get to another war
    within the already existing unfinished war to secure the South. We
    have repeatedly admitted we are not there for oil. What we should do
    then, we must get on with Liberating the Kurds, and securing an Arab
    government for the South. We can't have it both ways, and we won't
    succeed in our plan of unification as an exit strategy. Once we have
    an official Independent South Kurdistan, then we may focus on the
    remainder of the task, which appears to be the lack of security in
    the Arab provinces. The Kurds have done their share. Isn't it time we
    let the Kurds be, and instead help their nation after 85 years of wars?

    Book Review - "Independent South Kurdistan" by Steve Tataii

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress