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BAKU: Paper warns of "war of regions" in Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: Paper warns of "war of regions" in Azerbaijan

    Paper warns of "war of regions" in Azerbaijan

    Zerkalo website, Baku
    17 Jun 06

    Azerbaijan is coming under threat from radical movements in both the
    north and the south of the country because of the rise in radical
    Islamic groups, an Azeri newspaper has reported. In the north,
    anti-Shiite fundamentalist organizations are gaining strength and Iran
    is using anti-US propaganda to win support in the south. The paper
    says residents in the Lerik district regard Iran as their Motherland
    and say that if the Americans attack Iran they will fight them. The
    following is an excerpt from the report by I. Abbasov and A. Rasidoglu
    entitled "War of the regions" published on Azerbaijani newspaper
    Zerkalo website on 17 June; subheadings have been inserted editorially:

    "Non-believers and servants of the devil have managed to a large
    extent to bury the true religion of God. Only in Iran could Muslims
    preserve Islam."

    [passage omitted: Islam still being preserved in Iran]

    Iran "Motherland" to people in south

    A Zerkalo correspondent became personally convinced that there is a
    sense of a "successful Iranian war of propaganda", which has begun in
    the southern regions of our country, and, it seems, Teheran is again
    gambling on being one step ahead. Some people in the villages of Lerik
    [close to the Iranian border in Azerbaijan] have made it clear that
    they consider Iran to be their Motherland. It goes without saying
    that they know who Iran's enemies are, that is those who oppose it,
    in other words "the Zionists and servants of the devil".

    In Lerik, some of the people we spoke to wanted to prove to us that
    the Almighty is summoning Muslims to fight against the non-believers.

    In over 100 ayats [chapters] of the Holy Koran they are instructed
    to fight on God's path. "God knows best what is good for us," some
    of the people of Lerik said. We should point out straightaway that it
    is not a question that in this region orthodox Muslims have begun to
    hold on to the canons of Islam. That is not the point. Even with the
    naked eye one can see that, hiding behind religion, certain circles
    have started to play a political game.

    "We are not afraid of the USA. We are expecting the Americans to
    attack the sacred land of Iran. And then we shall rise against
    the non-believers. We cannot wait for our spiritual leader Seyyed
    Ali Khamene'i or some other member of the mojahedin to declare the
    beginning of a Jihad. As soon as it happens, like true Muslims we shall
    defend our religion from the Zionists," the father of two children
    told a Zerkalo correspondent. In a word, they tried to convince us that
    defending the Muslims is not politics. Those people who are prepared to
    die for Iran's integrity have not even allowed themselves to believe
    that Karabakh is our land, it is occupied, and that we are committed
    before God and before our Motherland to liberate it. In other words,
    the occupation of Iran by the USA is more important to them than the
    liberation of Karabakh. "Islam is the main thing. We shall gladly die
    for our religion, and everything else has no particular significance
    for us," some people in the southern region tried to convince us.

    Whatever the situation, there is no doubt that Iran's positions in
    the southern regions of Azerbaijan are very strong. But this is not
    the most terrible thing. Some people are trying to sow hatred in the
    conscience of our citizens for our own brothers in faith, the Sunnis.

    For some reason, the "Islamists" of Lerik believe that it is the
    Sunnis, and especially the Wahhabis, who are to blame for all
    our misfortunes, because they are a "black stain" in the history
    of Islam. [passage omitted: those who damage Islamic unity are
    considered pagans]

    Boycott of US goods

    "The anti-American war in the southern regions has already begun,
    albeit at the moment only in the form of a boycott of American goods.

    Here people do not buy products and other goods imported from the
    States. The young people in Lerik are awaiting the Imam Mehdi (the
    12th Imam, whom the Shi'ites believe to be their saviour). But this -
    this "awaiting" - is based on Iran's policy. It is only there that
    they know when and how it will happen. "If they tell us that our
    president is a despot, then we shall rise against him," says Ali,
    21, who believes that personal opinions are unimportant - the main
    thing is the fatwah of the mojahedin.

    A resume of the conversations we had with a separate section of the
    people of Lerik amounts to the following: "Our time will soon come.

    And then there will be days of hell for those non-believers who do
    not follow the canons of Islam."

    Anti-Shi'ite book circulated

    One could have paid no particular attention to the views of certain
    people in Lerik, but everything the correspondent saw in this region
    speaks of the beginning of a major plan with which the Zerkalo
    newspaper has already acquainted its readers. Thus, yesterday the
    APA agency published a report in its bulletins which says that in the
    northern regions of Azerbaijan copies of a book by anonymous authors
    entitled "How I came under oppression" are being distributed. The book
    is directed against the Shi'ites. In it a number of serious indignities
    are used. "We have information that this book was written by members of
    certain radical groups of the Abu-Bakr mosque [in Baku]. Every believer
    who has received this book is obliged to copy it and re-distribute
    it. The book is a response to the existing anti-Sunni direction of
    the three-volume work 'How I started to believe'," the source told APA.

    We will note that some time ago al-Tijani's book "How I started to
    believe" was distributed in the northern regions. It was reported that
    it was published in Iran. The book which was sold in front of the holy
    place Khizir-Zinda in Siyazan District, and was later confiscated by
    members of the law-enforcement bodies. Now in the northern regions
    the third volume of al-Tijani's book is being distributed underground.

    In the northern regions of Azerbaijan religious fundamentalism,
    aimed against Shi'ism, is manifest in acute forms. Clearly, the
    special services of our northern neighbour are by no means averse to
    exacerbating the situation in the regions bordering on Azerbaijan.

    For example, in Qusar, Quba, Xacmaz, Siyazan and Balakan districts
    radically minded religious organizations are being created, whose
    activity is directed against the Shi'ites. Wahhabi and other extremist
    organizations of a religious hue which are being created there are
    virtually a pillar of Russia's "sinister" designs against our country.

    Extremist threats in north and south

    In a word, Russia from the north and Iran from the south are slowly but
    surely closing the ring around Azerbaijan. Zerkalo has already more
    than once warned the public about the threat of the strengthening
    positions of Wahhabism in the northern regions of the country and
    the Iranization of the southern regions. Both currents have fairly
    strong roots in the northern and central regions of Azerbaijan,
    and also in Baku. In the absence of democracy and normal laws which
    provide freedom of conscience and give a full guarantee to believers,
    nobody should be surprised at such a phenomenon.

    Interested circles are striving to shape in the public conscience
    the assumption that various radical groups pose a serious threat of
    instability in Azerbaijan. Clearly, they are doing this to divert
    the attention of the population from the democratic and economic
    processes. According to some reports, in the event of political
    cataclysms in our country, the radically minded religious organizations
    in the northern parts of Azerbaijan may be put on combat readiness.

    Without doubt, the Iranian special services are taking advantage of
    this to take control of those regions where the Shi'ite Muslims are
    in the majority. We said earlier that the southern regions are being
    turned into a proving ground for the Iranian special services; but
    similar processes are occurring also in Abseron, Naxcivan and other
    parts of the country. In other words, the way is being prepared for
    an artificial confrontation between separate regions of Azerbaijan
    under the camouflage of religious differences. Furthermore, according
    to some media reports, if Baku joins the anti-Iranian coalition at
    another "convenient moment" for themselves, some groups might start
    to carry out terrorist acts in the capital. This could lead to the
    beginning of a "war of the regions" in Azerbaijan, a war between the
    north and south, which could lead to the dismemberment of the country.

    In other words, it is clearly the feeble activity of the state
    committee for work with religious structures and the Board of
    Muslims of the Caucasus [BMC] which has brought all this about. At
    the present moment it is only intelligent religious figures, who
    are constantly subjected to persecution from the BMC, together with
    the state structures, who are capable of preventing undesirable
    processes. Educational work among the religiously minded electorate
    might quench the passions of the foreign special services.

    I would like to bring to the notice of the executive powers of the
    southern and northern regions that allegiance to the state does
    not just mean prostrating oneself to the ground but also the proper
    management of the processes in one's own "ancestral lands".