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TBILISI: Russia trying to redraw borders in conflict zone - Georgian

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  • TBILISI: Russia trying to redraw borders in conflict zone - Georgian

    Russia trying to redraw borders in conflict zone - Georgian minister

    Channel 1, Tbilisi
    10 Jul 06

    [Presenter] As we speak, Deputy Foreign Minister Merab Antadze is
    commenting on the situation at Ergneti [police checkpoint on South
    Ossetian border through which Russian, Armenian citizens have been
    trying to enter Georgian-controlled territory since Russia closed
    the Zemo Larsi - Qazbegi border crossing on 8 July]. We go live to
    the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

    [Antadze, addressing a briefing] As for sending them [from Zemo Larsi]
    to the Roki Tunnel [on South Ossetia section of Georgian-Russian
    border], I should tell you that this is not only a gross violation
    of a Georgian-Russian agreement. This is [also] a calculated attempt
    by Russia to move the Georgian-Russian border from Roki to Ergneti
    and to destabilize the situation in the region and increase military
    tension in the conflict zone.

    At the same time, I should state very clearly that Georgia will not
    allow the transfer of the de facto border and will not fall for the
    continued acts of provocation staged by the separatists and their
    supporters in the conflict zone.

    I should also tell you that the people who will have arrived at the
    Roki Tunnel from the Russian side before 14 July, as well as those
    who have already entered Georgian territory, [will be allowed in]
    out of humanitarian considerations. You probably know that there
    are children and elderly people among them and they are in quite a
    difficult situation.

    I should once again stress that all of this has been caused by Russia's
    efforts, essentially encouraging these people to break Georgian
    law. Their action amounts to the violation of Georgian law. We have
    nevertheless decided that until 14 July people coming to Georgia
    will be able to proceed [through Ergneti] without hindrance. This
    applies only to people. Freight and other kinds of traffic will be
    stopped. This will last until 14 July only.

    As for the actions which, as I have said, continue to take place in the
    conflict zone, they are aimed at raising tension. We have information
    to this effect. Russian officials' recent statements in the media
    that Georgia is preparing to settle the conflict in Tskhinvali region
    by force are an attempt to prepare both the Russian public and the
    international community for possible military action, which Russia,
    it its own words, will resort to should there be a need to protect
    its citizens in the conflict zone.

    I should once again state that we will not fall for these acts
    of provocation. We have a very clear programme and we will try to
    implement this programme and settle the conflict by peaceful means
    together with our partners.

    I would also like to say a few words about the appalling act of
    terrorism which took place in Tskhinvali. I am referring to the
    terrorist attack on [Oleg] Alborov [South Ossetian security council

    I should state with full responsibility that this was an act
    of terrorism aimed at getting rid of a political opponent. This
    individual was one of just a few - unfortunately - representatives
    of the de facto authorities with a clear vision of prospects for
    the cohabitation of the Georgian and Ossetian peoples. He had a very
    realistic understanding of the situation.