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Zhirayr Sefilian: First and Foremost Task Is To Prevent Reproduction

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  • Zhirayr Sefilian: First and Foremost Task Is To Prevent Reproduction


    YEREVAN, JULY 12, NOYAN TAPAN. "Today there is no notion of the
    Karabakh problem: the issue was solved long ago and in spite of
    all conversations, there is no danger in the respect of ceding
    territories," Zhirayr Sefilian, Commander of the Shoushi special
    battalion, Head of the In Defence of Liberated Territories NGO,
    declared at the July 12 meeting with journalists at the National
    Press Club.

    According to him, the current authorities making "pitiful and
    defeatest" statements pursue traitorous goals. And the statements
    of Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian about the acceptability of the
    frame agreement proposed by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs are made
    by the order of RA President Robert Kocharian who by this wants to
    say to the Americans that "I am ready to do anything."

    In Sefilian's opinion, the processes around the Nagorno Karabakh
    settlement led the Armenian side to a deadlock, which strengthens
    war danger. "This situation is the result of the non-competent policy
    of the Armenian authorities.

    The sooner we get rid of them the more real the possibility to delay
    the war will be," he considers.

    Sefilian mentioned that the political elite is isolated from the
    people in Armenia and there is something to think of here. According
    to him, the Americans disclosing the frame agreement uncovered the
    Armenian authorities. "Only one thing remains after it, to unite and
    not to permit the reproduction of the current authorities. And in
    this respect we, Armenian volunteers conduct an initiative, about
    which the society will learn soon." He again confirmed that today
    the first and foremost task is prevention of the reproduction of
    the current authorities.

    In connection with the position of the U.S. in the issue of Nagorno
    Karabakh settlement Sefilian emphasized that the Americans have
    been never interested in the solution of this problem. "They are
    not interested, to whom Aghdam belongs today, to the Armenians or
    the Azeris. They are interested in the possibility to strengthen
    control in this region and in ousting the Russians. At the same time,
    we all know that the Armenian authorities have a status of heads of
    the Russian province," Zhirayr Sefilian declared.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress