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Charges against Istanbul-Based Armenian Newspaper Editor Not Dismiss

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  • Charges against Istanbul-Based Armenian Newspaper Editor Not Dismiss

    Charges against Istanbul-Based Armenian Newspaper Editor Not Dismissed

    13.07.2006 15:17 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Court of Appeal of Turkey on July 11 confirmed
    the verdict on the case of Istanbul-Based Agos Armenian newspaper
    editor Hrant Dink. He will not be imprisoned, however will be under
    the threat of deprivation of liberty for 5 years, as in case a new
    "crime" is committed, another half a year will be added to the old
    imprisonment term.

    Past October ethnic Armenian citizen of Turkey Hrant Dink was sentenced
    to 6 months of conditional imprisonment for a newspaper article
    telling about massacre of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in 1915. In
    February representatives of Office of the Prosecutor General considered
    Dink's case at the Court of Appeal and arrived at a conclusion that
    the article is not insulting. However, unexpectedly the court did
    not take this conclusion into consideration and decided that the
    accusation against Dink is grounded, reports BBC Russian Service.

    In spite of a number of reforms in Turkey owing to talks on EU
    accession, there are articles in the legislation, which provide for
    punishment for insulting the Turkish nation, country's armed forces
    and judicial bodies, while the difference in definitions of criticism
    and insulting is often vague.