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Committee: Cause of Armenian jet crash will be known in July

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  • Committee: Cause of Armenian jet crash will be known in July

    Committee: Cause of Armenian jet crash will be known in July

    Interfax, Russia
    July 12 2006

    YEREVAN. July 12 (Interfax) - The Interstate Aviation Committee of
    the Commonwealth of Independent States said on Wednesday it "possesses
    all necessary information" in order to determine the cause of the May
    3 crash of an Armenian airliner in Sochi, Russia, and it promised to
    publish its findings this month.

    "Today I can for the first time announce officially and with
    confidence that the Interstate Aviation Committee has all the necessary
    information in order to establish absolutely clearly and objectively
    the causes of the crash of the [Airbus] A-320 liner over Sochi on
    May 3 and finish work on the final report with the participation
    of Russian, Armenian, and French specialists," Committee Chairwoman
    Tatyana Anodina told reporters in Yerevan.

    Anodina said the findings would be published this month and that
    the analysis of flight records would be finished before the end of
    this week.