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BAKU: Azerbaijan: Aspirations, Regional Issues, and Global Concerns

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan: Aspirations, Regional Issues, and Global Concerns, DC
    July 12 2006

    Azerbaijan: Aspirations, Regional Issues, and Global Concerns

    by His Excellency Elmar Mammadyarov
    Heritage Lecture #949

    July 12, 2006 | |

    (Delivered April 7, 2006)

    Today, I would like to discuss Azerbaijan~Rs aspira­tions, regional
    issues, as well as some global concerns we have in our part of the

    Azerbaijan restored its independence in 1991. Since then, we have
    been conducting an active foreign policy, engaging the international
    community as a member of the major international organizations. Thus,
    our rela­tions with Western nations, and in particular with the
    United States, are one of the crucial components of our foreign
    policy priorities. This is very important to stress. Having lived in
    the United States for almost twelve years, I witnessed U.S. policy
    with regard to Azerbaijan moving from what they refer to as a
    ~Scoun­try of interest~T to ~Sstrategic ally.~T It is indeed very
    impor­tant that our cooperation programs, particularly in the energy
    sector as well as the security areas, are deepen­ing every year. It
    brings with it very positive elements: for example, our latest
    cooperative efforts in the area of democracy-building and protection
    of human rights.

    Rule of law is also extremely important for us, espe­cially keeping
    in mind our past. We were a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist
    Republics and had our own parliament and constitution. But the major
    fac­tors of being independent are a foreign and defense policy; these
    were delegated to Moscow. And because of the Soviet style of command
    economy, we had little experience as to what a real democracy meant,
    or for that matter, what the rule of law or even protection of human
    rights actually meant.

    This year we will celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of our
    independence. I can say that we have spent a great deal of time and
    energy on introducing the basic elements of what we call the process
    of democracy-building in the country. Sometimes it~Rs not an easy
    process. Honestly speaking, our efforts sometimes need to be doubled.
    But this is what we call a generational issue; we need to work on the
    human capital in the country so that people also recognize what
    democracy truly means.

    Developing Energy Wealth

    We~Rre continuing to do a good job in the area of economic
    development. Most people here know that Azerbaijan is a region of oil
    and gas. The sign­ing of a major oil contract in 1994 with the big
    oil companies~Wwe called it the contract of the centu­ry~Wcreated a
    solid foundation for our economic development.

    Investment into the economy over the last 10 years was about $20
    billion, which is pretty good for a population of 8 million. In the
    initial years, it came mostly to the energy sector, of course, and
    was around $15 billion. And we are really proud to say that $5
    billion came to the non-oil sector. The development of the non-oil
    sector is one of the major tasks the government faces right now. And
    we already defined the niches where major efforts should be made:
    agriculture, agribusiness, infra­structure, and tourism. Indeed, I~Rm
    going to talk about them a little bit later.

    After signing the ~Scontract of the century,~T we immediately started
    to think about how to deliver these huge volumes of oil to the world
    markets. The point is that Azerbaijan is a landlocked coun­try. We
    have a water roads connection with the Black Sea and through the
    Black Sea to the major ports of the world. But the Russian port of
    Astra­khan, on the Volga, is under the ice almost four month a year.
    So we started thinking how to deliver oil to the warm ports of the

    Then the idea to build a new pipeline came along. Of course, we
    already have two existing pipelines. The first was built during the
    Soviet Union, and it runs from Baku to the Russian port of
    Novorossiysk on the Black Sea, with the capacity of 70 million tons
    per year. That~Rs around 490 million barrels a year. It~Rs not so big,
    but it was sufficient for the exploration of our oil resources at
    this time.

    Then after signing the contract for the initial pro­duction of oil,
    we built another pipeline which connects Baku offshore with the Black
    Sea port of Supsa. The pipeline itself, because it~Rs an earlier oil
    pipeline, holds 5 million tons. That~Rs about 35 mil­lion barrels a

    Then we started to recognize that there is too much oil, particularly
    in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. So the decision was made
    to build up a huge pipeline running from Azerbaijan through Georgia
    to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. The capacity of the
    pipeline is 50 mil­lion tons of crude oil, which is roughly 1 million
    barrels per day.

    It is also possible that the capacity can be increased, even up to
    1.2 million or 1.4 million barrels per day, and with the addition of
    chemicals, it could reach 1.7 million barrels per day.

    So the pipeline is a very big project. The cost is small~W$3 billion.
    Currently, we are pumping oil inside the pipeline, and we are
    expecting in the coming months~Wmost probably this summer~W that it
    will be finally inaugurated with the first tanker of oil which will
    run from Ceyhan.

    We have inaugurated our part. The Georgians have inaugurated their
    part of the pipeline. And now we are looking at all of us~Wthat is,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey~Wto inaugurate the last por­tion (the
    Turkish part) of the pipeline. The route is approximately 1,720
    kilometers. So if I~Rm not mis­taken, after the Alaskan pipeline, it~Rs
    the second longest pipeline in the world.

    Besides oil, we also have gas. And so we decided to build a gas
    pipeline. Again, being landlocked, we have to build a pipeline which
    can deliver gas to the consumers. And the pipeline, which runs
    parallel with the oil pipeline, will deliver the natu­ral gas
    supplies from Baku to Georgia and then to the Turkish city of
    Erzurum, where it will be con­nected the Turkish gas network. And
    through the Turkish gas network we can deliver our gas all over

    We signed a purchase agreement with Georgia on buying gas. And the
    Turks are also committed to buying Azerbaijani gas. Negotiations with
    Greece are going on, and they could be extended further to the
    Balkans, even to Central Europe, which also has a serious market for

    Fueling Economic Growth

    This, of course, definitely brings a lot of econom­ic development
    into the country. I can tell you that over the last three years, our
    GDP growth has been more than 20 percent. In 2004, it was 19.5
    percent. In 2005, it was 25.5 percent. In 2006, this year, we are
    expecting it to be around 27 percent.

    >>From another point of view, it is also a serious challenge for the
    government. For example, last year we faced high rates of inflation
    in the double digits. After strong, conservative efforts to curb this
    infla­tion, we succeeded in closing the year with a 9.6 per­cent
    inflation rate. In the first months of this year, we curbed the
    inflation rate to 6 percent, which is also pretty high, but
    nonetheless visible progress.

    The government is also focusing on developing the non-oil sector.
    This is a very crucial element. Traditionally we were very strong in
    agriculture and agribusiness. Land privatization successfully
    continues. Indeed, we have a lot of success stories. We restored and
    increased the production of cot­ton, which is very important as a
    strategic material.

    And now we are heavily investing in vineyards. Unfortunately, these
    vineyards were ruined during the Soviet anti-alcohol campaign and are
    located in an area where you have to invest heavily and then wait for
    five years before the first yield.

    In order to support farmers with agricultural equipment, the
    government created special pro­grams and funds. The government signed
    a con­tract with Japan to buy agricultural equipment and machinery.
    The government put $100 million into the fund for agro-leasing.
    Beyond this, we estab­lished a fund to support farmers purchasing
    fertil­izers. The fund was established last year with an initial
    investment of $50 million.

    So in the agriculture sphere, we have a huge market and we~Rre
    optimistic that it will prove to be an important revenue stream for
    the budget.

    The other area is, of course, infrastructure. We~Rre investing heavily
    in our infrastructure. We began with our roads and now we~Rre
    increasing the capacity of our railroads. Azerbaijan is a member of
    the North~V South Consortium together with the Russians, Indi­ans, and
    Iranians. Right now the Iranians are building a railroad that they
    want to connect through Azer­baijan to Russia and the north of

    On the other hand, together with the Georgians and Turks, we finished
    a feasibility study on a rail­road between Georgia and Turkey, which
    goes through Kars to Akhalkalaki (Kars is the Turkish city and
    Akhalkalaki is the Georgian city). The fea­sibility study shows that
    the project could cost $320 million, which is not a large amount
    consid­ering the figures in our region, and it can be done within two
    years. We expect that each of the three governments~WAzerbaijan,
    Georgia, and Turkey~W will approve this project connecting their
    coun­tries, and then through to Europe.

    This is very important from the point of view of delivering
    commodities, including oil. For exam­ple, our railroad companies
    recently signed a con­tract with Chevron to deliver the oil by
    railroads~W almost 20 million tons from the Tengiz onshore field in
    Kazakhstan that will come from Kazakhstan by barges and then go to
    Azerbaijan and Georgia. Now we~Rre thinking that in Georgian ports
    they will transfer the oil into tankers and then later to a
    rail­road. But the railroad will be built; you can imagine that it
    will come not only through Georgia~W because there also still an issue
    of the Bosporus~Wit will come through the Turkish ports on the
    Medi­terranean. And I think it~Rs very, very serious win­dow, too, for
    the development of the economy.

    Security Partner

    When we talk about economic development, security issues arise. Let
    me offer just a few words about security. Azerbaijan is a member of
    the ~Scoa­lition of the willing,~T having sent a contingent to Iraq.
    Thank God, they are working quite success­fully. We do not have any
    casualties so far, and I hope that we will continue our duty there to
    bring peace and stability into Iraq, which is very, very important
    for the greater Middle East.

    We also sent a contingent to Kosovo and to Afghanistan. This is very,
    very important for our tran­sition to a regional leader in our part
    of the world, and indeed we are behaving as regional leaders in our
    part of the world. Our involvement in peacekeeping operations, and
    supporting and maintaining interna­tional peace and security, is one
    of the commitments and obligations which we took on our shoulders.

    Our cooperation with NATO within the Individ­ual Partnership Action
    Plan is developing quite successfully. It~Rs very important for us to
    reform our army. It~Rs very important for us to increase the
    capa­bility of our army. We are working hard at doing this. Just last
    month we made a round assessment with regard to the Partnership
    Action Plan pro­grams and found areas in which we need to contin­ue
    and deepen our cooperation

    Besides that, of course, we have bilateral security relations and
    programs. With the United States we~Rre developing it quite
    successfully, starting with­in the Foreign Military Finance Program,
    and also the International Military Education and Training (IMET)
    program for Azerbaijani officers in United States military
    institutions. So I think it runs within the national interest of
    Azerbaijan for the general reforming of the whole country.

    Seeking a Solution with Armenia

    Now I am giving you this good picture of the development, but there
    is always a problem. I should talk about the problem. And the major
    problem is the conflict with our neighbor, Armenia.

    With the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and the large numbers of the
    refugees, it is, of course, a huge political, economic, and social
    burden. From an economic perspective, we can handle the issue. From
    the perspective of the social burden, we have already approved
    programs that assist the internal­ly displaced people and the
    refugees with a special allocation of money from the oil fund of
    Azer­baijan. The only spending so far has been done to support the
    refugees. Instead of the tent camps where they used to live, we are
    building mobile vil­lages so that when we achieve the liberation of
    the territories, they can return to their homes. Last year there was
    a fact-finding mission, which visited the occupied territories. They
    clearly indicated and filed a report that everything that can be
    stolen has been stolen, everything that can be destroyed has been
    destroyed, and everything that can be looted has been looted. So at
    least they will take these mobile houses when they return to their

    The peace talks are, unfortunately, not as suc­cessful as one would
    like, and I think that we need to double our efforts, mostly our
    educational efforts. We have to explain-and we speak about this at
    every meeting on the level of foreign minis­ters-that one cannot live
    back in the 20th century. Indeed, the world has changed. The idea
    that you can decide the fate of the territory by forcibly changing
    borders, by ethnic cleansing, or by expel­ling the people is gone.
    Everyone knows that this is the phenomenon of Yalta 1945, when the
    three leaders came together and started drawing the lines that ended
    up dividing the world.

    Now it's gone. International relations have changed. The people have
    changed. And the role of the borders is diminished.

    So the major priority-what we need to do-is to create the possibility
    for the normalization of the lives of those who used to live there
    for centuries, both Armenians and Azerbaijanis. No one can just expel
    them from the territory.

    That's why I'm saying that 2006 can definitely be a window of
    opportunity. As soon as Azerbaijan is developing successfully from
    the economic point of view, we'll definitely develop the military as
    well. And when frustration comes to the society and peo­ple ask why
    should we keep our eyes closed on the occupation of our territories,
    then it can be a very serious challenge to the peace and stability in
    the region.

    And that's why we ought to begin to clear the table for finding a
    real, durable solution. And a durable solution works only within a
    legal context. We have definitely found out that any agreement, any
    decision-making with regard to the conflict resolution should be
    based on the law, particularly the international norms and principles
    of this law.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan, and no one can change the
    territorial integrity by force. We will move slowly and find out the
    way in which to normalize the life between the two communities,
    because the hatred which has existed now is defi­nitely not
    productive for the development of the region.

    His Excellency Elmar Mammadyarov is Minister of Foreign Affairs of
    the Republic of Azerbaijan. iaandEurasia/hl949.cfm

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