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Nairobi: Did lawyer assist Arturs to lie?

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  • Nairobi: Did lawyer assist Arturs to lie?

    Did lawyer assist Arturs to lie?
    Questions now linger about Ngatia's role in the Armenian's saga


    Kenya Times
    July 12 2006

    In October 2003 when about 20 judges were dismissed from the Judiciary
    on allegations of corruption and professional malpractice, it was
    held that the purge on the Bench would be incomplete if it was not
    extended to the Bar. The reckoning was, for every corrupt judge,
    there is at least a corresponding corrupt advocate to complete the
    equation. To this end, the Law Society of Kenya was also called upon
    to purge its ranks of corruption by smoking out corrupt lawyers.

    But commenting on the so-called radical surgery in the Judiciary,
    Nairobi lawyer and author of the 'Black Bar', Paul Mwangi, said that
    corruption would still thrive in Kenya's judiciary despite the purge
    because the legal profession in Kenya is devoid of any philosophical

    Said he: "It means nothing to be an advocate of the High Court of Kenya
    apart from having passed a law degree exam and done four months study
    at the School of Law. The profession has no sense of ethic and has
    not come up to be an integral part of industry, public administration
    and social morality."

    It is in view of the foregoing that we wish to analyse the actions of
    one Nairobi lawyer, Fred Ngatia, and his relationship with the now
    infamous Armenian brothers- Artur Margaryan and Artur Sargasyan. Mr
    Ngatia has been named by a witness at the Kiruki commission as among
    the people who organised a press conference addressed by the Artur
    brothers at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport's VIP lounge.

    Witnesses at the Commission now say that the press conference was
    stage-managed by the Arturs' handlers to dupe Kenyans into believing
    that they had just arrived from Dubai on the morning of the media
    briefing. On the contrary, it is said, the two had all along been in
    the country.

    If that testimony turns out to be true, then the most disturbing
    thing would be that a lawyer offered his professional assistance to
    dupe Kenyans. God forbid, because the Law Society of Kenya should
    be gnawing its teeth over how one of their members could lend his
    professional hand to such a misadventure that smacks of a threat to
    national security. Before we look further into the role of Fred Ngatia
    into this alleged charade, let us glean into the legal profession
    itself and the rules of engagement that bind those who administer
    it professionally.

    The legal profession is the vocation based on the expertness in
    the law and its application. This function is manifest in the work
    of the advocate and the judge in the process of trying and deciding
    cases. A lawyer as counsellor, is also an adviser and negotiator and
    may help in shaping a transaction so as to avoid disputes or legal
    difficulties or so as to achieve advantages for his client. Since the
    Artur brothers have never been on trial in Kenya, it can be assumed
    that Fred Ngatia was representing the alleged brothers in other
    matters such as avoiding legal difficulties and or achieve certain
    advantages for them on the day of the press conference.

    In executing his tasks, a lawyer has several loyalties, including
    loyalty to his client, to the administration of justice, to the
    community, to his associates in practice and to himself. These diverse
    and at times competing loyalties must be reconciled with wisdom. It
    is the purpose of professional codes of practice to effect this wisdom.

    As professionals, the choices and pursuits of lawyers are guided by
    certain codes of conduct variably referred to as 'professional ethics',
    'legal ethics' or 'judicial ethics.' These in essence are the rules of
    conduct and precepts which legal practitioners, advocates or judges,
    are required to adhere to in the course of executing the requirements
    of their craft as well as extra-professionally while they remain in
    the profession. They provide the norms, principles and values in terms
    of which lawyers' ethical conduct is judged in order to protect the
    general public against professional misconduct.

    The importance of and need for commitment to ethical values is
    expressed by providing for sanctions against those who do not conduct
    themselves according to the laid down principles. This state of
    affairs points to the fact that absolute obedience to the rules of
    the profession remains the ideal for pursuance by legal professionals
    and an oath is taken as a promise and commitment to remain faithful to
    the requirements of the profession. This is enforced by the provision
    that, any conduct directed towards non-commitment to professional
    values must for that matter face disciplinary action for professional
    misconduct or unprofessional conduct.

    In this regard, lawyers are required among other codes to represent
    clients with utmost diligence and at the same time maintain the
    honour and dignity of the profession. In view of these professional
    requirements, Articles 2 and 6 of the 1988 edition of the International
    Code of Ethics of the International Bar Association holds that,
    lawyers shall at all times maintain the honour and dignity of their
    profession. They shall in practice as well as in private life abstain
    from any behaviour that may tend to discredit the profession of
    which they are members, and that lawyers shall without fear defend the
    interest of their clients without regard to any unpleasant consequences
    to themselves or any person.

    In view of the role played by lawyer Fred Ngatia in the press
    conference at JKIA addressed by the Artur brothers, the question is,
    assuming that Mr Ngatia was representing the legal interests of his
    clients, did he know that the Artur brothers were out to dupe the
    Kenyan public? If he knew, then this is a clear case of a lawyer
    willingly and knowingly lending himself to the perpetuation of
    a mischief.

    If this was the case, where then was Mr Ngatia's responsibility as a
    lawyer in maintaining the dignity of the legal profession? And could
    this be a case of professional misconduct?

    This is however not to suggest that the Artur brothers have no right
    to a lawyer, their abrasive character notwithstanding. But it is
    something else all together when a lawyer willingly and knowingly
    lends his professional services in commission of a crime- assuming
    that the Arturs indeed stage-managed an arrival from Dubai on the
    morning in question.

    As it stands out now in view of the information known to the public,
    it appears that Mr Ngatia chose to uphold fidelity to his clients'
    course without regard to any unpleasant consequences and at the expense
    of his loyalty to the Kenyan people. However, so long as it has not
    been proved that the Arturs lied about their arrival from Dubai on
    the morning in question, Mr Ngatia remains innocent.

    But if it is established that they lied about the arrival and that Mr
    Fred Ngatia knew about it, then the lawyer should ideally be censured
    by the appropriate authority and punished accordingly if convicted
    of taking part in the commission of a crime. And here again the Law
    Society of Kenya should be wary about those members of the legal
    fraternity who engage in improper acts to conceal the consequences
    of clandestine activities.