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Senator Feingold adds voice to growing congressional calls for answe

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  • Senator Feingold adds voice to growing congressional calls for answe

    Senator Feingold adds voice to growing congressional calls for answers on
    Ambassador Evans firing
    12.07.2006 11:55

    Concerns continued to grow this week regarding the circumstances
    surrounding the firing of US Ambassador to Armenia John Marshall
    Evans, as Sen. Russell Feingold (D-WI) becomes the ninth member
    of the influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee to call for
    clarification of the State Department policy on the Armenian Genocide,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

    In a written statement submitted as part of the Senate Foreign
    Relations Committee hearing on Ambassador Designate to Armenia Richard
    Hoagland, Senator Feingold noted that, "I want to express my deep
    concern about the Administration's reluctance to acknowledge the acts
    of genocide that were committed against the Armenians almost a century
    ago. The Administration's continued failure to recognize these tragic
    events is troubling to me and to those who share my belief that we
    should speak honestly about, and insist on accountability for, past
    crimes against humanity and genocide."

    Sen. Feingold's concerns are shared by half of the influential Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee members - including Senators George Allen
    (R-VA), Ranking Democrat Joe Biden (D-DE), Barbara Boxer (D-CA),
    Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), Norm Coleman (R-MN), Christopher Dodd (D-CT),
    John Kerry (D-MA) and Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) - who must first approve
    Ambassador Evans' replacement prior to a full Senate confirmation. The
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee delayed action on Ambassador
    Designate Hoagland, while quickly voting for the incoming Ambassadors
    to Switzerland and Ireland, who were before the Committee the same
    day as Ambassador Designate Hoagland.