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Volunteers Against Reproduction Of Power

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  • Volunteers Against Reproduction Of Power

    12 July 06

    The Armenian volunteers have initiated a campaign against reproduction
    of power, announced Jirayr Sefilyan, the head of the Initiative
    for Defense of Liberated Areas, who used to be the commander of
    the battalion of Shushi, on July 12 at the National Press Club. He
    announced that soon they will announce to the public about their
    activities and methods for the prevention of reproduction of power. "I
    think this is a priority for all of us," says Jirayr Sefilyan.

    It is interesting to know the attitude of the political sphere,
    particularly the opposition towards this initiative. The point is that
    several months ago when, according to Jirayr Sefilyan, Serge Sargsyan
    told the command of the army about the intention to return territories,
    Sefilyan proposed launching a campaign for deposal of Serge Sargsyan,
    which was addressed to the opposition. "Our proposal was addressed to
    the political forces, that when the minister of defense expressed
    such thoughts in the presence of the command in the absence of
    the media, such a minister cannot be tolerated. My proposal was
    an opportunity for the opposition to reach some result by stepping
    up a campaign. Unfortunately, the proposal remained up in the air,
    you know the opposition is divided, and so on. Some oppositionists
    endorsed my proposal, but we did not want them to endorse it, we
    wanted them to initiate something," says Jirayr Sefilyan.

    For the new initiative, Jirayr Sefilyan thinks it has both long-term
    and current problems. Jirayr Sefilyan says he will tell about
    long-term goals later. "For the time being, when we say we won't
    let them reproduce, we first need to become organized, and we will
    become organized to prevent electoral fraud. It does not matter who is
    from opposition. In other words, we are not saying who will be good,
    one will pass or another. It does not matter who it is going to be,
    but let this pair go home. This is for sure. Even if we do not approve
    the new ones, it will take them several years to reach their monstrous
    level of brazenness. In other words, we will live in a country with
    a better atmosphere for at least several years," says Jirayr Sefilyan.

    According to him, no normal election has been held in Armenia over
    the past 15 years, all of them were marred by fraud, and there was no
    force to prevent it. "We are willing to create that force," says Jirayr
    Sefilyan, adding that the government will not be allowed to strike
    people, independent from "who rounded them up in front of the Opera
    or in Baghramyan Street." Jirayr Sefilyan says they still remember
    April 12, the guilty will have to account, and they will always stand
    between men with truncheons and people to protect people from blows.