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Israeli Warplanes Attack Beirut Airport

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  • Israeli Warplanes Attack Beirut Airport

    Israeli Warplanes Attack Beirut Airport

    Thursday July 13, 2006 2:46 PM

    Associated Press Writer

    BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israel intensified its attacks against Lebanon
    on Thursday, blasting Beirut's airport in its heaviest air campaign
    against its neighbor in 24 years. Four dozen civilians had died in the
    violence following the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah,
    officials said.

    After warplanes punched holes in the airport's runways just south
    of Beirut, Israel's army chief Brig. Gen. Dan Halutz warned that
    "nothing is safe" in Lebanon. He said Beirut itself - particularly
    offices and residences of Hezbollah officials - would be a target.

    Hezbollah fired rockets into northern Israeli towns and said it was
    using a new missile that appeared to be more advanced than previous
    models. One Israeli was killed and at least 12 were injured.

    The militant group also said it would rocket the key Israeli port
    city of Haifa if Israel hit Beirut, a strike that would be the deepest
    ever into Israel by the guerrillas - some 18 miles.

    Two days of Israeli bombings had killed 47 Lebanese and wounded 103,
    Health Minister Mohammed Jawad Khalife said. Besides the Israeli
    civilian, eight Israeli soldiers had also been killed.

    Both sides played a high stakes game following the capture of the
    two soldiers by Hezbollah: Israel sought to end Hezbollah's presence
    on the border, while the guerrillas insisted on trading the captured
    soldiers for Arab prisoners.

    Trapped between the two sides was Lebanon, which Israel said it held
    responsible for Hezbollah's actions. The Lebanese government insisted
    it had no prior knowledge of the Hezbollah raid and did not condone it.

    Hezbollah fighters operate with almost total autonomy in southern
    Lebanon, and the government has no control over their actions. But
    Lebanon has long resisted international pressure to disarm the group.

    The Israeli warnings of more attacks caused panic in Beirut, and many
    people stayed home from work. Long lines formed at gas stations and
    supermarkets were packed, though traffic was thin.

    The violence reverberated throughout the region and pushed crude oil
    prices to a new intraday record of $75.88 a barrel.

    Western countries, Russia and the United Nations called for restraint
    and demanded the return of the soldiers. The Arab League called an
    emergency meeting of foreign ministers in Cairo on Saturday.

    President Bush pledged to work with Israel, criticizing Hezbollah
    for thwarting efforts for peace in the Middle East.

    "My attitude is this: there are a group of terrorists who want to
    stop the advance of peace," he said at a news conference in Germany.
    "The soldiers need to be returned."

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned that Israel's Lebanon
    offensive "is raising our fears of a new regional war" and urged
    world powers to intervene.

    Middle East satellite TV stations focused on the violence, and one
    station showed a man holding the head and torso of a baby killed in
    the Israeli bombings.

    The eight Israeli soldiers killed so far is the highest death toll
    for the army in four years. Three soldiers died in the initial
    Hezbollah raid, and four were killed when their tank ran over a land
    mine Wednesday.

    In northern Israel, thousands of civilians spent Wednesday night in
    underground shelters as Hezbollah fired rockets at northern Israel. A
    40-year-old Israeli woman was killed and five people were wounded in
    the rocket attacks, the Israeli army reported.

    After hitting roads and bridges in the south all day Wednesday,
    Israel dramatically expanded its campaign Thursday with their biggest
    offensive in Lebanon since Israel's 1982 invasion.

    Israeli warships imposed a naval blockade of Lebanese ports, and the
    Israeli military said it could also target the Beirut-to-Damascus
    highway, the main land link between Lebanon and the outside world.

    Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz said his forces would not allow
    Hezbollah guerrillas to occupy positions along the southern Lebanese

    "If the government of Lebanon fails to deploy its forces, as is
    expected of a sovereign government, we shall not allow Hezbollah
    forces to remain any further on the borders of the state of Israel,"
    Peretz said.

    Air force Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel said the campaign was likely Israel's
    largest ever in Lebanon "if you measure it in number of targets
    hit in one night, the complexity of the strikes." The last major
    offensive against Lebanon was in 1996 when about 150 Lebanese civilians
    were killed.

    Travelers to and from Beirut were stranded all over the region and
    beyond after the airport strike. Among them was Foreign Minister Fawzi
    Salloukh, who was returning from a visit to Armenia and - like many -
    was forced to make his way home through Syria.

    Israeli warplanes blasted craters into all three runways at
    the airport, located by the seaside in the Lebanese capital's
    Hezbollah-controlled southern suburbs, forcing incoming flights
    to divert to Cyprus. The main terminal of the $500 million airport
    remained intact.

    The Israeli military said it struck the airport because it is "a
    central hub for the transfer of weapons and supplies to the Hezbollah
    terrorist organization."

    It was the first time since Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and
    occupation of Beirut that the airport was hit by Israel. The Israelis
    in 1968 sent commandos to Beirut airport, blowing up 13 passenger
    planes in retaliation for Arab militants firing on an Israeli airliner
    in Athens.

    Details from the violence included:

    - An Israeli missile hit Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV studios in southern
    Beirut, station official Ibrahim Farhat said. One person was hurt;
    broadcasts continued. An Al-Manar transmission antenna hit near
    Baalbek stopped transmissions in that area.

    - A civic center attached to a Shiite Muslim mosque near the town of
    Baalbek was hit.

    - A Lebanese family of 10 and another family of seven were killed in
    their homes in the village of Dweir, Lebanese officials said.

    - Among the dead Lebanese were a soldier and a Hezbollah fighter.

    - Hezbollah fired rockets at the northern Israeli towns of Safed,
    Nahariya, Kiryat Shmona, and Carmiel, saying it was using a rocket
    called "Thunder 1" for the first time. The missiles appeared to be
    more advanced than the inaccurate Katyusha - the standard Hezbollah

    The Israeli army said several rockets had landed more than 12 miles
    south of the border, showing that Hezbollah has managed to extend
    its missiles' range.
    Associated Press reporter Karin Laub in Jerusalem contributed to
    this report.