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To Enhance The Role Of Wronged Persons And Cut Expenses

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  • To Enhance The Role Of Wronged Persons And Cut Expenses

    13 July 06

    On June 13 the citizens, whose houses were expropriated for the
    development of the Center of Yerevan, staged a protest in front of
    the government of Armenia. And the government has approved the bills
    on changes to the Criminal Code, Judicial Code and the Civil Code,
    which are intended to enhance the role of wronged persons, said
    Davit Harutiunyan, minister of justice. The people whose property was
    expropriated for the development of the center of Yerevan cried "go
    away, leave", which on entering through the windows of the Armenian
    government sounded like "go away, thieves". Or who knows, maybe
    the original chant of the protestors was "go away, thieves".

    Davit Harutiunyan said in accordance with the reform of the Crime
    Code if the plaintiff announces that he has been reconciled with the
    charged, indicted or suspect, the case will be dismissed. The type of
    damages will be decided by the plaintiff and the charged, indicted
    or suspect. Davit Harutiunyan does not think it is absurd that the
    parties agree on damages totaling one million dollars for a word of
    abuse. In this case, the court only has to record the agreement. The
    government proposed in about thirty articles of the Crime Code to
    define damage to one's health if it is not dangerous for life,
    beating, torture, infecting people with venereal and other sexually
    transmitted diseases, leaving someone in danger, slander, insult,
    embezzlement or dissipation, theft, etc. as crimes.

    The reconciliation of the wronged person and the suspect, charged
    or indicted must take place before the judges retire. The government
    proposed defining imposed reconciliation as an offense.

    Proceeding from the experience of European democratic countries,
    the government proposed adopting a special order of trial. If the
    indicted pleas guilty, the case is tried without consideration
    of evidence and examination of witnesses. Only personal data and
    aggravating and extenuating circumstances are studied. Moreover, the
    punishment, provided for by the corresponding article is shortened by
    one third. There are restrictions too. For instance, the procuracy
    does not participate in this type of trial, and cases involving 10
    years of imprisonment are subject to special trial. Davit Harutiunyan
    said the procuracy was against this provision, but the government
    found it right. And the application of the special trial will allow
    saving funds, for "legal proceedings and the system of justice
    are expensive to sustain".