16:42 12/07/06
All shops were closed today at Barekamutiun subway. The shop owners
went out for riot to secure their place of work. The community head
of Arabkir has set the deadline of July 20 to evacuate the place for
capital reconstruction purposes.
Hovhannes SHAHINYAN, Arabkir community head told that
the site will be under construction for 3-4 months. After that, the
traders may come back, he said. The community head admits that it is
a big blow to their family budgets but promises better place of work
in 3-4 months. The subway will be modernized with the infrastructure
to comply with the standards of fire and rescue services, as well as
epidemiology hygiene inspection norms.
According to community sources, community budget has AMD 1,5 mln in
income from the subway shops. About 80 economic entities trade in
the mentioned site. The capital reconstruction of the subway will
cost $300-400 thousand, the community says./
16:42 12/07/06
All shops were closed today at Barekamutiun subway. The shop owners
went out for riot to secure their place of work. The community head
of Arabkir has set the deadline of July 20 to evacuate the place for
capital reconstruction purposes.
Hovhannes SHAHINYAN, Arabkir community head told that
the site will be under construction for 3-4 months. After that, the
traders may come back, he said. The community head admits that it is
a big blow to their family budgets but promises better place of work
in 3-4 months. The subway will be modernized with the infrastructure
to comply with the standards of fire and rescue services, as well as
epidemiology hygiene inspection norms.
According to community sources, community budget has AMD 1,5 mln in
income from the subway shops. About 80 economic entities trade in
the mentioned site. The capital reconstruction of the subway will
cost $300-400 thousand, the community says./