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BAKU: "Zerkalo": "Ovanesyan Wanted to be a Hero in Armenia"

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  • BAKU: "Zerkalo": "Ovanesyan Wanted to be a Hero in Armenia"

    "Zerkalo": "Ovanesyan Wanted to be a Hero in Armenia"

    Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
    Democratic Azerbaijan
    July 12 2006

    Milli Mejlis Deputy, Rabiyat Aslanova, cannot give another explanation
    to the conduct of Armenian vice-speaker Recently summer session of
    OSCE Parliament was finished in Brussels.

    As members of Azerbaijan delegation say, session was successful
    enough. Particularly, member of Azerbaijan delegation, head of
    standing commission of Milli Mejlis on human rights, Rabiyat
    Aslanova, informed "Zerkalo", 25 amendments to OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly resolution were proposed on their part. "Some of them were
    supported by European parliament members, and they were accepted",
    deputy stated. Unlike Armenian delegation, as R. Aslanova holds,
    Azerbaijani side was very active and its activity was positive. "In
    the course of discussions of the project resolution on human rights,
    35 amendments were made, 6 out of them belong to Azerbaijani side,
    whereas Armenians proposed just one amendment. And how do you think,
    what was their amendment...Ovanesyan just added 4 words to the
    one of items concerning development of diplomatic relations among
    states, namely, development should be realized via "non-governmental,
    political, administrative structures". And it was all he wanted to
    say", R. Aslanova underlined.

    Armenians always said that Armenia didn't partake in regional projects,
    at the same time pointing to "economic development of Azerbaijan",
    she added. "But they fail to tell who can be blamed for it. They
    have no courage to confess that they are in isolation due to their
    own fault", deputy emphasized.

    Armenian delegation holds that Armenia is the winner of this session,
    as Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey were defeated. This view belongs
    to vice speaker of Armenian parliament, head of delegation to OSCE
    Parliamentary Assembly, Vaan Ovanesyan. It is clearly seen in the
    interview of Ovanesyan for "Regnum" agency. "In the course of the
    meeting of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Georgia and Azerbaijan
    proposed two resolutions. First resolution concerns the fact that
    conflict should be regulated by return of disputable territories.

    Three states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey - out of all OSCE
    member-states supported this proposal. This time, our cooperation
    with USA, Russia, Canada and France was very effective" he continued.

    Accordingly to him, in second resolution, Azerbaijan, Georgia and
    Turkey underlined that regardless of the status of Kosovo, it won't
    be precedent. "With the help of Russia we managed to succeed: no
    state but the mentioned ones voted for adoption of this resolution.

    Thus, future status of Kosovo can be precedent, and disputable matters
    can be solved", vice speaker stated. V. Ovanesyan also informed that
    for the first time the issue on self-determination of nations basing
    on Montenegro's referendum entered on OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    resolutions. "It is good example for finding right balance between
    frontiers issue and rights of nation to sell-determination. Voting
    showed that solving of matters on this basis is acceptable", he
    underlined. At the same time, Commission on Human Rights, humanitarian
    issues and democratic reforms of OSCE PA started dispute connected
    with national minorities, including Armenian populated region
    Zamzkhe-Javakheti (Georgia). "Head of Belgian senate proposed very
    important document, but she didn't explain mechanisms of solving such
    issues. We added that national minorities should have possibilities to
    show themselves in policy, administrative authorities and NGOs. Canada,
    Russia and Monaco supported us. Resolution was adopted by majority of
    votes. In turn, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey proposed to enter on
    following idea - national minorities are obliged to respect territorial
    integrity of country, moreover, no one can justify terrorism. I
    prepared the report on this theme, but I couldn't take floor. Spanish
    delegation attacked them. Accordingly to Spanish delegation members,
    if country where they live doesn't respect their rights, national
    minorities have right not to respect its territorial integrity",
    Ovanesyan said.

    Having denied the words of Armenian vice speaker, R. Aslanova
    stressed that he attempted to mislead journalists and society. In
    fact, in our amendments to OSCE PA resolution there are many items
    that would serve interests of Azerbaijan. "I'm reading what documents
    states. Frozen conflicts and numerous negative phenomena connected
    with them undermine stability, preventing stable development and
    impede process of general influence on integration", deputy concluded.

    J. Bayramova

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