Minsk, July 13. ArmInfo. The expedition of the Armenian scientists
found the ancestors of dinosauruses in the Klyapino Kormyanskiy region
of Byelorussia.
"Yerkramas" informed ArmInfo that these amphibious newts are 20 cm and
are considered the ancestors of the dinosauruses. These newts can even
grown in special conditions. Sahak Atanesian, Doctor of Aetiology,
head of "Uniecofor" union, stated that they have been carrying out
special researches on newts in Armenia. The scientists have recreated
special conditions of the Jurassic period for the newts.
The discovery of the Armenian scientists is of special importance for
Byelorussia, as the pectinate newts are included in the Red Book. The
Armenian expedition has found an entirely unknown dwelling place of
the pectinate newts in the swamp near Klyapino village.
Minsk, July 13. ArmInfo. The expedition of the Armenian scientists
found the ancestors of dinosauruses in the Klyapino Kormyanskiy region
of Byelorussia.
"Yerkramas" informed ArmInfo that these amphibious newts are 20 cm and
are considered the ancestors of the dinosauruses. These newts can even
grown in special conditions. Sahak Atanesian, Doctor of Aetiology,
head of "Uniecofor" union, stated that they have been carrying out
special researches on newts in Armenia. The scientists have recreated
special conditions of the Jurassic period for the newts.
The discovery of the Armenian scientists is of special importance for
Byelorussia, as the pectinate newts are included in the Red Book. The
Armenian expedition has found an entirely unknown dwelling place of
the pectinate newts in the swamp near Klyapino village.