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ANCA Urges Senate to Block Hoagland Nomination

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  • ANCA Urges Senate to Block Hoagland Nomination

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]


    July 18, 2006
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Cites Nominee's Genocide Denial; Inconsistent
    and Contradictory Statements to Senate Panel

    WASHINGTON, DC - Citing U.S. Ambassador-designate Richard
    Hoagland's denial of the Armenian Genocide and his contradictory
    responses to Senate inquiries - both against the background of the
    continued failure of the Administration to offer a meaningful and
    forthright explanation of its reasons for firing the current U.S.
    Ambassador, John Evans - the Armenian National Committee of America
    (ANCA) today issued a statement formally opposing Hoagland's
    nomination to serve as the next U.S. Ambassador to Armenia.

    A July 16th policy editorial published by the Los Angeles Times
    called on the U.S. Senate to block Ambassador-designate Hoagland's
    nomination until he properly recognizes the Armenian Genocide. The
    strongly worded piece urged the Bush administration to "explain
    forthrightly - not just to Armenian Americans but to all Americans
    who believe in calling evil by its proper name - why U.S. policy is
    being dictated by Ankara nationalists."

    The full text of the ANCA Statement is provided below.


    ___________________________________ ___________________________

    ANCA Statement on Richard Hoagland's Nomination
    for U.S. Ambassador to Armenia

    Ambassador-designate Richard Hoagland has disqualified himself as a
    candidate to serve as our nation's ambassador to the Republic of

    During the course of his Senate confirmation process, Ambassador-
    designate Richard Hoagland has taken a number of actions that
    demonstrate that he cannot effectively represent U.S. interests and
    American values, among them:

    1) Asserting that the Armenian Genocide does
    not qualify as an instance of genocide

    2) Providing Contradictory Statements or
    Failing to Respond to U.S. Senate Inquiries

    3) Abandoning America's leadership
    on genocide prevention:

    ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

    1) Asserting that the Armenian Genocide does
    not qualify as an instance of genocide

    Ambassador-designate Hoagland has disqualified himself as the next
    U.S. Ambassador to Armenia by engaging in denial of the Armenian

    Consistent with the denials issued by the Turkish government,
    Ambassador Hoagland argues that the Armenian Genocide does not
    qualify as an instance of genocide because of the absence, on the
    part of the perpetrator, of a "specific intent to destroy, in whole
    or in substantial part," the victim group.

    In a July 14th response to a written question from Senator Barbara
    Boxer (D-CA) concerning why the U.S. does not consider the Armenian
    Genocide an instance of genocide, Ambassador-designate Hoagland
    selectively cited one of the five "understandings" expressed by the
    U.S. at the time of the U.S. ratification of the U.N. Convention on
    the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, namely
    that, "genocidal intent meant a 'specific intent to destroy, in
    whole or in substantial part,' the group as such."

    Additionally, in a dramatic retreat to the more blatant forms of
    denial typical of the State Department's opposition to Armenian
    Genocide recognition during the 1980s, Ambassador-designate
    Hoagland referred to statements on the Armenian Genocide as
    allegations. In a response to a written inquiry from Senator John
    Kerry (D-MA) concerning Turkey's criminal prosecution of
    journalists for writing about the Armenian Genocide, Ambassador-
    designate Hoagland characterized their factual affirmations of the
    Armenian Genocide as simply allegations.

    As Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) stated during Ambassador-designate
    Hoagland's confirmation hearing, "I am not sure how we can continue
    to have Ambassadors to Armenia who can be effective, unless they
    give recognition to the Genocide." Sadly, Ambassador-designate
    Hoagland has gone far beyond the traditional Administration
    practice of failing to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide.
    He has, instead, placed himself firmly into the camp of the Turkish
    government by publicly denying the genocidal nature of this crime.
    His nomination, if confirmed, would represent a dramatic escalation
    in U.S. complicity in Turkey's campaign of denial.

    2) Providing Contradictory Statements or
    Failing to Respond to U.S. Senate Inquiries

    Ambassador-designate Hoagland has disqualified himself as the next
    U.S. Ambassador to Armenia by making contradictory and inconsistent
    statements to the U.S. Senate regarding his views on the Armenian
    Genocide. In many instances, he did not respond to specific Senate

    In responses to questions submitted by Senators Lincoln Chafee (R-
    RI) and John Kerry (D-MA), he denied that he had been counseled not
    to refer to the events of 1915 as the Armenian Genocide. Yet, in
    the course of responding to questioning at his confirmation hearing
    and to several dozen written inquiries, he went to extreme lengths
    to avoid using this term. Either he has misled Senators regarding
    the guidance he has received, or he has chosen to avoid using the
    term genocide on his own accord - both profoundly troubling
    developments that disqualify him from serving as the U.S. envoy in

    More broadly, Ambassador-designate Hoagland's July 14th claim that
    the Armenian Genocide does not meet the U.S. government's
    definition of genocide stands in stark contrast to his repeated
    assertions to U.S. Senators that the Administration does not deny
    the events of 1915:

    * In response to a question about U.S. policy on the
    Armenian Genocide from Senator Allen (R-VA) during the June
    28th confirmation hearing, Ambassador-designate Hoagland
    asserted that, "No one in this administration has ever
    denied the events beginning in the 20th century at the end
    of the Ottoman Empire that befell the Armenian nation and

    * In response to a question from Senator Coleman (R-MN)
    regarding whether Ambassador-designate Hoagland agreed with
    then-Governor Bush's statements affirming the Armenian
    Genocide, he stated: "I fully agree that the events that
    occurred on 1915 and following were of historic proportion.
    As I said well-documented, horrific and horrifying and as
    we heard from Senator Sarbanes in his statement early on --
    hundreds of valleys devastated no family untouched. It was
    historic. It was a tragedy. Everyone agrees with that."

    * In response to a written inquiry from Senator John Kerry
    (D-MA) asking if he disputed a series of nine facts about
    the Armenian Genocide, Ambassador-designate Hoagland did
    not dispute that: "The atrocities conceived and carried out
    by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923 ... resulted in the
    elimination of the more than 2,500-year presence of
    Armenians in their historic homeland."

    * In response to subsequent questions from Senator Kerry
    asking about the Administration's denial of the Armenian
    Genocide and the consequences of its non-recognition,
    Ambassador-designate Hoagland stated that, "the
    Administration does not deny the tragic events that
    occurred in the final years of the Ottoman Empire," and
    that: "the Administration does recognize the massacre or
    forced exile of as many as 1.5 million Armenians in the
    final years of the Ottoman Empire."

    3) Abandoning America's leadership
    on genocide prevention:

    Ambassador-designate Hoagland has additionally disqualified himself
    as the next U.S. Ambassador to Armenia by failing to grasp the
    fundamental need for U.S. moral leadership in condemning and
    preventing genocide.

    In response to a question from Senator Kerry, Ambassador-designate
    Hoagland stated that, "The U.S. believes that the question of how
    to characterize these horrific events is of such enormous human
    significance that it should not be determined on the basis of
    politics, but through heartfelt introspection among academics,
    civic leaders, and societies."

    Ambassador-designate Hoagland's formulation could not be more
    deeply flawed. It is precisely because of the enormity of the
    Armenian Genocide that the U.S. should address this crime with
    absolute moral and historical clarity. By delegating the
    characterization of the Armenian Genocide to a dialogue between the
    unrepentant perpetrators of Genocide and the survivors and
    descendants of those who perished, the Ambassador-designate argues
    for effectively reducing our nation's response to genocide to the
    level acceptable to the Turkish government. Our nation's human
    rights policy should never be held hostage by a foreign country -
    particularly one that is regularly cited as among the world's worst
    human rights abusers.

    For these reasons, we respectfully request that the U.S. Senate not
    move forward with Ambassador Hoagland's nomination.

    July 18, 2006