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ANCA: House Members Disturbed by State Department Non-Response to Ev

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  • ANCA: House Members Disturbed by State Department Non-Response to Ev

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]


    July 17, 2006
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    "The Bush Administration has once again failed to answer the
    question of whether or not the early departure of U.S.
    Ambassador to Armenia John Evans is related to comments he
    made about the Armenian Genocide. Moreover, the Bush
    Administration continues to duck when given the opportunity to
    properly recognize the Armenian Genocide."
    -- Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA)

    WASHINGTON, DC - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have
    expressed disappointment at the Administration's repeated failure
    to provide a clear and straightforward explanation for the dismissal
    of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Marshall Evans, even as the State
    Department issued yet another letter sidestepping the issue, reported
    the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    In their response to the May 22nd letter spearheaded by Rep. Edward
    Markey (D-MA) and cosigned by 60 House members, Assistant Secretary
    for Legislative Affairs Jeffrey Bergner failed, once again, to address
    reports that Amb. Evans' was being recalled for his statements on
    the Armenian Genocide. The letter began with the well-worn refrain
    that "All Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President and as
    advocates of the President's policies." He went on to argue that,
    "allegations that the U.S. is removing Ambassador Evans under pressure
    from the Government of Turkey are simply untrue," despite the fact
    that numerous Turkish press accounts in March of 2005 reported that
    then Turkish Ambassador to the U.S. Faruk Logoglu did indeed protest
    Amb. Evans' remarks to State Department officials.

    The State Department's letter, sent to House Members on July 11th,
    went on to state that "The United States has never denied the tragic
    events of 1915. . . . We believe this tragedy is of such enormous human
    significance that its characterization should be determined through
    heartfelt dialogue, not through diplomatic or political proclamations."

    Several House Members immediately reacted to the response, expressing
    concern that the State Department has, yet again, avoided providing
    a clear reasoning for the Amb. Evans firing.

    "The Bush Administration has once again failed to answer the
    question of whether or not the early departure of U.S. Ambassador to
    Armenia John Evans is related to comments he made about the Armenian
    Genocide. Moreover, the Bush Administration continues to duck when
    given the opportunity to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide,"
    explained Rep. Markey. "The time has long since passed for President
    Bush to follow through on his campaign promises and properly recognize
    the Armenian Genocide. Only after President Bush accurately refers to
    the mass killings of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide can we finally
    tear down the last walls of denial."

    Similarly, Congressional Armenian Genocide resolution lead sponsor
    George Radanovich (R-CA), lamented that "This response was,
    unfortunately, what we have come to expect from the Administration
    and those before it - respectfully acknowledging the mass killing of
    1.5 million Armenians, but refusing to properly call it genocide. It
    is simply incomprehensible to me how anyone can recognize the tragic
    events of 1915, then turn around and implicitly deny that genocide
    occurred by refusing to call it such for political reasons. I just
    don't understand that."

    Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) wrote a letter back objecting to the State
    Department's response and calling the President's actions on Armenian
    Genocide recognition "woefully inadequate." Rep. Levin stated, "I did
    have a strong negative reaction to your comments about 1915. I urge the
    President to do more than 'call on all concerned parties to engage in
    thoughtful introspection' which is woefully inadequate in the face of
    the Administration's repeated failure to call a genocide a genocide."

    Again responding to the State Departments July 11th letter, Rep. Adam
    Schiff (D-CA) noted that, "The State Department's non- response on
    the issue of Ambassador Evan's departure confirms what we all know --
    the Ambassador was pushed out the door for telling the truth about
    the Armenian Genocide. This marks a sad day for the State Department
    when it compounds an unwillingness to acknowledge one of the great
    crimes in human history and more, disciplines those who do."

    Rep. Schiff also commented on the State Department's lack of response
    to a series of questions submitted during a House International
    Relations Committee hearing with Secretary Rice in February 16,
    2006. "Secretary of State Rice's failure to adequately respond to
    questions I posed to her on this issue at a hearing months ago, is
    a further indication of the Department's illicit motive for Evan's
    hasty removal."

    Similarly, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) noted that "The belated
    response from the State Department regarding our inquiry into the
    removal of Ambassador Evans is yet another statement without a real
    explanation. Reports suggest that Evans is being unjustly penalized for
    speaking the truth. It is unacceptable for the Bush administration to
    punish Evans for his comments. What he did was courageous and should
    be viewed as such."

    In their letter to the State Department, Rep. Markey and fellow
    Congressional cosigners expressed special concern about the destructive
    precedent of recalling a U.S. diplomat for speaking truthfully on
    matters of historical record. They wrote that, "we must not allow the
    perception to linger that he [Amb. Evans] is being required to vacate
    his position early for accurately labeling the cataclysmic events
    of 1915 as genocide." The Representatives, noting President Ronald
    Reagan's references to the Armenian Genocide, reminded Secretary
    Rice that Amb. Evans "did nothing more than succinctly repeat the
    conclusions enunciated by those before him."

    The Congressional signatories also expressed concern about the role of
    the Government of Turkey in the impending removal of Amb. Evans from
    his posting. "Were the United States to allow the views or beliefs
    of a third country to interfere with our diplomatic postings to the
    Republic of Armenia," wrote the House members, "it would establish a
    dangerous precedent and be injurious to the long- standing relationship
    built on trust and friendship between the two countries."
