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Armenian Command Is Likely to Wage War Without People

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  • Armenian Command Is Likely to Wage War Without People

    17 July 06

    Over the past ten months the U.S. Army has stepped up a single
    military operation without reservists. It happened in Grenada, a tiny
    island-state. The operation in Iraq required serious mobilization,
    including foreign forces. When a military conflict between two states
    is prepared, whose troops count several tens of thousand, military
    planning cannot overlook the possibility of a lasting and large-scale
    war. At the same time, there is information that the Command of Armenia
    is likely to resolve all the military problems without reserves. This
    stance is devoid of military logic, it is absolutely nonsensical and
    is based on the personal and group interests of the Command and the
    government. It seems that the possibility of resumption of war is
    rather big, and it will be unforgivable to view the upcoming military
    operations as a "medium scale" armed conflict. Nobody has the right
    to stake the country's security on obstinate and pointless assertion
    of their doubtful views.

    It is not a secret that the Armenian Command is hopeful to crush
    the rival in a large-scale preventive operation. However, it would
    be impossible without increasing significantly the army personnel.
    Military experts say the number of reservists and their effectiveness
    is sufficient to carry out a successful military operation. However,
    it is nevertheless necessary to revive the tradition of Karabakh War
    I and create defense squads. Under certain conditions these defense
    squads can carry out important military tasks, not only in trenches
    but also in offensives. It should be noted that when there was a
    scorched smell in the air in spring 1988, 25,500 participants of
    the war in Karabakh returned to Armenia within two weeks, including
    a number of young people, who had to leave Armenia to look for jobs
    abroad. These people, away from the homeland, organized additional and
    charter flights and bus trips from the adjacent regions. It was not
    the initiative of the government, it was a natural reaction of this
    contingent of people. Now it is high time to take up the registration
    of volunteers again and implement the project of distributing weapon
    to volunteers. If the government in its present state does not trust
    these people, who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the Homeland,
    how can one trust such a government? However, mobilization after
    resumption of military actions seems even more nonsensical. One can
    be sure to state that the reason for such a strange behavior of the
    Armenian Command is the reluctance to increase the public and political
    status of the Armed Forces and the number of people in the society,
    who have guns, because it may lead to an attempt of the military
    sets to interfere with political matters. Besides a number of reserve
    officers most commanders of defense squads in Karabakh War I share this
    opinion. Patriots have not forgotten that there are tasks in Karabakh
    which have not been fulfilled yet. This contradicts with the concept
    of building of the Armenian armed forces and operational plans. No
    doubt the stance of the Armenian Command may lead to military success
    and may damage the country's defensive capacity. It is notable that
    this stance of the Armenian Command is officially approved by the
    Defense Ministry of Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    In this situation the parliaments of Armenia and NKR, political
    parties, non-governmental organizations, military experts and the
    media must give their evaluation of this stance. In this situation
    different views on the country's security cannot be left out of
    debate. Such an important defense potential cannot be allowed to be
    used so inefficiently due to personal and group interests of statesmen
    and politicians.

    If the leadership of the Armenian Ministry of Defense is so generous
    as to hope to fulfill military plans with a limited resource,
    combatant generals are eventually obliged to express their point
    of view, which essentially differs from that of the administration
    and the political leadership. The fact that the officer corps and
    participants of volunteer organizations are too politicized is a sign
    of moral pureness and responsibility of the public rather than internal
    threat or non-loyalty to the government. And the idea put forward in
    the political sphere that military actions will be sparked if weapon
    is distributed to defense squads is nonsense, and nobody believes it.