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Azerbaijan: Sentencing of Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev

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  • Azerbaijan: Sentencing of Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev

    Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture, Switzerland
    July 17 2006

    Azerbaijan: Sentencing of Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev

    Case AZE 250805.8 - Follow up to Cases AZE 250805 /.1 /.2 /.3 /.4 /.5
    /.6 /.7

    Geneva, 17 July 2006

    The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against
    Torture (OMCT) has received new information about the following
    situation in Azerbaijan.

    New Information

    The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Human
    Rights Centre of Azerbaijan, a member of the OMCT network, that on 12
    July 2006 the Court of Grave Crimes sentenced Mr. Ruslan Bashirli,
    chairman of the Youth Movement "Yeni Fikir" (New Idea) to seven years
    in prison, Mr. Ramin Tagiyev, vice-chairman of Yeni Fikir to four
    years and Mr. Said Nuri to five years. According to the information
    received, judge Tofiq Pasheyev read out the sentence and ordered a
    three year probation for Mr. Said Nuri, considering his illness, with
    the remaining two years in reformatory.

    According to the information received, they were charged with
    attempting to overthrow the government with the aid of the Armenian
    secret service. Furthermore, the charge of illegal entrepreneurship
    has been dropped on the suggestion of the prosecution. The defense
    lawyers asked the court to acquit the defendants. It is reported that
    none of the two lawyers, representing the Yeni Fikir members, was
    present at this hearing. One of them was informed about the hearing
    only half an hour before and the second lawyer was not informed at

    It is reported that Mr. Said Nuri said that representatives of Yeni
    Fikir will appeal the verdict and are willing to take the case as far
    as the European Court.

    The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned that the
    defendants' right to a jury trial -provided for by the Azerbaijani
    Code of Criminal Procedure - has not been respected. Moreover, the
    lawyers of Mr. Bashirli, Mr.Tagiyev and Mr. Nuri, were not present
    during the court session on 10 July 2006 in which the indictment was
    read out by the court. These grave violations of their procedural
    rights call into question the fairness of their trial.

    The International Secretariat of OMCT also expresses its grave
    concern over the independence of the judiciary.

    >Brief reminder of the situation

    According to the information received, Mr. Ruslan Bashirli was
    arrested on August 3, 2005, on charges of "plotting to overthrow the
    Azerbaijani leadership at the instigation of Armenian intelligence
    agents", with whom he allegedly met in Tbilisi on July 28 and 29,
    2005. A criminal case under clause 278 of the Criminal Code of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan ("actions directed to seizing or keeping the
    power by force") was brought against him by the Prosecutor's Office
    of the Republic of Azerbaijan. If found guilty, he could face life
    imprisonment. Moreover, he was accused of "illegal entrepreneurship"
    (Art.192 of the Criminal Code). According to the article, the running
    of a business (entrepreneurship) without registration or license is
    punished by fine, limitation of liberty up to 3 years, or
    imprisonment up to 5 years. However, this should not apply to a
    non-profit organisation. Furthermore, Mr. Ruslan Bashirli's family
    has been subjected to harassment. Mr. Ruslan Bashirli's father, Mr.
    Djalil Bashirli, was forced to leave his position as a schoolteacher.

    Moreover, his house, located in Zardob, was attacked by a mob that
    threw stones at his house. Mr. Ruslan Bashirli's uncle, Mr. Fuzuli
    Qasimov, senior tax inspector in the region of Goychay, was dismissed
    on August 8, 2005. Mr. Ruslan Bashirli was allegedly tortured which
    resulted in the deterioration of his health. Therefore he was
    transferred to the medical unit of the Bayil Prison, Baku city.

    However, according to his lawyer, the conditions of the medical unit
    did not permit adequate medical treatment.

    On 12 September 2005, police arrested Mr. Said Nuri. He was
    temporarily detained in confinement at the Narimanov District Police
    Administration, where he was reportedly accused of "preparation of a
    coup d'etat and getting financial support from interested forces".

    The "evidence" was his participation in a seminar in Poland organised
    by the Institute of European Democracy. On the day after his arrest,
    Mr. Nuri was hospitalised because of a poor health condition
    (talassemia, and problems with his internal organs) in the City
    Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Baku. On 14 September 2005, it was
    reported that Mr. Nuri had received necessary treatment and was
    released. However, the next day, he was rearrested on his way to
    work, although the Prosecutor's Office stated that he was "invited"
    by the investigator. On 14 November 2005, Mr. Said Nuri was released
    from hospital where he had been since 15 September 2005, and was
    placed under house arrest. At that time, the charges against him had
    not been dropped.

    On 16 September 2005, the Nasimi district court of Baku approved the
    preliminary arrest of Mr. Ramin Tagiyev. He was detained in Bayil
    Prison (Investigation Isolator #1 of the Ministry of Justice), on
    suspicion of preparing the forced seizure of power under the same
    case as Mr. Ruslan Bashirli's. Mr. Bashirli's lawyer would have
    reported that he was kept in a very cold cell in isolation.

    The trials for Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev started on 31
    March 2006 in the Court of Grave Crimes under chairmanship of judge
    Tofiq Pasheyev. The bill of accusations against the three men
    included Articles 278, 192.2.1 and 192.2.2 Criminal Code of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan (attempt of illegal seizure of power and
    illegal entrepreneurship). Following the decision of this judge that
    the hearings would take place behind closed doors, Mr. Bashirli and
    Mr. Tagiyev started a hunger strike on 2 April 2006. Moreover, on 7
    April 2006 Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev refused themselves
    lawyers, asserting that they do not consider their services useful if
    the process is not transparent. Following this, the judge forcibly
    appointed new lawyers, who are paid by the government, because the
    Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Azerbaijan states that
    a defendant who is tried under Article 278 is obligated to have a
    defender. Moreover, as conviction under Article 278 can lead to life
    imprisonment, in such cases Azerbaijani legislation requires, since 1
    September 2000, that the case is to be tried by a jury. However, for
    unknown reasons, the establishment of a jury is still pending.

    Therefore ordinary courts now give all the verdicts, including
    life-long sentences.

    Furthermore, during the above-mentioned hearing on 7 April 2006, the
    defendants were removed from the court hall for disruption of order
    because they actively protested and 'shouted various slogans'. Also,
    Mr. Said Nuri, who was placed under house arrest was threatened to be
    arrested if he continued to inform the media about the content of the
    closed hearings.

    Action requested

    Please continue to write to the authorities in Azerbaijan urging them

    i. Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and
    psychological integrity of Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev;
    ii. Ensure that, should Mr. Bashirli, Mr. Nuri and Mr. Tagiyev
    appeal, all their procedural rights will be respected;
    iii. Guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental
    freedoms throughout the country in accordance with international
    human rights standards.

    Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Office of
    the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 19 Istiqlaliyyat St.,
    Baku AZ1066, Azerbaijan, Fax: +994 12 492 06 25, +994 412 92 28 68,
    E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Prosecutor's Office, 7 Nigar Rafibeyli St., Baku, Azerbaijan, Fax:
    +994 12 492 06 82, +994 12 492 26 63, E-mail: [email protected]

    Minister of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijani Republic, Lt.-Gen.

    Ramil Usubov, Fax: + 994 12 492 45 90

    S.E. l'Ambassadeur H.E. Ambassador, Mr. Elchin Amirbayov, Rue de
    Lausanne 67, CH-1202, Genève, Suisse, e-mail :
    [email protected], fax: +4122 901 18 44

    Minister of Justice in Azerbaijan, Mr. Fikret Mamedov, Prospekt
    Stroitelej, 1 Baku Azerbaijan, e-mail: [email protected], Tel
    (99412) 430 01 16, Fax (99412) 430 09 81

    Azerbaijani Embassy in Brussels, Mr. Mamedov, Avenue Moliere, 464,
    1050 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 345 26 60, Fax: +32 2 345 91 85

    Please also write to the embassy of Azerbaijan in your respective
    country. page=article&num=6170&consol=close&kwr d=OMCT
