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BAKU: "Zerkalo": Positive Regulation of NK Conflict Requires Definit

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  • BAKU: "Zerkalo": Positive Regulation of NK Conflict Requires Definit

    "Zerkalo": Positive Regulation of Nagorno Garabagh Conflict Requires Definite Time

    Democratic Azerbaijan
    July 19 2006

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan declared it
    underling that Armenian part should refuse non-constructive statements
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Elmar Mamadyarov gave
    exclusive interview for IA "Trend". We would like to present it below:
    - How do you evaluate 33rd session of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
    of Organization of Islamic Conference held in Baku? To what extent it
    was efficient for Azerbaijan? - Results of 33rd session of Ministers
    of Foreign Affairs of Organization of Islamic Conference were useful
    from the point of view of political importance of discussed issues
    and taken decisions and from the point of view of high evaluation
    given by member-states. Wide opportunities were opened to address
    global problems, threats, calls faced by world of today. In the
    course of discussions such issues as peace process in the Middle
    East, situation in Iraq and Somali, nuclear program of Iran etc. were
    focused on. Important resolutions were adopted at session: "Destruction
    of historical, cultural monuments of Islam on occupied Azerbaijani
    territories on the part of Armenia", "Aggression of Republic of Armenia
    against Republic of Azerbaijan", "Economical aid to the Republic of
    Azerbaijan". - Which compromises should Armenia make for progress
    of the process of regulation of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabakh
    conflict? Is any preparation made for next top level meeting? -
    Efforts directed to regulation of the conflict should be made within
    the scope of peace talks. In this respect Armenian side should refuse
    non-constructive statements concerning previous talks, put up with
    the fact that in the world of today occupation policy and policy of
    ethnic cleaning cannot be accepted. As for top level meetings if the
    matter concerns meeting of the Presidents, I can say that now talks are
    held within the scope of Paris Peace talks process. In accordance with
    Paris process uncoordinated issues shall be presented for discussions
    of the Presidents as soon as they are coordinated at the level of
    ministers of Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately, non-constructive position
    of Armenia regarding some issues including return of IDPs impedes
    talk process. Positive solving requires definite time. International
    law and international conventions definitely recognize the right
    to return persons who were forcibly removed from their places of
    constant residence. - Which measures will be taken by official Baku
    following acts of vandalism on the part of Armenia, which destroys
    natural and cultural heritage on occupied territories of Azerbaijan?

    - The issue was raised in the course of 33rd session of the Ministers
    of Foreign Affairs of OIC. In this connection it was decided that OIC
    Secretary General would apply to the UN Secretary General. Moreover,
    diplomatic representative offices of the Republic of Azerbaijan to
    foreign countries particularly to international organizations have
    appropriate tasks in order to demonstrate documents and photos made
    by satellite proving committed arsons and other acts of vandalism
    to world community. In connection with this issue we declare
    that no matter that these fires are natural or set purposefully,
    Armenian side is responsible for negative consequences of fires
    from ecological and moral point of views. - What development
    perspectives Azerbaijan has within the frames of GUAM? - I hope,
    GUAM will turn into influential international organization to solve
    such issues as creation of democratic society and promotion of social
    economic development, integration in European structures, providing
    stability and security in the region, and it will promote joint
    solving of complicated matters faced by member-states now. - Taking
    into account statements made by some CIS members concerning walkout,
    what is Azerbaijan's position in this respect? - Now we have no plans
    to review the level of our CIS-membership. We support more sweeping
    reforms in CIS aiming at accordance with modern world building. -
    What position does official Baku adheres regarding tension connected
    with Iranian nuclear program? How possible attempt of forcible solution
    may affect the situation? - We repeatedly stated that development of
    nuclear program in peace effort and within the frames of cooperation
    with International agencies on atomic energy is sovereign right of
    every state. We hope that following efforts of international community
    tension will be removed diplomatically. We do not believe that problem
    will be solved by military intervention as we hold that maintenance
    of stability and security is major task.