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Heritage Calls News Conference: Headquarters Reopened?

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  • Heritage Calls News Conference: Headquarters Reopened?

    The Heritage Party
    Yerevan 0033, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 58.08.77, 52.22.38
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 54.38.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    July 20, 2006

    Heritage Calls News Conference: Headquarters Reopened?

    Yerevan--Today the Heritage Party held its first press conference in its
    offices since their being put under illegal lock on March 4, 2006, by the
    management of the Paronian Theater. After months of disrupted office
    operations, political persecutions, and judicial hassles--and accepting as a
    legal basis the June 26 verdict of the Court of First Instance of Yerevan's
    Central and Nork-Marash communities, which went into effect on July 12--the
    party's board members, in the presence of several media representatives,
    opened the office doors at noon and then proceeded inside. These doors had
    been sealed for unsubstantiated reasons by marshals from the Service for
    Mandatory Execution of Judicial Acts (SMEJA) on May 30, only one day after
    the office's reopening pursuant to the Court's injunction. SMEJA and the
    theater's representatives refused to be present at the reopening of the
    office. When entering the premises, the Heritage officials and the
    accompanying participants in the press conference noticed that the seal
    placed on the door of the office's fifth floor had been broken and one of
    the windows was open.

    The opening remarks of the news conference were made by the Heritage's
    political secretary Vardan Khachatrian. "All that which the party has gone
    through recently is for us merely one in a long series of phases of our
    political quest for liberty, democracy, and the rule of law. This clearly
    proves that the coming together of noble, ethical, and untainted forces has
    no viable alternative," Khachatrian stated.

    Responding to questions posed by the members of the media, Khachatrian also
    gave details about the party's main priorities and concerns as well as the
    courses of action it plans to take. In his words, the Heritage Party has
    already initiated multi-level consultations to consolidate the political
    field and civil society, the results of which should become more tangible by

    The press conference also touched upon the Heritage Party's position on the
    regulation of the Mountainous Karabagh conflict. In this respect, Vardan
    Khachatrian underscored the imperatives of Mountainous Karabagh's
    participation in the peace negotiations and the resolution of the conflict
    within the context of the supremacy of human rights. Khachatrian also
    revealed that, in addition to its ten-point plan as detailed on its website,
    the party will soon prepare a comprehensive analysis of the Karabagh issue
    and convene a special round-table policy discussion devoted to it, "since a
    just settlement on Artsakh is the most crucial challenge facing the Armenian
    nation and its future," Khachatrian concluded.

    Founded in 2002, Heritage has regional divisions throughout the land. Its
    central headquarters are located at 7 Vazgen Sargsian Street, Yerevan 0010,
    Armenia, with telephone contact at (374-10) 580.877, fax at (374-10)
    543.897, email at [email protected], and website at