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Construction of Cathedral to Be Started in Stepanakert July 22

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  • Construction of Cathedral to Be Started in Stepanakert July 22

    Construction of Cathedral to Be Started in Stepanakert July 22

    19.07.2006 18:34 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The first stone of the cathedral of the Artsakh
    diocese will be laid in Stepanakert July 22. Catholicos of All
    Armenians Garegin II will take part in the ceremony. As reported by, the place for the new church was chosen by head of
    the Artsakh diocese, Archbishop Pargev Martirosian.

    To note, Stepanakert has lived without church for many years. The
    soviet statistics says that Karabakh was the only spot on the USSR
    territory where no single church has functioned since 1930. But before
    1930 each village in Karabakh had a small church. The big church in
    Stepanakert was transformed into a theater while the ancient church of
    Vararakn is still located on the territory of an entertainment center.