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NKR Adheres to Supreme Values - Freedom and Democracy

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  • NKR Adheres to Supreme Values - Freedom and Democracy

    NKR Adheres to Supreme Values - Freedom and Democracy

    19.07.2006 18:32 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    responded today to a July 17th speech on the House floor by Congressman
    Dan Burton (R-IN) that seriously misrepresented Nagorno Karabakh's
    history, status, and right to self-determination.

    The Indiana legislator took to the House floor yesterday in an apparent
    attempt to undermine the growing Congressional support for Nagorno
    Karabakh - as demonstrated by the successful recent Washington, DC
    visit and U.S. Capitol reception for the Parliamentary Speaker and
    Foreign Minister of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. Commenting
    on what he perceived as a pro-Nagorno Karabakh tilt among U.S.
    legislators, Rep. Burton stressed that: "Any outside influence, any
    shift in neutrality can only result in a false peace. That is why I
    am deeply concerned when I hear some of my colleagues throwing barbs
    at the Azeris and attempting to lay all the blame for this complicated
    issue at their doorstep."

    In a factually incorrect statement, he sought to call into question
    Nagorno Karabakh's right to self-determination, asserting that:
    "So far as I know, the Nagorno Karabakh region has never been a part
    of Armenia. To suggest otherwise, and to suggest that the problems
    in Nagorno Karabakh are caused solely by Azerbaijan seems to me to
    distort the facts and potentially undermine our good faith efforts
    to see this conflict resolved; and to see peace and prosperity come
    to the people of both Azerbaijan and Armenia."

    In a three-page fact sheet sent to every Congressional office, the
    ANCA challenged Congressman Burton's inaccurate description of the
    Nagorno Karabakh issue as well as the biased and counter-productive
    advice he offered to his House colleagues. The key points addressed in
    the ANCA document included: 1) Nagorno Karabakh's commitment to peace;
    2) Azerbaijan's threat to regional stability; 3) Nagorno Karabakh's
    economic growth; 4) Nagorno Karabakh's right to self-determination;
    5) Nagorno Karabakh's commitment to democracy; 6) Nagorno Karabakh's
    pivotal role in ending the Soviet threat to America

    In addition, the ANCA provided a one-page update on Azerbaijan's
    post-Soviet evolution into an increasingly corrupt and autocratic
    petro-state, characterized by leaders who seek to bridge the growing
    gap with their own population by demonizing their Armenian neighbors,
    ANCA press release says.