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Truth Still Banned in Turkey, EAFJD Says

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  • Truth Still Banned in Turkey, EAFJD Says

    Truth Still Banned in Turkey, EAFJD Says

    19.07.2006 15:55 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Turkish Court of Appeal, on the 12 July,
    confirmed the suspended jail sentence which faced Hrant Dink, the
    Armenian journalist. Mr Dink was initially condemned in October 2005
    under article 301 of the Turkish penal code for an article published
    on 13 February of 2004. In that publication, he had called upon the
    Armenians to "turn toward the renewed blood of independent Armenia".

    The European Armenian Federation is highlighting this new incident
    against freedom of speech as it occurs only a few days after legal
    actions were taken by Turkish extremist organizations against Karekin
    II, the Catholicos of all Armenians. His Holiness Karekin II was in
    fact giving a pastoral visit to his flock in Turkey at the end of
    June. During an interview with the Turkish press, when interrogated
    on the Armenian Genocide, he had stated that 'historians committees'
    are no longer relevant since the "Armenian genocide has been studied
    by scholars for more than 90 years".

    After the declaration of His Holiness, and in order to protect the
    Armenian minority from the threats it had received, the Armenian
    Patriarch of Turkey, Mgr Mutafyan felt obliged to iterate the denials
    of Ankara by stating that "the 1915 issue should be submitted
    to historians and scholars from each side to achieve a better
    understanding of the sensitivities of each side".

    "It is now clear to everyone that beyond the usual attacks against
    freedom of speech, Turkey targets specially the truth about the
    Armenian genocide," said Laurent Leylekian, the executive director
    of the European Armenian Federation.

    "We hail the reaction of the European Commission against this blatant
    violation of the right to freedom of speech. However, to follow the
    process to its logical conclusion, the Commission should now assess
    the Turkish denial policy as such, as it does for freedom of speech,
    minority rights or gender issues. It is politically incorrect that
    this criterion is left out of the assessment process and that it
    is only skimmed over in the regular reports," concluded Leylekian,
    reported the EAFJD press unit.