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Arab-Israeli Conflict Dangerous to Middle East Armenian Community

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  • Arab-Israeli Conflict Dangerous to Middle East Armenian Community

    Arab-Israeli Conflict Dangerous to Middle East Armenian Community

    21.07.2006 16:54 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ A few months will be necessary for attaining any
    peace in the Middle East, Head of Hay Dat Office, ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    Bureau Responsible for Foreign Policy Affairs Kiro Manoyan stated
    in Yerevan.

    In his words, preservation of Lebanon as an independent state is the
    point. "In worst case Lebanon will face civil war: if relations between
    Hezbollah and Lebanese exacerbate. Then the Armenian community will
    have to leave the country. Unfortunately, our country cannot host that
    number of refugees and they will probably go to the West. Moreover,
    the current Arab-Israeli conflict is dangerous to Middle East Armenian
    community," Manoyan stressed.

    He also added that if the international community cannot stop Israeli
    invasion, 20-25km of South Lebanon will be annexed. "This war is a
    conflict between two branches of Islam, it is not another Arab-Israeli
    conflict. The Iranian factor is present as well and it proves its
    superiority over the US forces in Iraq almost every day," Manoyan said.