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To Create Synergy In The Fight Against Criminality Of The Political

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  • To Create Synergy In The Fight Against Criminality Of The Political

    Margaret Yesayan
    21 July 06

    PPA leader Stepan Demirchian thinks that this must be the aim of the
    opposition powers.

    Mr. Demirchian, how duo you describe political situation of Armenia
    today, it is already obvious that parties from the authority and
    political powers prepare for the coming elections more actively.

    It's a pre-electoral year and everyone prepares for the elections. It's
    obvious that the authority will make all efforts for reproduction. But
    it isn't workable because there is no positive improvement in the
    country in these years: neither people's life has improved nor
    complaints has reduced and nor injustice. People won't vote the
    representatives of this authority though all their efforts. As regards
    the opposition, it will say its word. The PPA is busy in its inter
    party problems, strengthening its structures, and we prepare for the
    coming session of our party in autumn.

    Will you participate in the elections alone or with the bloc?

    I haven't decided yet.

    There are analyzes that the current opposition can't be in the
    Parliament 2007, do you agree with this opinion?

    You shouldn't pay attention to those analyzes and
    predictions. According to Â"GelapÂ" polling the PPA has no problem
    for entering the Parliament and only 7% of society won't give votes
    to the PPA.

    There is an opinion that the opposition has never been so weak and
    passive than it is now. How do you explain it?

    I should remind that same opposition won both in presidential and
    parliamentary elections in 2003, now it will also win in a fair
    fight. It's another matter that the society doesn't believe that
    something is possible to change in this country in civil way. The
    overwhelming majority of the society doesn't believe in fair
    elections. The reform of "Electoral Code" is meaningless here. It's
    very amusing, every time they rig the elections and speak of "EC"
    reforms. And the problem is still the same, as it was before, this
    is the problem of the whole society: to prevent falsifications and
    forbid reproduction of the authority in illegal way. I'm sure, we
    can solve that problem.

    It seems the oppositionist parties will find effective mechanisms of
    collaboration. It is spoken a lot about the necessity of formation of
    ideological unions, it is important, but first of all serious political
    powers must create synergy against criminality of the political area.

    But the authorities don't hide that they will do their best for

    We also must do our best to give the authority back to the people,
    because reproduction of such authority will bring misfortune to
    the people.
