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Azeri official says Karabakh talks reach "most sensitive point"

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  • Azeri official says Karabakh talks reach "most sensitive point"

    Azeri official says Karabakh talks reach "most sensitive point"

    ANS TV, Baku
    20 Jul 06

    [Presenter] The Baku government has already commented on the
    report prepared by the personal representative of the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office, Andrzej Kasprzyk, on fires set by Armenians [in
    Nagornyy Karabakh]. Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov rated highly
    the report that confirmed that Armenians set the fires.

    The Baku government hopes that the expected visit of the US co-chairman
    [of the OSCE Minsk Group], Matthew Bryza, to the region will have
    a positive effect on the Nagornyy Karabakh settlement. Araz Azimov
    commented on the situation in the settlement process in the run-up
    to the visit.

    [Azimov] The process has reached the most sensitive point. The latest
    statements by the co-chairmen have somehow impacted on the process. If
    necessary measures are not taken, this impact can be negative.

    We are ready to take appropriate steps to further discussions in an
    effective way. But again, like in all cases, we should be based on
    law. Any idea can be considered only within the framework of these