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Armenian MP happy about Iran's position on Karabakh conflict

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  • Armenian MP happy about Iran's position on Karabakh conflict

    Armenian MP happy about Iran's position on Karabakh conflict

    Ayots Ashkar, Yerevan
    19 Jul 06

    Excerpt from Vaan Vardanyan report by Armenian newspaper Ayots Ashkar
    on 19 July entitled "The Armenian-Iranian relations"

    An interview with the leader of the RPA [Republican Party of Armenia]
    parliamentary faction, Galust Saakyan. He commented on the results
    of the recent visit of the Armenian parliamentary delegation to Iran.

    [Correspondent] Mr Saakyan, what was the purpose of the visit of the
    parliamentary delegation to Iran? Who did you meet there? What issues
    did you discuss?

    [Saakyan] Members of the Armenia-Iran interparliamentary friendship
    group in the National Assembly visited Iran at the invitation of
    the Iran-Armenia parliamentary friendship group. Its purpose was to
    discuss the current state of our relations and prospects of them. I
    do not remember any visit of the parliamentary delegations held at
    such a high level. We had meetings at standing commissions of the
    Iranian Majlis, met speaker of parliament, discussed wide-ranging
    issues of mutual interest, including economic ones.

    Naturally, we also met representatives of the Armenian community of
    Iran and once again were convinced that Iran's state policy towards
    ethnic Armenians is very positive. Our Iranian counterparts emphasized
    correct position of the Armenian community in relations with the state.

    [Correspondent] What positive steps may be expected in development
    of mutual relations in the near future?

    [Saakyan] Both the Iranian side and we stressed that there were all
    the grounds for the development of normal relations. We do not have
    religious, ethnic, political or other disagreements which may create
    extra problems for cooperation. This was general position of our
    delegation although the opposition representatives were also involved
    in it.

    [Passage omitted: the names of the opposition representatives]

    As for the prospects, the Iranian side thinks that the implementation
    of all joint big projects are of great significance. They proved
    once again that they are ready to complete the construction of the
    Iran-Armenia gas pipeline by the end of this year. The Iranian side
    is concerned about the issue as we shall return consumed gas prices
    with electricity which Iran needs today and Armenia has relevant
    capacity. Iran is also concerned at transportation via the territory
    of Armenia towards Georgian ports and then to Ukraine, western Russia
    and Europe. We also discussed the importance of taking advantage of
    Iranian communication system and using it for Armenia's needs. Our
    Iranian counterparts believe it is highly important if we create
    normal legislative guarantees for the Iranian business in Armenia. Some
    problems in the banking system should also be settled.

    It was mentioned several times during the meetings that the documents
    signed during the visit replenished the necessary legal and contractual
    basis. At present wider prospects are being opened in the field of
    economic relations.

    In general, there is big unrealized potential in the Armenian-Iranian
    relations which should be exploited.

    [Correspondent] Did you discuss the Karabakh issue? What is Iran's
    current position on this issue?

    [Saakyan] Iran's position remains balanced and we think it is
    normal. We discussed the issue and said that it was not the religious
    conflict, and Iran sees the settlement only on the basis of mutual
    agreements between the parties to the conflict. This is really an
    impartial position if we take into account that anyway Azerbaijan is
    a Muslim state.

    But I should say that apprehensions over Azerbaijan are not so much
    favourable in Iran. Over the meetings, our Iranian partners mentioned
    that they watch Azerbaijan as a factor which may be used by the USA
    to cause problems to Iran's security.