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BAKU: European Union pays to Azerbaijan special attention

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  • BAKU: European Union pays to Azerbaijan special attention


    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    July 22, 2006

    Special Representative of the European Union on Southern Caucasus
    Peter Semnebey held a news conference on results of his visit to the
    country, 21 July.

    Having noted, that the main purpose of visit consists in discussion
    of the Plan of Activity for Azerbaijan in the frame of the New
    Neighborhood Policy of the European Union, P. Semnebey informed, that
    at meetings with officials of Azerbaijan he had comprehensive exchange
    of views in 9 basic directions of the plan. They cover settlement
    of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, development
    of democratic institutes in the country, the human rights protection
    and supremacy of law, regional cooperation and other questions.

    He has told that 'though negotiations on the Plan of Activity yet
    have not completed, the successes, nevertheless, have been already
    reached, and there were only technical questions. The Plan opens new
    opportunities for the further rapprochement of Azerbaijan with the
    Union. Azerbaijan represents special value for the European Union. I
    consider, that Azerbaijan, too, is interested in establishment of
    wide contacts with EU', he stressed.

    Noting, that at the meetings he held also discussed was the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, P. Semnebey has once again stated the
    position of the European Union in connection with the conflict and
    has emphasized, that EU supports peace settlement of the conflict
    and though directly is not engaged in its solution, nevertheless,
    can assist its elimination.

    The Special Representative informed that now he would leave for Armenia
    where would also touch the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. At his words,
    in the meetings with the Armenian officials he is going also to focus
    the arsons committed by Armenians in the occupied areas.