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Multi-Pronged Health Care Program

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  • Multi-Pronged Health Care Program

    PRESS RELEASE Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) - Yerevan Office
    53-55 Pavstos Byuzand Street, 375010
    Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
    Contact: Inessa Grigoryan
    Tel: (+374 10) 522076; 562068
    Fax: (+374 10) 522076
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Children of Armenia Fund - New York Office
    630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100,
    New York, NY 10111, USA
    Contact: Mariam Dilakian
    Tel: 212 - 994 - 8201
    Fax: 212 - 994 - 8299
    E-mail: [email protected]

    For immediate release

    Multi-Pronged Health Care Program
    Villages of the Armavir District Benefit from
    Training in Reproductive Health & Dental and Eye Care Program

    Armavir District, Republic of Armenia, July 24, 2006 --¾ The
    Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) continues to upgrade and expand the
    healthcare component of its Integrated Rural Development Program in
    Armavir. During eight weeks in June and July 2006, the communities of
    Argina, Dalarik, Karakert, Lernagog, Myasnikyan, and Shenik were the
    beneficiaries of the scheduled screening stops by the dental and eye
    care mobile clinics. Also in this period, COAF conducted training
    in all six communities in reproductive health and rights. These
    three projects were implemented through partnered agreements with
    the Armenian Dental Society of California (ADSC), Armenian Eye Care
    Project (AECP), and Counterpart International (CI), respectively.

    The first of these recently completed initiatives is the dental
    care project that benefited 233 schoolchildren. In a series of
    scheduled stops on the school grounds of each of the Model Cluster
    communities, these children were diagnosed and treated in the mobile
    dental clinic. The two dentists and nurse on board of the ADSC mobile
    clinic are highly qualified and experienced in providing the needed
    screening and treatment in a confined environment. Similarly, the
    AECP Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes initiative brought the Mobile
    Eye Hospital to the Model Cluster villages to identify eye problems,
    screen patients and provide follow-on treatment, as needed. In this
    year's program, 433 adults and 1,143 children were examined. Of those
    examined, 192 adults and 87 children were diagnosed with problems and
    treated and 31 adults and 55 children were referred to specialized
    hospitals for follow-on treatment. Additionally, 46 adults from
    socially disadvantaged families received free subscription glasses.

    The third project is an integral part of COAF's Community Health
    Education (CHE) program. Raising Awareness of Women in Reproductive
    Health and Rights was realized with funding from CI. The goal
    of the project was to improve the quality of life of women in
    the Model Cluster communities. Specifically, the project aimed
    at identifying reproductive health risks and violation of women's
    rights and raising their awareness on reproductive rights, behavioral
    risks and prevention of gender-based violence. During the project
    implementation period, COAF conducted focus group discussions and
    surveys, developed educational materials for training 30 trainers,
    who subsequently held training sessions for larger groups throughout
    the Model Cluster. In addition, information pamphlets were published
    and distributed widely. The project benefited around 1,400 women from
    COAF's six communities.

    Through these partnered initiatives COAF continues to fulfill its
    commitment to Save a Generation to Preserve a Nation.

    The Armenian Eye Care Project is a non-profit organization dedicated
    to providing ophthalmologic care to the Armenian people through five
    primary programs. These include 1) direct patient care; 2) medical
    training and education, including training in Armenia and U.S.
    ophthalmology fellowships; 3) public education and awareness; 4)
    research; 5) strengthening the Armenian eye care delivery system
    through capacity building. The organization is governed by a volunteer
    board of directors.

    The Armenian Dental Society of California (ADSC) was founded in 1993
    and since its inception has undertaken various projects both in the US
    and Armenia. One of ADSC's major undertakings for the past few years
    has been its Sponsor a Smile Project. With the aim to address the
    lack of access to dental care in Armenia and through the acquisition
    and conversion of a bus to a mobile dental clinic, ADSC has been able
    to reach out to distant communities in Armenia providing dental care
    to thousands of schoolchildren.

    Founded in 1965, Counterpart International (CI) is a non-profit
    organization dedicated to building a just world through service and
    partnership. CI's program areas include agriculture, civil society,
    public policy and advocacy, social, rural and urban development. The
    representation of CI in Armenia focuses primarily on the protection
    of human rights and humanitarian assistance. It has also an important
    grants program to support the activities of local non-governmental

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