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It Is Not Too Late To Dismiss Serge Sargsyan

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  • It Is Not Too Late To Dismiss Serge Sargsyan

    24 July 06

    Immediately after the extraordinary assembly of the Republican Party
    the wish to leave the hall occurred. Not only because it was hot
    in the hall but also to go out to the street to see what changed
    in the country after the extraordinary gathering of the Republican
    Party. It turned out that nothing had changed. The same heat. If
    the assembly changed anything, it changed only for the Republican
    or at best the government. And their behavior shows that something
    did change for these two subjects. For the public, the Republican
    Party and government are the same. However, this is not very close
    to being true and this is the reason for holding an assembly when
    it is 40 degrees outside. The Republicans have never made so much
    effort, and it means that they have appeared in a new situation,
    for throughout the gathering Andranik Margaryan and Tigran Torosyan
    assured their fellow party members that the Republican will go on,
    that there are no controversies between the old (Andranik Margaryan
    and administrative-criminal community) and new (Serge Sargsyan +
    a new "consignment" of the administrative-criminal community) members.

    All this shows the contrary. In fact, there are no controversies,
    but there are concerns that they will occur. Moreover, Andranik
    Margaryan and Tigran Torosyan are worried that their controversies
    as such may not manage to occur and something may happen to the party
    that the wife of the founder of the Republican Party of Armenia Ashot
    Navasardyan does not expect - Andranik Margaryan may be ousted from the
    leadership of the party. And there are all the preconditions. After
    the expansion of the council of the Republican Party the pro-Serge
    Sargsyan members of the council are equal. In number, whereas by their
    influence they exceed the team of Andranik Margaryan. For instance,
    Karen Karapetyan and Harutiun Pambukyan officially lead the sphere of
    economic and political activities of the Republican. And they became
    Republicans only several days ago, they came with Serge Sargsyan.

    Could Andranik Margaryan and Tigran Torosyan prevent the fast
    expansion of influence of the defense minister? Maybe they could,
    but it would require sacrifices in power. Whereas in the perception
    of these people the political party is a means to remain in power and
    they would not dream even in their nightmares that they can sacrifice
    power for the party. Meanwhile, they are ready to sacrifice the party
    for power. However, Margaryan and Torosyan now understand that by
    losing the party they lose power. In other words, in this case they
    do not sacrifice their status in the party for the sake of power,
    the political party is taken away from them. There are no guarantees
    that in this case Margaryan and Torosyan may benefit in 2007 more
    than an ordinary Republican who wonders for what merits a two-day-old
    Republican becomes a party leader. It is natural that the old leaders
    of the Republican Party must assure their ordinary members that the
    Republican will remain faithful to the tradition. There is nothing
    else they can do, like a man who travels at night and shouts out of
    fear not to be afraid. Andranik Margaryan and Tigran Torosyan are
    now busy shouting.

    And they have every reason to shout, in other words, to be afraid.
    After all the Republican elite realizes that it is not realistic to
    rely on their team any more. The prime minister and the speaker of the
    National Assembly must remember how Hakob Hakobyan named Republican
    Galust Sahakyan as an opponent to Republican Tigran Torosyan. By the
    way, Hakob Hakobyan became Republican after Serge Sargsyan. For Galust
    Sahakyan, for instance, it does not matter who will guarantee the
    post of deputy mayor of his son, Andranik Margaryan or Serge Sargsyan.

    On top of all, Andranik Margaryan cannot rely on Tigran Torosyan either
    when on the very first day Torosyan hurried to assure Serge Sargsyan,
    the newly elected chair of the Council of the Republican Party that
    they do not have controversies, and such rumors are nonsense. He
    hurried because there is no time, Serge Sargsyan announces that he
    ahs launched a process which will produce its first fruits in three
    or four months. And it can be seen with the naked eye that Tigran
    Torosyan needs these fruits more than Andranik Margaryan. Therefore,
    he needs to find a place in this process. There is no time for the
    political party. The Republican Party is neither the first nor the
    last. Loyalty has never done good to anyone in Armenia. Moreover,
    "Betraying in time is not betrayal but far-sightedness," the personage
    of Garage said. The heroes of our time are not worse. Besides, once
    Andranik Margaryan found a common language with Serge Sargsyan six
    months ago and did not regret. Why shouldn't Tigran Torosyan try as
    well? Simply, there is a nuance. If six years ago the "language"
    Andranik Margaryan found decided the fate of the Republican Party,
    six years later the "language" found by Torosyan will decide the fate
    of Margaryan. Especially that Serge Sargsyan is good at languages,
    after all he is a philologist.
