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ASBAREZ Online [07-27-2006]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [07-27-2006]


    1. Rep. Pallone Urges Senate to Block Hoagland Nomination
    2. Western Prelate Issues Appeal for Lebanon Victims
    3. Rights Group Asks Kocharian to Include Refugee Issues in Talks

    1. Rep. Pallone Urges Senate to Block Hoagland Nomination

    WASHINGTON--In a July 25th speech on the House floor, Congressional Armenian
    Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) called on the US Senate to block the
    nomination of Richard Hoagland to serve as the next US Ambassador to Armenia,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
    In his remarks, the New Jersey legislator outlined the reasons for his
    opposition, notably Ambassador-designate Hoagland's denial of the Armenian
    Genocide and his evasiveness and lack of responsiveness to Senate inquiries.
    He also highlighted the failure of the Administration to respond honestly to
    communications it held with the Turkish government concerning the firing of
    current US Ambassador to Armenia John Evans over his February 2005 remarks
    affirming the Armenian Genocide.
    Congressman Pallone closed his speech by noting his "fear that sending an
    ambassador to Yerevan who denies the Armenian genocide would represent a
    escalation in the Bush administration's ignorance and support in Turkey's
    campaign of genocide denial. The State Department has reported to Senate
    offices that they expect Ambassador Designate Hoagland to be confirmed
    during a
    business meeting early next week. I would urge the Senate to block his
    nomination until this administration recognizes the Armenian genocide."

    The full text of Congressman Pallone's speech, excerpted from the July 25
    Congressional Record, is provided below:

    Ambassador Nominee Richard Hoagland

    Mr. Speaker, I rise this evening to express my concerns with the
    nomination of
    Richard Hoagland as US Ambassador to Armenia . Many questions remain regarding
    US policy on the Armenian genocide, and they remain unanswered. Key Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee members continue to have serious misgivings about
    the nomination.
    Two weeks ago, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee considered Mr.
    Hoagland's nomination. During the hearing, Mr. Hoagland failed to adequately
    respond to the questions asked by the Senators, including not clarifying the
    US's policy in the denial of the Armenian genocide. In many instances, he did
    not respond to specific Senate inquires. He diverted his answers by responding
    with what seemed like prepared talking points, and went to great lengths to
    avoid using the term genocide.
    Additionally, in response to a written inquiry from Senator John Kerry
    concerning Turkey's criminal prosecution of journalists for writing about the
    Armenian genocide, Mr. Hoagland referred to these writings as allegations.
    Mr. Speaker, the US has historically taken a leadership role in preventing
    genocide and human rights violations, but the Bush administration continues to
    play word games by not calling evil by its proper name. Instead, they refer to
    the mass killings of 1.5 million Armenians as tragic events. This term cannot
    be substituted for genocide. The two words are simply not synonymous.
    Mr. Speaker, there are historical documents that cannot be refuted, yet
    somehow the Administration continues to ignore the truth in fear of offending
    another government.
    The Bush administration has not offered a meaningful explanation of its
    reasons for firing the current US Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans. In fact,
    the State Department's assertion that it did not receive any communications
    from the Turkish Government concerning Ambassador Evans' February 2005
    affirmation of the Armenian genocide is simply not credible.
    Official Department of Justice filings by the Turkish Government's registered
    foreign agent, the Livingston Group, document that there are at least four
    different occasions of communications with State
    Department officials following Ambassador Evans' remarks affirming the
    Armenian genocide. Still, the State Department refutes these claims.
    Mr. Speaker, this lack of honesty has been an all too common practice of the
    Bush administration. The American people and this Congress deserve a full and
    truthful account of the role of the Turkish Government in denying the Armenian
    genocide. Our Nation's response to genocide should not be denigrated to a
    acceptable to the Turkish Government. It is bout time the Bush administration
    started dictating a policy for Americans and not for a foreign government.
    Mr. Speaker, I fear that sending an ambassador to Yerevan who denies the
    Armenian genocide would represent a tragic escalation in the Bush
    administration's ignorance and support in Turkey's campaign of genocide
    denial. The State Department has reported to
    Senate offices that they expect Ambassador Designate Hoagland to be confirmed
    during a business meeting early next week. I would urge the Senate to block
    nomination until this administration recognizes the Armenian genocide.

    2. Western Prelate Issues Appeal for Lebanon Victims

    Western Prelate, Archbishop Moushegh Madirossian issued an appeal to the
    Armenian community to assist in humanitarian efforts and prayers for the
    victims of the ongoing Israeli bombing of Lebanon, reported the Western
    Prelacy. Below is the translated text of the appeal:

    "Let Us Reach Out to the Victims in Lebanon"
    We know that our faithful have been following the calamity in Lebanon that
    caused suffering for all the Lebanese people, but especially for innocent
    We would like to keep the public informed about appeals that have been
    made to
    His Eminence Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, in support of Lebanon
    and the aid offered to the victims.
    The Prelate has been in constant contact with His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos
    of the Great House of Cilicia, to become better informed about the situation
    and to hear the suggestions of His Holiness. on how we can lend a helping hand
    to the Lebanese people and especially our Armenian brethren. As stated in our
    previous press release, the Prelate celebrated the Feast of the
    of our Lord on Sunday July 23, at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood, where he
    also urged the faithful to provide aid to Lebanon. On this same day, a
    prayer was also offered in all Prelacy churches for peace and for the innocent
    The Prelate has also been in regular contact with the Consul General of
    Lebanon. The Prelacy has representatives on a committee established by the
    Consulate General to work towards securing assistance for Lebanon. The
    representatives are delegates Mr. Hrair Balian and Mr. Ghazaros Ghazarossian.
    Reflecting on the situation, the Prelate stated, "Lebanon and its people are
    once again subjected to dreadful conditions, at a time when the wounds from
    previous conflicts had not completely healed yet. Under the current
    the Lebanese people and the Armenian community there are in need of assistance
    and support. Taking this opportunity, I would like to once again extend a
    to our Prelacy faithful and community organizations to assist the victims of
    Lebanon to the best of their abilities. We also pray for the fighting to come
    to an end as soon as possible and for peace to be restored in the country."

    3. Rights Group Asks Kocharian to Include Refugee Issues in Talks

    YEREVAN (Yerkir)--Refugees and International Law civil association network has
    sent an open letter to Armenian President Robert Kocharian. The text of the
    letter is presented below:

    Your Excellency,

    Refugees and International Law civil association network, with a mission to
    protect rights of Armenian refugees expelled from Soviet Azerbaijan and
    Nakhichevan by force, suggests that you include the issue of 500,000 Armenian
    refugees in the agenda of your talks on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. Any settlement, leaving out restoration and full protection of
    of hundreds of our compatriots is not satisfactory.
    Problems of Armenian refugees can be divided into three main categories:
    1. Acquiring a Fatherland,
    2. Compensation of direct material and moral damage, resulting from
    from Soviet Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan
    3. Compensation of indirect material and moral damage, resulting from
    deportation from Soviet Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan.
    Surveys among Armenian refugees indicate that they will not return to their
    previous residences under the jurisdiction of the Azerbaijan. We already
    had an
    opportunity to state that as the Azerbaijan has refused to become the
    of the Soviet Azerbaijan, the only legal successor of the latter is the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.
    If Armenian refugees from Soviet Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan are granted
    Nagorno-Karabakh citizenship and if they get territories, outside the
    boundaries, within which the Karabakh was declared, but on which it has
    jurisdiction over today, this can partially solve their problems.
    Refugees and International Law civil association network has also appealed to
    the US Embassy in Armenia, suggesting that it organizes a meeting with OSCE
    Minsk Group's US Co-Chair Matthew Bryza. During this meeting the group
    plans to
    submit a message to Mr. Bryza, addressed to Minsk Group co-chairs and discuss
    issues and concerns facing Armenian refugees."
    The same organization sent a similar message to Azeri President Ilham Aliyev.

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